General Rules

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Membership & Services
Access to NamePros and some of our Services may be without charge and/or without requiring prior registration. That does not alter the binding effect of our TOS.

Additional Services are made available to users who pay membership fees ("Members"). The rates for membership subscriptions and Service fees are periodically published on the Site. Before applying for membership or use of any of our chargeable Services, you will be asked to review and accept the fees applicable. All fees are non-refundable and due in advance.

For the purposes of these TOS, "Users" shall refer to both registered, unregistered, paying, and non-paying visitors.

Users who wish to become Members or purchase our Services may pay the applicable fees via credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) using Stripe as our payment processor. All credit card transactions are subject to anti-fraud measures. Please do not attempt to use a credit card from a country other than the one in which it was issued. By purchasing or requesting a paid membership or other Account upgrade via credit card the User agrees to allow NamePros to immediately charge the credit card for the full amount of the new membership or upgrade and to rebill the card for the total monthly or yearly cost of the membership on the User's rebill date.

Memberships and Services are offered at our sole discretion and may be temporarily or permanently disabled at any time for any reason, including but not limited to the use of fraudulent, stolen or incorrect payment credentials or instruments on the Site, the failure to respond to a request for verification of payment credentials, credit card chargebacks, or the use of automated processes or scripts to access or obtain information from NamePros.

Verified "Company Representative" Badges
Any impersonation, misleading, or deceptive attempts to manipulate the Verified "Company Representative" Badge program is strictly prohibited and may result in infractions or immediate account termination. Furthermore, NamePros reserves the right at its sole discretion to issue, decline, or remove a company representative badge at any time.

General Terms
NamePros is a privately operated website. Membership is a privilege, not a right. NamePros Management and Staff reserves the right to limit, close, or remove, either temporarily or indefinitely, any user's account deemed to be in violation of these terms of service. If your account is closed, you can still communicate to site staff and management by posting on either of two private forums we have in place, "Account Closed? Post Here" and "Contact NP Member Services".

NamePros reserves the right to reclaim and/or reassign user names that are linked to accounts that do not provide value to the community, including but not limited to inactive accounts, banned accounts, or accounts registered for spamming, link building, trolling, or any other reasons that NamePros concludes are not in the best interest of the community.

NamePros does not review all posts before they are published. The opinions expressed on our forum are those of the posters and do not necessarily reflect those of NamePros or its advertisers. NamePros assumes no responsibility for the posts or the information contained therein, nor do they make any claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of any of the information in the posts. Use the advice and information provided at your own risk.

NamePros management may review direct messages that have been flagged by our automated spam monitoring system or reported by a member.

By registering and posting on the forums you grant the owners of a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive right to license, use, modify, or publish your posts in any media and manner whatsoever. Removal of posts will be at the discretion of NamePros management and staff.

You agree that you are solely responsible for anything you post on the NamePros forum and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless NamePros, its owners, employees, partners and advertisers with respect to any claims based upon your posts/submissions.

We may modify or terminate our services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice, including the right to terminate with or without notice, without liability to you, any other user or any third party. We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time without notice.

You agree that these Terms of Service represent a binding agreement between us regarding your use of and supersedes all previous and contemporaneous oral or written agreements regarding your use of NamePros. We may discontinue or change, or its availability to you, at any time. You agree that the NamePros Terms of Service, as well as any and all claims arising from them and from your use of will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, United States of America, applicable to contracts made entirely within New York and wholly performed in New York, without regard to any conflict or choice of law principles. The exclusive jurisdiction for any litigation arising out of the NamePros Terms of Service and your use of will be vested in the federal or state courts located in NY, New York. You hereby agree to waive all arguments or claims regarding venue for such litigation. The Terms of Service will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

::: General Forum Rules :::


Membership at NamePros is voluntary and signifies the member's agreement to adhere to the following code of conduct in its entirety.

Members of NamePros shall exercise the utmost level of integrity in all business transactions and in all relations with other buyers, sellers, employees, and competitors. Members shall strive to be trustworthy and ethical in their business practices.

Vendors and sellers who participate on NamePros shall truthfully identify themselves, their company, their products and the purposes of their solicitation to the prospective customer.

Members shall refrain from the use of deceptive or unethical marketing when selling domain names and websites. This includes the practice of making misleading statements regarding traffic, age, earnings, pagerank, link popularity or other statistics. Any claims of this nature must be reasonably indicative of similar benefit for the buyer, unless clearly stated otherwise.

Members shall not practice shill bidding in any auction, whether on their own auctions or those belonging to an associate.

Members agree to honor their agreements, contracts and auction results regardless of additional offers received after entering such an agreement.

Debate and heated discussions are okay, however personal attacks, insults, rude language or profane comments are not. Members shall not post messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening to others, or otherwise violate of any laws.

Members shall make no false statements nor circulate harmful rumors about another's products, business, financial or personal standing.

Click fraud (encouraging clicks on pay per click advertising) and affiliate fraud (defrauding of affiliate programs) is taken very seriously. Members shall not participate in or encourage fraud in any form on NamePros.

Shill bidding, the practice of artificially inflating bid prices on your own or a partner's auction, may result in termination of your account.

Members shall not engage in the practice of domain theft, and shall not purchase nor sell any domain that is known to be stolen from its rightful owner.

Members shall encourage fellow members and their colleagues to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

Specific to Adult forums:
  • All adult topic's are to be posted in the designated adult forum.
  • References to non-consensual sexual activity unless deliberately specified as "consensual" are NOT allowed.
  • Pedophilia or anything that could be construed as pedophilia, including models or characters who might look like children are NOT allowed.. The scientific definition of pedophilia deals with children under 13-15, but popular interpretation usually includes teenagers as old as 17.
  • Under-age (<18) sexual acts are NOT allowed.


Members are permitted one free personal account.

Members in good standing may purchase a Gold Account upgrade to use more than one account. A Gold Account upgrade does not bypass an account closure.

If you want to change your username, see the Username Changes thread.

Your NamePros account may not be transferred or sold to another party. If you wish to close your account, please contact an administrator.

It is your responsibility to safeguard your account password. Do not share your log-in information with anyone! NamePros cannot be held responsible for abuse or theft as a result of misuse of your account by unauthorized persons.

We have automated systems in place to detect duplicate account or users sharing computers. Friends, family, co-workers, fellow students, or alleged strangers should avoid bidding in auctions, participating in contests, or "bumping" threads started by anyone else sharing the same computer or Internet connection.

If you are concerned your account may be flagged as a duplicate, contact a member of NamePros staff to avoid account closure. In some situations identification may be requested to establish the separate identities of members.

(Note: Each forum may have additional rules, be sure to read them before posting)

Discussion Forums are intended for member discussion. Self Promotion / Advertising is only permitted in the marketplace/advertising forums and in your signature.

DO NOT SPAM THE FORUM - Think before your post and make sure you are posting in the right forum category!

Posting a link to a page that is full of affiliate links and has no real content value may be considered an attempt to manipulate the no affiliate links in posts rule and removed as spam. Each case will be assessed individually and outcomes may vary. Please keep your affiliate related self promotion / advertising in your signature.

Self Promotion and Advertising have relatively the same definitions and are therefore treated as the same. We do have a few industry leaders that post viable press releases that are acceptable in forums such as, but not limited to: Warnings & Alerts, Industry News, Legal Issues, etc.. What we want to avoid is a bunch of self promotion / advertising / spam to sites with very little content, full of affiliate links and no content, copy / pasted / ripped articles, etc.. It's normal for people to refer others to news and tools they used and loved, However if a person is posting their own news or tools it then becomes questionable self promotional advertising. Each case will be assessed individually and outcomes may vary. If in doubt, please ask or take advantage of your signature area and or NamePros advertising options for your self promotional advertising campaigns. Thanks!

This is an English language based forum, so please try to post in the English language so all members know what's being said. We understand that it's nice sometimes to post a few words in your native language with others that speak it and that's fine, however when making large posts that address more of the community, please keep it in English. Thanks :)

Posts that serve no purpose other than to up ones post count are considered spam. For example, if someone asks a question and you reply just to say you don't know the answer, this is considered spam. Very short posts that do not add value to the topic may be considered spam.

Signatures need to be set up in your profile. Signatures should contain no more than 4 lines. Signature links may not include links to sites that contain explicit, sexually-orientated, illegal or obscene content. Affiliate links are allowed in signatures but not in posts.

We strive to maintain a professional atmosphere on our forum. Please try to post in a manner that people can read and understand.

Respect copyright laws by posting links to the original source instead of copying articles in full from another source. Posting a snippet along with link is a more appropriate method of referencing information.

Posts critical of NamePros policies, staff or moderation activity (such as post edits or deletions) will likely be removed, as well as posts attempting to stir unwelcome drama (such as "I'm Leaving" type posts). If you have problems with a moderator or feel you have not been treated fairly, please contact a NamePros Administrator through the private forum we have provided.

DO NOT SPAM THROUGH DIRECT MESSAGES - You may not use direct messaging to advertise your product or service unless the member has specifically requested the information. If you receive a direct message that you suspect may be spam please use the Report button to flag it as spam.

(Note: Each forum may have additional rules, be sure to read them before posting)

NO PayPal fees may be charged to buyers Nor can you ask a buyer to pay via gift which avoids taxes and may be considered Tax Evasion! Per PayPal's TOS

ALL domain related Marketplace "Sales" threads MUST have at least 1 domain name in the title (No exceptions)

Cross-posting is not allowed. Do not post the same thread in multiple sub-forums.

Please DO NOT post derogetory comments in marketplace threads or attempt to "appraise" the item that is for sale. As a general rule it is best to post only when you have a genuine interest in purchasing what is being offered.

Comments such as "too pricey for me" or "wish I had money" are not appropriate. Low-ball offers, relative to a posted asking price, should not be made in public. Send a direct message to the registrant/seller with these types of offers or inquiries. Common sense goes a long way. Put yourself in the shoes of the sales thread starter and don't trash others' sales.

This is an English language based forum, so please try to post in the English language so all members know what's being said. We understand that it's nice sometimes to post a few words in your native language with others that speak it and that's fine, however when making large posts that address more of the community, please keep it in English. Thanks :)

The Marketplace is intended for advertising products and services owned or operated by community members. In interest of reducing forum spam, affiliate or referral links are not appropriate anywhere on the forum, except your Signature area (This is the only place it's allowed).

DO NOT SPAM THE FORUM - Think before your post and make sure you are posting in the right forum category!

Posting a link to a page that is full of affiliate links and has no real content value may be considered an attempt to manipulate the no affiliate links in posts rule and removed as spam. Each case will be assessed individually and outcomes may vary. Please keep your affiliate related self promotion / advertising in your signature.

There is a limit of 2 active threads for free (regular) members, 3 active threads for VIPs, 4 Active threads for NP Supporters, & 6 Active threads for Business Members. Updated:

A "BUMP" is a post made with the intention of moving a thread to the top of the recent thread list. Bumping a thread is permitted once per 24 hour period and is preferred over starting a new thread for the same purpose.

If you have questions about any forum rules or how to use the NamePros forums you can use the "Ask A Moderator" forum to ask questions to the NamePros moderation team.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
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