Microsoft's iPod Killer is Officially Named ZUNE!

Spaceship Spaceship
Microsoft Argo's Final Name: The Zune?
Our inboxes are on fire with brand new information about the new Microsoft MP3 player. We thought the player was code-named "Argo", but we now got word that the final product name that's been flying around is the "Zune"!

The pic on the right seems to be the final design, which makes the player very clean—a definite departure from Microsoft's other endeavors. You all remember the video Microsoft's own people made to illustrate their packaging shortcomings? Well, it seems like they haven't learned much, as our tipster tells us the packaging itself is pretty ugly.

More info after the jump!

Our mole also says there's no game menu to be seen on the device, putting those rumors of portable gaming from Xbox branding in possible jeopardy. More game options possibly coming in the 2nd iteration.

There's also mention of a black version of the Zune, being shown on a music video for the band CSS, and the brown version on the cover for "Band of Horses". You can display Album covers for the song you're listening to on the screen, which is "big enough" and looks "pretty good". Paul Oakenfold also has a tie-in deal.

From the looks of things, the Zune will definitely be ready for a Xmas release.

We'll have more information plus possibly the logo and/or UI Shots tomorrow. Stay tuned! – Jason Chen

Thanks Tipster!
Source: Gizmodo

Get your ZUNE domain names now. They're going fast!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Curious if anyone has registered the other rumored offspring, Pyxis...?
Hopefully as others on name pros have warned, anyone with a ZuneXYZ will be likely sued. I find this hard to believe though as ipod is an example of the many sites that while may be capitalizing on the ipod, are in fact promoting at the same time. I wonder if most who have the Zune/Zune-like names are holding on to them...just in case.


I don't know why that supposed manual for the Zune has the web address "" because that is a medical supply company, go check the site out.
has there been many "zune" domain sales recently? :)
kevmacmeh said:
has there been many "zune" domain sales recently? :)
not sure on that, but here's something of possible interest to you -

Goods and Services IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Downloadable multimedia file containing artwork, text, audio, video, games, and Internet Web links relating to music and the visual arts

go to -

-type in zune, then hit enter.

just an fyi.
kevmacmeh said:
has there been many "zune" domain sales recently? :) - 700 usd
athletec64 said: - 700 usd

That’s a solid sale that you have made. That mid/high $xxx level seems to have produced a solid number of sales for Zune domain names.

I’m not sure why but there seems to have been a number of sales (that I know of) in that price range, that juxtapose that name.

Best wishes,
athletec64 said: - 700 usd

Thats funny. I got an offer via Network Solutions for $300 for and replied with a minimum price of $3000. I have yet to receive a response and I don't expect one.

Why $3000, I'm not really interested in selling it. I can make $700 in PPC from that name over the next two years with a developed site. I'd rather wait to see how things go this year for the Zune before taking any offers. I don't flip domains. I build long term value in brandable properties. Heck maybe the owner of will open an affiliate program and I'll refer sales to him and make ten times that over time.

Regardless of the many negative opinions I think Zune will do well. Microsoft has some very interesting plans for the Zune family of devices and I think in the end it will help change the scope of handheld devices. At the very least they plan to bleed a few billion dollars on it and that makes a huge wave of opportunity for us.

This thread is strangely silent of all those critics in the previous posts. Seems a lot of people were right and far more were wrong about Zune domains. I think in the end it has proven to me that domains are a much safer gamble then all the naysayers would have you beleive. If you can't drop a $100 on a few domains than don't but bashing those that do as being dumb makes you even dumber.

Seems a lot of people are concerned about Microsoft and trademarks. I suggest you read the fine print on what Microsoft is doing with the trademarked domains. They are not going to be attacking fan sites or even accessory dealers. They want typo squattors and direct violations of trademarks.

If I owned something like or and profited from their trademarks then I would be in direct violation and probably deserve what I get. If I own and use it properly then I should be entirely safe. It's more about how you use it then anything and i think proves that.

I'm sure we all agree now that Cesar is in fact real. For the record I had my doubts in the beginning as well. He links to Zune sites from an offiical Microsoft page. How could they do that and still sue other domain holders? Because of what domains are owned and how they are used. Microsoft is suing the parasites that leech from their trademark value. They have embraced those that are willing to work with them in building value in their trademark for mutual benefit.

They don't want to pick a fight with the domain industry or with webmasters everywhere. Rightfully, they want to protect their trademark which by the way they pulled off in a very unique way. They filed in Germany instead of the US so they can then go to the WIPO with first use at the International level and skip right pass petty US trademarks. It will be interesting to see how they deal with those that have been filed here recently.

You can read more of my opinions on the Zune at my blog
Aaron Kornblum from the internet safety enforcement authority has commented:

"Microsoft has witnessed a virtual land rush for Internet domain names containing their product names with the goal of driving traffic for profit. Placing a high profile or pop culture trademark in your domain name is a tempting but illegal way to generate pay-per-click revenue."

And whilst im sure affordables intention of developing zunerepairs into a repair dealership are probably legit, what percentage of the tens of thousands of recently registered Zune domains do you think will actually get developed into these borderline legal "fan sites" or "dealership sites" as he mentioned....??

Can I take a guess..??

And another thing! What, you think the so called "naysayers" or "critics" have remained silent in this thread because of some stealth pursuasive power you or indeed any other cybersquatter has made in through simply saying as a biased collective body "zune domains are great"? Unfortunately, I deal simply in fact. And fact is, registering a domain containing a strong trademark and simply looking to profit from that mark is illegal and fact is, microsoft says its coming....

And if I knew what this meant:

If you can't drop a $100 on a few domains than don't but bashing those that do as being dumb makes you even dumber.

I'd respond to that also...
i agree with affordableweb.
i holding 6 domains about zune. and i got some offer form sedo,but i don't want to sale them now.
lpxxfaintxx said:
Anyone have any Zune forums?

To me, and are the most active ones.
I know of one that’s in development and will be active with a good deal of resources in the next 7 days.

I can’t say what that site is just yet, however I will let you know when it goes live.

BTW, is another fairly well developed community.

Best wishes,
slaughterbeck said:
I know of one that’s in development and will be active with a good deal of resources in the next 7 days.

I can’t say what that site is just yet, however I will let you know when it goes live.

BTW, is another fairly well developed community.

Best wishes,
Kimmy, could it be that it is going "Live"??? :lol:
I love whois ;)
Badger said:
What, you think the so called "naysayers" or "critics" have remained silent in this thread because of some stealth pursuasive power you or indeed any other cybersquatter has made in through simply saying as a biased collective body "zune domains are great"? Unfortunately, I deal simply in fact. And fact is, registering a domain containing a strong trademark and simply looking to profit from that mark is illegal and fact is, microsoft says its coming....
No not at all. I have very little if any impact on their silence or any influence over anyone in this forum for that matter. I think it's more a personal thing on their part to not continue the argument that purchasing the Zune domains is a mistake when someone just made a $700 sale. They have probably realized that they were the ones that made the mistake in not risking a few bucks on some Zune names.

There were many critics in this forum and other domain forums as well claiming that those of us that purchased zune domains had wasted our money because of trademarks violations or because we were uncertain if the product would even exist. I agree that many people have wasted money but I feel confident in my $100 investment. The majority of Zune domain holders no doubt purchased domains that are trademark violations and will misuse these domains. And yes Microsoft will in fact be coming to take their names away from them. They are trying to form a parasitic relationship and thats what Microsoft is targeting.

Here are some more facts. The best Zune domains were gone within 24 hours of this threads posting. The Zune is real and many of us made wise investments because we chose to disregard what others said about trademarks and name changes. We took a calculated risk based on available data and lots of people balked at the idea.

Cesar Menendez at the is an official Microsoft employee. His blog is an official Microsoft blog. On that blog there are links to over 20 websites with their trademarked term Zune in the domain. Everyone one of these sites offers some form of advertisement and is obvioulsy trying to make a buck from their new device.

From these facts I make the assumption that Microsoft will be selectively enforcing their trademarks and it will be based primarily on the use of the domain. Build a quality resource and a symbiotic relationship with them and you have few worries of trademark violations. It's Ok if that site makes money. Just offer something back in return.

affordaleweb said:
"If you can't drop a $100 on a few domains than don't but bashing those that do as being dumb makes you even dumber."

Let me clear that up for you. To be more clear the statement should read. "If you cannot afford to prospect in Zune domains then don't but to call it dumb for others to do so makes you look dumb."

I made a $100 investment on Zune domains and some people in this forum said it was dumb to have wasted the money. Thats because they could not afford to lose $100. I on the other hand could afford to lose the $100 so for me it was not a dumb idea. It is my opinion that by bashing people for taking a chance on some domains they in fact make themselves look dumb and broke.

Microsoft is in fact coming. They plan on taking your domains from you. That is if you infringe upon their trademarks in parasitic fashion. You will deserve what you get.

Do not fall prey to the fear mongers that would have you believe it's so easy to have a domain taken or that losing one is such a tragedy. It's a gamble just like the rest of this industry. Some gamble to win and others keep losing.
i take a name
livezune and zunelive, which one is better ?
Today, Apple has announced some more news.

Apple has many changes to the ipod video:

Upgraded 2.5-inch color display and 60% brighter screen
Zune - 3-inch screen; brightness unknown.

They will be adding another model, and lowering their prices: 30GB for $249, and 80GB for $349
(Zune is expected to have 30GB for $299)

Games will be available for download: "Bejeweled," "Cubis 2," "Mahjong," "Mini Golf," "Pac-Man," "Tetris," "Texas Hold'em," "Vortex" and "Zuma".
Zune games are unknown right now.

30GB model - up to 14 hours
80GB model - up to 20 hours
Zune battery life: unknown, but is probably less--due to the WiFi.

Same old colors: white, black
Zune is expected to have 3 colors, white black and cotton.

Get the latest scoop on Zune news at

Source: and Zunerama Ed. from
Zune Set to Make First Appearance - TOMORROW!

Microsoft's highly-anticipated "Zune" portable media device is set to make its first official appearance at an invite-only press event Thursday. The unveiling will follow the introduction of a completely revamped iPod lineup by Apple just two days earlier.

Microsoft's Zune Delivers Connected Music and Entertainment Experience

Thursday September 14, 12:00 pm ET
Built-in Wireless Technology Lets Consumers Share Experiences Device to Device

REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Marking the next big milestone for its Connected Entertainment vision, Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT - News) today unveiled details of the first products to be released under its Zune(TM) brand. Designed around the principles of sharing, discovery and community, Zune will create new ways for consumers to connect and share entertainment experiences. The Zune experience centers around connection -- connection to your library, connection to friends, connection to community and connection to other devices.

"The digital music entertainment revolution is just beginning," said J Allard, vice president, design and development, at Microsoft, who is leading the charge for building the family of Zune products. "With Zune, we are not simply delivering a portable device, we are introducing a new platform that helps bring artists closer to their audiences and helps people find new music and develop new social connections."

The Zune Experience

Available this holiday season in the United States, Zune includes a 30GB digital media player, the Zune Marketplace music service and a foundation for an online community that will enable music fans to discover new music. The Zune device features wireless technology, a built-in FM tuner and a bright, 3-inch screen that allows users to not only show off music, pictures and video, but also to customize the experience with personal pictures or themes to truly make the device their own. Zune comes in three colors: black, brown and white.

Every Zune device creates an opportunity for connection. Wireless Zune-to- Zune sharing lets consumers spontaneously share full-length sample tracks of select songs, homemade recordings, playlists or pictures with friends between Zune devices. Listen to the full track of any song you receive up to three times over three days. If you like a song you hear and want to buy it, you can flag it right on your device and easily purchase it from the Zune Marketplace.

Zune makes it easy to find music you love -- whether it's songs in your existing library or new music from the Zune Marketplace. Easily import your existing music, pictures and videos in many popular formats and browse millions of songs on Zune Marketplace, where you can choose to purchase tracks individually or to buy a Zune Pass subscription to download as many songs as you want for a flat fee.

To get started with great music and videos out of the box, every Zune device is preloaded with content from record labels such as DTS, EMI Music's Astralwerks Records and Virgin Records, Ninja Tune, Playlouderecordings, Quango Music Group, Sub Pop Records, and V2/Artemis Records.

Zune Accessories

To enhance the Zune experience, three accessory packs help Zune users enjoy their music where they want to, at home or on the road. The packs and the individual accessories, all designed exclusively for Zune, will be available at launch:

-- The Zune Car Pack includes everything needed to hit the road with a
Zune device, such as the built-in FM tuner with AutoSeek and the Zune
Car Charger.
-- The Zune Home A/V Pack enhances your experience in the home through
five products that integrate Zune with the TV and music speakers: Zune
AV Output Cable, Zune Dock, Zune Sync Cable, Zune AC Adapter and the
Zune Wireless Remote for Zune Dock.
-- Zune Travel Pack is a set of five products designed to keep friends and
family entertained on the road: Zune Premium Earphones, Zune Dual
Connect Remote, Zune Gear Bag, Zune Sync Cable and the Zune AC Adapter.

Providing consumers with additional options to customize and personalize their Zune experience, Microsoft is also working with leading accessory manufacturers Altec Lansing, Belkin Corp., Digital Lifestyle Outfitters (DLO), Dual Electronics, Griffin Technology, Harman Kardon and JBL, Integrated Mobile Electronics, Jamo International, Klipsch Audio Technologies, Logitech, Monster Cable Products Inc., Speck, Targus Group International Inc. and VAF Research

The Future is Bright

In addition to the features available at launch, built-in wireless technology and powerful software provide a strong foundation to continue to build new shared experiences around music and video. As Zune evolves, the device can be easily updated. The Zune software on your PC will let you know when these updates are available for download.

About Zune

Zune is Microsoft's music and entertainment platform that provides an end- to-end solution for Connected Entertainment. The Zune experience includes a 30GB digital media player, the Zune Marketplace music service, and a foundation for an online community that will enable music fans to discover new music. Inspired by the vast and varied community of music fans, Zune focuses on helping emerging artists shape the digital canvas. Zune is part of Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices division and supports the company's software-based services vision to help drive innovation in the digital entertainment space. More information can be found online at .

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

NOTE: Microsoft and Zune are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

For b-roll footage:

B-roll packages will be available Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006, via satellite as follows:

-- 2-2:15 p.m. EDT
AMC 03 ©, Transponder 19
DownlinK 4080 (H)
-- 7-7:15 p.m. EDT
AMC 03 ©, Transponder
DownlinK 4080 (H)

Here's Microsoft's Zune Site
Wow! Look at all the goodies on the Microsoft site.

Thanks for the link and update Kim.

Gee...I'm starting to miss :'(
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