
auctions Look at bidding war for WorldAirways.com

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Yikes! There's still a couple of hours left but worldairways.com is now over $65,000!! Guess someone needs to get it bad!
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WOW! I was thinking of going to 5K on that and it took off
Yikes! There's still a couple of hours left but worldairways.com is now over $65,000!! Guess someone needs to get it bad!

where is such a bidding war going on at? I always am interested in where actual high bidding is going on for domain auctions. Thanks.
Damn, curious to see if it crosses $100,000.
ummm IT EXPIRED? umm with all this publicity? couldn't the original owner at this point plop down $80 to redeem it? at least now he or she knows there's interest?
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ummm IT EXPIRED? umm with all this publicity? couldn't the original owner at this point plop down $80 to redeem it? at least now he or she knows there's interest?

The registrant is a defunct airline, no one there anymore. Of course someone who worked in IT could be smart and try to figure a way to renew.
I wonder though with domains of this quality does Godaddy FOR FREE actively reach out to ALL possible endusers or potential buyers?

I under effective no matter what they will get a nice chunk of the commission.

sometimes I wonder though. if this weren't an expired domain. Would godaddy or any other marketplace actively reach out to domain investors on behalf of the Domain owner who paid to start domain auction?

I doubt it. I've always felt that the commission of these marketplaces are bit much considering that YOU as the domain owner do ALL the WORK and pay extra money to promote the auction via say Namebio.

I wish they could provide some more extra service like they obviously do with the expired domains that become "Theirs" at expiration.

I'd be more than happy to pay their commission if I knew for a fact they actively tried to reach out to domain investors they know buy domains on a daily basis.
The registrant is a defunct airline, no one there anymore. Of course someone who worked in IT could be smart and try to figure a way to renew.

they better. surprised the defunct Airline which I'm sure probably went bankrupt did not as part of their bankruptcy have to fork over the rights to their domain to uncle sam for taxes or whatever debt the company owed.
Even though the airline is defunct, there could still be enforceable TM rights.
Maybe the bidders are in for the traffic.
But starting a new company on the exact same name of a failed company is not something for everyone :xf.eek:
I was going to bid on it until it went crazy
Has to be the traffic. I'd struggle to pay reg fee on the name itself.
Way too much. Regardless of the background.
Probably has a very strong backlink profile, but who knows what that is worth.
Even though the airline is defunct, there could still be enforceable TM rights.
Maybe the bidders are in for the traffic.
But starting a new company on the exact same name of a failed company is not something for everyone :xf.eek:

It will have some legalities to overcome I'd have thought but the benefits far outweigh the potential disadvantages and I doubt that anyone prepared to bid as much as has been bid would not do so without doing their homework and or getting clearance from their legal team

What if new owner paid previous owner or a bankruptcy trustee if it did become bankrupt a fee towards outstanding debts for any and or all related patents and or trademarks?
Uhh...what was the closing price?? I went to a meeting and didn't get to see.
I can't wait for a price
Anyone pay attention to the closing price??
I watched this one. No last minute bids or time extensions. My GD interface is set for Canadian dollars and this closed at $90,535 Canadian. This is around $66,500 US. Looks like it was bidder number 10 that got it.
I watched this one. No last minute bids or time extensions. My GD interface is set for Canadian dollars and this closed at $90,535 Canadian. This is around $66,500 US. Looks like it was bidder number 10 that got it.
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