
information dot Swiss domain names available to private individuals

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From the first half of 2024, private individuals will also be able to acquire a .swiss domain name provided they are Swiss or live in Switzerland. To this end, the Federal Council adopted a revision of the Internet Domains Ordinance (OID) on 2 June 2023. It has now tasked the Federal Office of Communications OFCOM, as the registry for the .swiss domain, to prepare for this extension.

Sole proprietorships not entered in the commercial register, such as architects or craft workers, are also to be able to acquire a .swiss domain name. The Federal Council has therefore decided to relax the conditions under the OID for allocating these domain names and is extending access to .swiss to all natural persons resident in Switzerland and Swiss nationals living abroad. The entire Swiss community will therefore have access to its own secure, high-quality domain name space. This was the Confederation's intention when it acquired use of the .swiss domain.

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