NameSilo - Anybody Heard Of It?

Spaceship Spaceship


Domains88.comTop Member
I came across a site called

Has anyone used it? Any feedback?

It says it's in Beta.

Let me know.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I started using it. They were able to catch some Tld's and pushing all of them to auctions.
Seems like shill bidding to me.
I started using it. They were able to catch some Tld's and pushing all of them to auctions.
Seems like shill bidding to me.
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. Any other feedback community?
ALL the domains that are caught are sent to auction.
Is this true ?

I caught a couple of names with them. None were sent to auction. Overall a very positive experience.
Hi @Primary Names , First at all, sorry for the late answer, I had not received the notification of your query.
The domains only go to auction if there is more than one interested party, we have many opportunities given the large number of cctlds and gtlds that we offer. and of course we have many many domains assigned directly without auction.

Any questions you can contact us at [email protected]
Does it work at all? When I try to search stuff, I get a notification:
But the advertising banner is still there in right column, above Chat.
Since there is no official thread I might as well post this here.

A few days ago my AV (Kaspersky) started giving alerts for all domains that redirect to (but not itself) like this:
upload_2021-3-2_21-30-37.png ,

can you please check what's going on? it's better if you contact Kaspersky directly to sort this out as it doesn't look good at all.
Hi @Hypersot, good morning, you know the domain name you use to be redirected to? that will help a lot to check what happens. thanks
@tupungato hi sir, sorry for the trouble; our account was some time down. Did you solve the situation with your login? Please let us know.
Hi @Hypersot, good morning, you know the domain name you use to be redirected to? that will help a lot to check what happens. thanks

Hi, just replied to the conversation.

Please note that the block happens on and not on the domain in question.
I have posted a screenshot of the redirection that happens and when exactly it gets blocked by the AV (ie. when it tries to reach
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I got a few domains there. Not many but quite ok ones
I see all domains caught there are sent to auction, even when there is only one interested in the domain.

They still claim they don't send domains to auctions when there is only 1 user who is interested in the domain. Here are 3 screenshots of current domains in auction that only have 1 user interested in the domain.

They also trick some auctions to increase the price using "hidden" users. I have seen domains that were supposed to be sold for $1000-2000 in auction that after 1 year were not renewed, which makes not sense.

I stopped using this platform a while ago. Nothing personal, just pointing out one more dirty player in the domain industry.
Dear @Nodoxy, good evening, and thank you for coming here; please let clarify that these auctions with just one bid are RE-auctions. In those auctions, the payment was not received in the first auction, and the system relists the auction with just one user as the user who failed with the payment was blocked.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about the system logic.
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I have followed some 1-bid auctions and I am 100% sure they are not Re-auctions. Anyway, I am not interested in using your platform anymore, your lack of honesty and transparency in terms of how you handle backorders and auctions is very disappointing. Sadly, you guys at Catched are domainers and have always been, so how can you do this to other domainers? Anyway, I know is all about money.
Dear sir, we are very respectful of your decision to use or not use our services and your thoughts.
But about your confirmation about these three auctions, we can assure you 100% that they are REauctions.
Based on the ten days of duration of our auctions and reviewing the whois of the three domains, it will be possible to realize that the lifetime of the three domains corresponds to two auction cycles.
The three domains have more than 22 days of life.
Kind Regards
Dear sir, we are very respectful of your decision to use or not use our services and your thoughts.
But about your confirmation about these three auctions, we can assure you 100% that they are REauctions.
Based on the ten days of duration of our auctions and reviewing the whois of the three domains, it will be possible to realize that the lifetime of the three domains corresponds to two auction cycles.
The three domains have more than 22 days of life.
Kind Regards
••• Recently, There was a spelling error when I placed an order for an expired domain at and they were generous enough to understand my position and accepted the cancellation of the order.

Great professional service indeed. Highly recommended.
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I looked at previously but the following clause in their terms and conditions turned me off.

Private Sales

You acknowledge that, from time to time, the sale of some domains may be conducted through private sales, and not through public auctions. You agree that such private sales will not be deemed to have been made in a commercially unreasonably manner merely because they were made privately. Our commission for such private sales will be ten percent (10%) of the final purchase price for each domain.

From time to time, we may use a third party entity in which we have a financial interest to directly purchase domains through a private sale, without conducting a public auction, and regardless of whether these domains have backorders. You agree that such direct purchases of domains by this entity through private sales will not be deemed to have been made in a commercially unreasonable manner merely because we have a financial interest in such entity.

I read that as:
"If someone backorders a name through us and we catch it, we may decide the name has good sale prospects and just keep it for ourselves to sell at retail pricing."

Basically getting leads on domain names from customers then keeping them for their own benefit? Pretty much akin to registrars & front running? I don't know, I'm sceptical.
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