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Name Trader

formerly @stubTop Member
Where was I? I had all my .com domains at Parked and everything else at Bodis. Back in February I was waxing lyrical about Parked being back on top of their game. I had 2 months where I received almost record payouts (of all time... maybe in 3-4 years of parking). Then everything fell off a cliff and I was getting approx 2/3rds less. On 7th July I received only about $6.50 in revenue, which was abysmal. The day before that I had decided to try

What is In short, it's a traffic forwarder to your Parking Accounts. It decides where to send the traffic for each domain based upon which parking service gives the best returns. This sounds great. No longer do you need to park a group of domains with company A for a couple of months, enter the results into a spreadsheet, then park them at company B for a couple of months, enter the results in a spreadsheet. And so on. Now all this is done in Real Time, by

Who are They are part of the Trellian network of companies, who I first came across using their tool. So, I had confidence in them from the getgo.

It was easy to setup an account. You then go to Manage Accounts and setup the Parking Companies you wish to use from the list of companies they support. I chose Bodis, Parked, TrafficZ, DomainSponsor. The latter two I probably haven't used in a couple of years. You need to provide your username and password for each account. Of course there is a slight risk in this, but given the size of Trellian, I didn't have a real problem with this.

You can then go to Manage Folders and setup Folders for groups of domains. I however, imported everything into the default folder. Subsequently, I created two other folders, 1) Revenue, and 2) No Revenue. I moved everything from the default folder to No Revenue, and then moved them to Revenue, once reported revenue. You do this by downloading the .CSV file for the Non-Revenue domains, sort the SpreadSheet by Revenue, and then copy/past these into the Add Domains to the Revenue Folder. There is no copy/move command in You either Add or Remove Domains, and moves the domains to the new Folder.

You of course have to add all your domains to each Parking Service individually (even if this can be done in bulk).

What is Maximizer? This is's inhouse Parking Service. They say that by some complex algorythms they monetize visitors which are poorly monetized by regular parking companies. For example, Asian traffic. When I look at the stats compared to the other parking companies (which is easy to do by clicking on Statistics and choosing what you want), I see mostly very low rates per click, like $0.02, significantly less than the rates/click for the same domain from the other parking companies. Who is to say that got it right or not? Maximizer provided about 1/5th of my Total Revenue for August. I've turned it off for Sept to see how the portfolio perform without it.

The Statistics are very comprehensive. You can select one or more parking services and a whole slew of stats like clicks, revenue, EPC etc.

How is support? I think there is only 1 support personnel. I usually get answers to my questions in about 1-3 days. So not the speediest support in the world, but I can't think of any support question which requires an immediate reply. So i'm reasonably satisfied.

How did I do? Well say it takes about 2 months to get your portfolio optimized. It's now been just two months for me. So maybe my best month will be Sept. But anyhow, in August, my 2nd month, managed to give me returns just below my record earnings of February. So, about 80-100% better than my earnings in June. This is a significant jump in earnings. It was split (in approx terms) 20% each from Bodis, Maximizer, DomainSponsor, and most of the rest from Parked. Almost nothing from TrafficZ, barely making the minimum payment for both July and August.

The website is sometimes a bit flakey. Not really surprising considering the amount of data they must be churning out. But usually it works itself out within a short time, usually minutes. My biggest gripe is that the Statistics Reports only allow you report 100 domains per page (whereas the Reports allow 1000). Also that there is no portfolio total reported in the Stats. You have to add up each page total.

Am I going to continue with You betcha! I've disable the Maximizer to see how my portfolio performs without it and I'll probably disable TrafficZ also. I'd recommend to anyone to try It really take away the drudgery of manually testing domains at different parking services.
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Thanks for the explanation. I will read it carefully and try to understand it.

Also with 4 parking companies. Above can only optimize 2 companies at a time. I've posted about that earlier in this thread. The speed of optimization largely depends on the volume of traffic for each domain. If all those 500 were on one domain for one day, I think the optimization would be quite quick. Let's say 1 week. You then have 2 more companies to optimize at 1 week each. That's approx 3 weeks to optimize 4 companies for 1 domain with 500 visitors a day. If the 500 visitors are split over 500 domains, that's 1 visitor per day per domain. Optimization is unlikely to be complete for a couple of months, if ever. Whilst optimization is being checked, you are bound to get some visitors with 0 clicks or with lower CPC. The data I've provided here is just an example. It's obviously would be different in reality, because I don't know Above's algorithm, or your domains and visitors. But you get the idea.

Maximizer directly competes with your other parking companies for your traffic. But Above will not pass a visitor to Maximizer unless it pays significantly more than your optimized parking companies. I'm not sure what significant is, but I've heard figures of approx 20% more. Personally, I think having Maximizer turned on during optimization is going to slow the optimization process down.

But I will say. That Above will generally provide you the highest parking revenues that your domains will generate. Over time. The greater the volume of traffic, the shorter the time until optimization is complete. It is at that time, I would turn maximizer on. YMMV.
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Thanks for this great info!
Maximizer - is just their ZeroClick-network (Trellian).
And that's all.
I just learned from, that they don't begin optimization immediately. They use any historical data they have on that domain for the first couple of weeks, before they begin the optimization process. Which, IMHO, just delays even further the lengthy optimization process. When, we would prefer it to be much faster. But that is mostly in the hands of the volume of clicks. Not a lot we can do about that.
Maximizer - is just their ZeroClick-network (Trellian).
And that's all.

I haven't said anything which would contradict your comment. I know that. But they won't pass your click to their zero-click network unless they know it will pay more for your clicks. I personally, don't like the fact that they have their own zero-click network competing for our clicks. I'm uncomfortable about that. So I generally have Maximizer turned off.
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@stub Why don't you just remove the middle man and just setup a site to sell your domains?
I talked to some people here who mentioned that it's hard to even make the renewal cost when parking?
If you don't mind me asking, How many domains do you have parking?
I got around 250 and debating parking or a clean sale site.

I'm with voodoo, Bodis and above
••• is so much more than just a maximizer or about parking domains for money. its the best way to redirect and control traffic from all your registrars.. to anywhere in the universe. with a 1 second long click of your mouse. whethers its your own sale lander or whatever else.

just be sure to turn off their maximizer, or u get slapped with zero click ads as they see fit.. and you can forget abotu anyone ever knowing your domain is for sale.
@stub Why don't you just remove the middle man and just setup a site to sell your domains?
I talked to some people here who mentioned that it's hard to even make the renewal cost when parking?
If you don't mind me asking, How many domains do you have parking?
I got around 250 and debating parking or a clean sale site.

I'm with voodoo, Bodis and above

I do have my own selling site, although it's under further development, at the moment. You should add Parking Crew to your list of parking companies. They pay much better than Bodis and Voodoo. Not on every domain. But overall.
Yeah, I got rejected when I submitted with them. So I think I will wait a little bit until my traffic increase for those names. Maybe I need more than 250 names. I'm not sure why I was rejected. Bodis and voodoo didn't.

I must point that, my traffic as doubled once I route everything through above. Not sure if it's their algorithm or if it's just the names I have. Still at .11 cents though
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@Centaur - 1 domain would be enough if it has enough traffic/paying clicks :) I don't know how you acquire domains. Hand-regging available domains isn't going to be a good source of parking revenue, generally. You need to buy domains with quality links on keywords which pay more than 11 cents :(
Yes, I usually create some from Godaddy. I haven't purchased an aged domain yet.
I've been looking to buy something, I haven't found some something with quality links on keywords.
do you buy most of yours from Godaddy auctions? or on here?
Mostly, I don't buy for parking revenue. I buy for resale. Any parking revenue I receive is just a (declining) added bonus which is appreciated. I reason I gave you the backlinks explanation is because that is what you mostly need for parking revenue. That having been said. If you mostly handreg or are buying domains registered for only 1-2 years, with no backlinks, you are unlikely to see any traffic or parking revenue. I have plenty of those kinds of domains also. In the hope I can find some resale gold in there :)
Thanks for the tips. Sounds like i'd have to drop at least $5000 per domain if I need something with history.I'm not ready for that yet. I just made my first $3000 after 1 year in the business. Most is invested back in it. The plan is to never invest more than I make each year.
As far as Above, I've read that you turned on and off maximer at certain times. When was your best result? when on or off?
I think it was marginal improvement with it turned on. But I'm not really impressed with marginal improvements. And because there is always the possibility, because they are competing with your parking companies, for foul play. I turned it off because the marginal improvement wasn't worth the risk. Now, I'm not saying Above are playing fast and loose with your clicks. In fact I believe what they say, in that it has to be a 20% improvement for them to switch. But I'm just personally uncomfortable with the possibilities.
Is it normal to get 8 clicks for 3 cents? Some times Above don't seem to give anything for my clicks. the Domain gets 1200 hits, 968 uniques, 546 reported, 8 clicks = 3 cents :(
8 clicks or 8 redirects (Trellian-ZeroClick)?

And for traffic from some countries even via Google feed 8 clicks may cost 3 cents...
Is it normal to get 8 clicks for 3 cents? Some times Above don't seem to give anything for my clicks. the Domain gets 1200 hits, 968 uniques, 546 reported, 8 clicks = 3 cents :(

It's possible. What does say about the domain?
Everything looks good. Never used Majestic before,usually just Semrush.
Are you still using Parking Crew and Voodoo along with Above?
Hey guys,
Hope you are doing well!
I please need to know the best parking platform to work with because i have a huge traffic volume
Many thanks to who is going to help me
Hey guys,
Hope you are doing well!
I please need to know the best parking platform to work with because i have a huge traffic volume
Many thanks to who is going to help me
In few words You have to find what is better for your traffic. For me a balance between parking crew and domain sponsor + above do a great work. If you make more than 1000$ per month you may want to consider park logic
In few words You have to find what is better for your traffic. For me a balance between parking crew and domain sponsor + above do a great work. If you make more than 1000$ per month you may want to consider park logic
Hi pablohc86
thanks for your reply :)
but do you mean parklogic is better than voodoo, parking crew and sedo? and yes my earnings are bigger than 1000$ a month
It's a shame DomainNameSales/Uniregistry don't integrate properly with Above. I mean you can pull stats in but they're not able to send any traffic there.

Does anyone know why? - I asked DNS a while ago but the response was short and vague. Surely they'd get more traffic and (as a result) sales inquiries if they opened up this route?
It's a shame DomainNameSales/Uniregistry don't integrate properly with Above. I mean you can pull stats in but they're not able to send any traffic there.

Does anyone know why? - I asked DNS a while ago but the response was short and vague. Surely they'd get more traffic and (as a result) sales inquiries if they opened up this route?
no idea too why they are not supported.

Hi pablohc86
thanks for your reply :)
but do you mean parklogic is better than voodoo, parking crew and sedo? and yes my earnings are bigger than 1000$ a month

i'm still not sure if PL is better than other companies. For sure PL do a great job to optimize for you the domains and you don't have to worry about that, and usually this is useful for big traffic portfolio owners.

Btw PL (Park Logic) doesn't accept everyone to join their system, they need to approve your portfolio before to start. with PC or Voodoo and others, it's easier to get an account .
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Hey guys,
Hope you are doing well!
I please need to know the best parking platform to work with because i have a huge traffic volume
Many thanks to who is going to help me

If it's adult? I'm not sure. But you could try Bodis.
Hey guys,
Hope you are doing well!
I please need to know the best parking platform to work with because i have a huge traffic volume
Many thanks to who is going to help me

This guy just wanted to buy voodoo accounts to shoot fake traffics. He asked me to buy my account. He already got banned by adsense and other parking companies. Be aware people, fake practices.
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