
Special Edition - Radio NamePros Interview With Monte Cahn!

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Domain BuyerTop Member
Monte Cahn is the founder and CEO of DomainSystems and In his interview with Ian Collier (aka Badger) of Radio NamePros, he shares a wealth of information from an inside perspective on the domain name business, as well as identifying opportunities for investment and growth for newcomers to the industry.

Monte is one of the true pioneers in domain names and has facilitated many million dollar domain name sales. It is a special privilege to be able to bring to you this special edition of Radio NamePros.

Don't miss this one!

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
very cool. listening to it now
Didnt monte just interview him?

Monte is pro at radio from his show, and ian is good too. both speak real fast, but you can understand them, good stuff.
Wow - I can't wait to listen to this interview. I am downloading it right now.

Very good show, Hopefully we shall have some more in the future!

On a weird note: Badger sounds like me D-:
Excellant radio voice Badger, how could you doubt it.
Nice ringtone whoever it was :p
Nice one guys, that was an awesome interview
Thanks guys, glad you liked it....

Like i said in another thread, I learnt quite a lot/questioned my own views on things just through listening to what Monte had to say...

I would say its a must hear interview for any domainer - and if your a newbie, you would learn more from that interview than maybe 18months making mistakes .

A contact of mine at CNN has said she will listen to it and make a feature of it if theres enough substance - so watch this space.

Badger said:
Thanks guys, glad you liked it....

Like i said in another thread, I learnt quite a lot/questioned my own views on things just through listening to what Monte had to say...

I would say its a must hear interview for any domainer - and if your a newbie, you would learn more from that interview than maybe 18months making mistakes .

A contact of mine at CNN has said she will listen to it and make a feature of it if theres enough substance - so watch this space.


That would really be pretty cool if CNN were to follow through with that. Great intereview all the way around. I really learned a lot from it, and felt the questions you asked Monte were excellent. Thanks!

Badger said:
A contact of mine at CNN has said she will listen to it and make a feature of it if theres enough substance - so watch this space.
:yell: :yell:
omg, CNN? Like this job isn't tough enough?

Finally we get two Legends spilling some precious
nectar on the local peasantry, and you want to
pour it into the ocean?
puleeez let us keep it to ourselves just a while.
Badger said:
I would say its a must hear interview for any domainer - and if your a newbie, you would learn more from that interview than maybe 18months making mistakes .
^^^ Tru Dat ^^^

Seriously the most informative conversation ever released to the public.

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