
information “People still like .com’s,” says Google’s John Mueller

Spaceship Spaceship


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Mueller is known in SEO circles as the “new Matt Cutts”. Matt Cutts used to be the head of Google’s Webspam team and would make videos answering questions from people about Google’s thoughts and practices regarding ranking websites. The videos were highly useful and would be something that many marketers and professional search engine optimizers would write about, comment on, and debate.
Mueller also leaves comments on Reddit once once in awhile. Extremely useful insight since it is coming directly from someone at Google with real authority. Compared to your cousin who thinks he knows about SEO. Of course… I recommend you take what Google says with a bit of a grain of salt. They’ve lead me astray more than once with “advice.”
So John Mueller, the current Google SEO community outreach authority, admits people still like .com domains and likely will continue to use them. What do you think about Google saying “People still like .com’s?”..
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Everybody knows .com at the end means it's a website address.

Simple, just the way people like it.
.TLD is ignored by Google when ranking websites...
So I don't understand at all about what SEO you are talking here...
Except ccTLDs, where they are used for geotargeting...
People are more likely to click on a search result from a .com website because they trust them more and see them as having more authority. That's very important for SEO.
To click - firstly you must see it...

And again, it has no any impact on SERP.
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.TLD is ignored by Google when ranking websites...
So I don't understand at all about what SEO you are talking here...
Is that entirely true?
A quick check on Google doesnt really support that statement.
I typed two words: divorce org
Just check all the results on page one.
Then I typed: divorce net
Just check all the results on page one.
The words org and net arent words that really occur on the homepages of the sites that pop up one page one of the search results.
The only thing all those websites have in common, is that their tld is a .org respectively a .net.
Most logical conclusion: Google does match my search keywords with the tld......
99.99% of the people out there are not domainers and they will click on reputed domains. Very simple. Unless you have superior brand in non .com tld. People will click on cctlds as well, because they represent a country.

Everyone else is fighting for piece of pie that is really small
Because Google thinks that your mentioned requests are mistyped...
That's why it shows various .ORGs and .NETs for you...
I know what he said, but can you give me a logical explanation why all results on page one have a tld that exactly matches my second search keyword?

What Jurgen said, nobody searches for those phrases, divorce org or divorce net
Because Google thinks that your mentioned requests are mistyped...
That's why it shows various .ORGs and .NETs for you...
Let me get this right. I type the word net. Google assumes that I was not searching for the word net, and therefore shows me only websites that have the tld .net ??
And again: such requests are considered as mistyped 100%...
What Jurgen said, nobody searches for those phrases, divorce org or divorce net
Still, it contradicts the statement that they "completely ignore" it. It couldnt producce this result if they "completely ignored" anything right of the dot.....
Yes, they completely ignore it for ranking in SERP.
Mistyped queries - it is another theme.
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so with all the new tld's Google will have a harder job to decide what is a mistype and whats not. Someone types xyz, its a mistype. Someone types webcam, its not a mistype. Someone types win, it may be a mistype, it maybe not, just like top. Online wont be a mistype, but onl will be a mistype.

And I think its a flaw that Google does correct me when I misspell a word, except when its a word that matches the tld. When I misspell a search word, for instance 'divroce' instead of 'divorce', Google tells me that they show me the results of 'divorce' and I can opt to correct that and instead search for 'divroce'. So they always notify me when they correct my misspelling, except in this case. Here they just assume that I meant something else and show me the results based on that assumption without notifying. Not logical for a company that has a business based on logic.....
What do you think about Google saying “People still like .com’s?”..

I would say ...
'people' means 'majority'
'like' means 'don't want to give up (.com)'

But the leaf will turn.
Maybe before autumn.
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When I type divorce org into Google - I see "Did you mean: divorce.org" warning...
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The more times a search result is clicked on without a bounce, the higher it will generally be ranked over time, so the extension does indirectly effect search rankings if people prefer or trust one more than others.
Yes, something like .pw or .tk is not clickable, I agree...
But .PRO/.net/.org/.info and other normal/major TLDs are absolutely clickable...
+ snippet, which is displayed in SERP, has a significantly higher impact on clickability than TLD...
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After .com I agree most users have a reasonable level of understanding and trust for .net, .org and .info and of course their own country specific extensions, but that's about as far as it goes.

Google are saying people still like .com, and their the ones who have access to all the Click Through Rates for all the extensions in their search results.
I earn $xx monthly on clicks on my .PROs...
And overall, parking - is the best place to understand domaining and what is actually clicked and in demand...
But I agree, in the USA .com is some kind of religion...
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