
New Bill in US Senate Threatens Domain Registrants!

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Snowe Bill Threatens Domain Name Registrants with “Infringement” Enforcement That is More Expansive and Punitive Than the UDRP or Trademark Law

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No obvious improvements jump out at me, it's concise, informative and makes it clear* what actions can be taken.

It seems to me that points 2 ( write to senators ) and 3 ( contribute to ICA legal/lobbying costs ) are the most important actions that everyone** needs to take.

* The ica donation checkout process is a bit clunky
** Huge thanks to all you domainers in the USA who take the time to write to your senator. Not sure who us internationals can write to. I suspect that even if this bill is defeated, as long as the registry is in the hands of a company/organisation which can be compelled by the legislation of a single government, we will see new variations of it in the future.
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It looks Great -RJ- :tu:

And for all of you acting like -RJ- was setting on his hands here .... Shame on you.
It was being discussed already. I don't think you'll find many others in this Industry that cares as much about our rights or his fellow domainers than -RJ- ....


Several people on another Board have been discussing the fact that not all people interested in this Bill are within the U.S. and Also not all have extra cash around to spend on memberships and donations.
One suggestion I seen is something I've said myself in the past when there was something like the Tsunami's and other natural disasters we've all witnessed.
Donating links/traffic/blog posts or whatever you can toward awareness is just as good IMO. If you see it on Digg or Stumbleupon etc ... Vote for it or make a post !
People mention Boycotts above .... that works to - But also let those Companies know WHY you're doing so .... They all have contact pages or info somewhere - Contact them.
Mark said:
One suggestion I seen is something I've said myself in the past when there was something like the Tsunami's and other natural disasters we've all witnessed.
Donating links/traffic/blog posts or whatever you can toward awareness is ju

Special "Charity Ribbon," perhaps? Perhaps a little title for the user's postbit for a certain level $NP donation.

Just ideas here, but a way that the little fish can still contribute and be recognized for doing so.

-Allan :gl:
-RJ- said:
I have drafted a NamePros Member Plan-of-Action. Please review and comment, with suggestions on ways to improve upon it. I hope to send this out to the entire membership within the next few days.


That's a good post suggestions are:

-some peeps may miss the thread, put a message up like the one lately about the scammers.

-This may not be able to be pulled off BUT:) I propose a "biggest pledger" or whatever, contest between namepros and dnf. members choose which side to contribute to with ALL monies going to ICA and bragging rights to the winning forum...could be a fun way to get some $$$buzz going.

So if jos smoe has a lil shop in the middle of nowhere named 123xyz they can really take any domain name or domain with it's likeness? This is crazy whats next? An email like: This is to inform you that we have have been monitoring your website history and noticed you have visited store 25 times last week without buying anything. Is anything out of bounds?
I have a question, call me stupid, but if Company A in the USA sees the domain name and decide that they want it, but the owner is based in a country far outside the USA, does this matter? If the Legal owner is a different country than Company A, can any legal action occur?
Cush said:
If the Legal owner is a different country than Company A, can any legal action occur?
- If the registrar is in the US, they can be compelled to give up the domain.
- The .com registry is run by Verisign, a US company subject to US laws.
So, as long as your domain doesn't have a trademarked name in it, and has real WhoIS info, you're in the clear?
DebacleX said:
So, as long as your domain doesn't have a trademarked name in it, and has real WhoIS info, you're in the clear?

Uuum. That's the way it's been for many years now.
This bill can have a worldwide ripple effect.
However I seem to support the move against typos of corporations as they INDEED mislead.
This is exactly why you divest into cctlds. :) With the exception of a very few vigilante registry's, no names get taken away!!
In response to:
Please sign the petition at!

I want to so much! But the above site simply asks me to donate money to ICA. I tried their search find the petition to sign...did not lead me anywhere. Can I sign this petition without having to spend money?
I believe the petition period is over..
Oh. Thanks for informing me, nicedomains. I just joined the day or before I asked the question.
labrocca said:
And I hope that's the case. I would LOVE to see the industry tightened up. It would get rid of many squatters and amatuers that have no idea how to develop or create their own brand. We can't forever allow domain registrations to people that have no intention of doing something viable with the name other than sell it or create parking revenue. That's NOT the intention of the internet. Domainers for the most part are cyber squatters...that's just the plain truth of it. I deal with it..I do it. I play the game. However...I realize it's a dangerous game often played with other peoples intellectual property. It's also unfair to those truly wishing to create actual niche or space on the web for themselves.

I feel bad for domainers that have large undeveloped portfolios. Some major players I know are working diligently to protect their domains by actually creating sites and real content. That's how it SHOULD be done. Guys like Rick Schwartz have simply gamed the internet and it's users to create wealth based on nothing. Good for them...bad for the internet. Sedo...imho should be shut down along with every parking company. Parking has been the worst thing for the internet experience. It has created a large section of domains that simply are useless.

Your motives are pure and to be honest, in an ideal world I would love this to be the case. But we are not living in an ideal world. This concept you are speaking of could just as easily be applied to Real Estate or any other industry for that matter. What RIGHT does a property tycoon have to sit on land when it could be put to better use by another party?

I understand what you're saying and trust me, I would love to see all parties reach a suitable solution that would allow the top domains to realise their maximum potential (after all, I love domains, that's why I'm here), but this is NOT the way. It's tantamount in many respects to retrospective taxation.
okie..i am from India ...and hold many .net and .org and .in which r typos how will this effect me or ppl in similar situation .....
Sounds like its the eminent domain stuff they were talking about a few years ago where a big business can take your property if its suited for business.
labrocca said:
And I hope that's the case. I would LOVE to see the industry tightened up. It would get rid of many squatters and amatuers that have no idea how to develop or create their own brand. We can't forever allow domain registrations to people that have no intention of doing something viable with the name other than sell it or create parking revenue. That's NOT the intention of the internet. Domainers for the most part are cyber squatters...that's just the plain truth of it. I deal with it..I do it. I play the game. However...I realize it's a dangerous game often played with other peoples intellectual property. It's also unfair to those truly wishing to create actual niche or space on the web for themselves.
Wow.. very well said. Very well said. :tu:
Any word on how the new pres stands on this bill or its status?
Yeah I am curious as well to the outcome of this bill. Can someone please give an update, would greatly appreciate that! Thanks!
~ The 34 Year Buzz!! said:
Stalled in Committee for now
Let's hope it stays dead...
Actually it is dead 8-X . Any bill that does not pass during the current congressional session they are introduced in (few legal exceptions) are automatically removed from the record (technically, still recorded, but are assumed as if voted against) and become mute. However, nothing prevents the sponsors from trying to reintroduce it as another bill number later. To-date, they have not done so for the 111th Session of Congress (2009-2010);which, basically, means they would have to start over again as if it were never introduced, practically.
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maximum said:
Actually it is dead 8-X .
Sounds good to me, thanks. :)
Thanks for the update guys!
Good news! Let's hope it stays dead!
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