
Looking for a freelancer for DNS infrastructure consulting

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
We are ELITEDOMAINS, a domain-provider from Germany, and we come to the point to build our own DNS infrastructure.

So far we do not have own nameserver and only allow our customers to use external nameserver services like sedoparking.com or cloudflare.com. In addition, we offer our customers the fast nameserver infrastructure of the DENIC Registry.

We now want to expand our possibilities and are therefore looking for someone on a project basis who assist our CTO as a freelancer with his experience. Alternatively, it would also be possible to take care of the whole development and support of our own nameserver systems as a freelancer on an ongoing basis.

At the moment we have around 30k domains with monthly growth of 1-2k, for which we need a dedicated DNS Server Entries. We have these questions at the moment:
- BIND9 vs PowerDNS as software?
- Scaling, how many zones and concurrent requests can fit well on what server size (CPU, memory)?
- Zones/Record updates: API? Commandline?
- DNS caching
- Backups
- Failover

Here's what we expect from you:
- Communication via Telegram Messanger
- Regular invoice on an hourly basis
- Experience with DNS infrastructure operations

If you are experienced interested in consulting us with DNS infrastructure please contact me via Private Message. Please also let me know, if you have capacities for the whole job: installing, optimizing and maintaining nameserver and DNS infrastructure.
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