
domains Key Trends in European ccTLDs & Global Domain Market

Spaceship Spaceship


____Top Member
Statistics, trends and analysis on the domain name market with particular focus on European country-code domains (ccTLDs). The report is prepared by the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR). Edition 2023_1. Published: September 2023

Highlights from the report​

  • Domain growth has been steadily rising throughout 2023, reaching 2.0% in July 2023.
  • The median demand ratio (the relationship between new registrations and deletions) is 1.2, up slightly to 1 year prior and similar to long term trends.
  • Median market share of European ccTLDs is estimated at 51% based on locally registered domains in the country and 36% based on popular websites.
  • The retail price for a European ccTLD increased slightly over the 12 months leading up to July 2023, with a buy price of 10.4 EUR. The same registrars advertises .com domains at 12.6 EUR.
  • Median DNSSEC adoption rate recently hit a milestone of 10% (DNSSEC enabled domains as a proportion of domains under management) and is continuing to grow consistently.
  • The rate of developed websites using SSL increased 4% in the year to May 2023.
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Median DNSSEC adoption rate recently hit a milestone of 10% (DNSSEC enabled domains as a proportion of domains under management) and is continuing to grow consistently.
You hear about this side -- the DNSSEC signing part -- most often. However, this percentage alone doesn't say much, and can be very misleading. What's equally or more important is the actual use in validation, which can be measured by counting signed and unsigned requests at major resolvers.

Here's more on this:

(Thanks @Lox)
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