
registries .in registry to require KYC on all domains

Spaceship Spaceship
Just got this e-mail (emphases mine):

Due to new registry policies of NIXI, the .IN registry, we are required to ensure the authentication of the accuracy of the data contained in the WHOIS record collected at the time of the Registration or the most recent update by verifying the information through KYC/eKYC methods both prior to the time of registration as well as prior to each renewal. Unverified registrations may no longer be requested or renewed.

We are also required to remind all resellers that the use of privacy, proxy or other anonymous registration services is prohibited for all Indian TLDs listed below. This also applies to the use of temporary email services such as Protonmail and others as well as email IDs and mobile numbers that may be specified by the registry from time to time.

The above applies to the following TLDs:,,,,,, .in, .xn--gecrj9c, .xn--h2brj9c, .xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h, .xn--s9brj9c, .xn--fpcrj9c3d, .xn--mgbbh1a71e, .xn--45brj9c, and is effective immediately. Failure to comply with this registry policy may result in the suspension of the ability to register or manage domains in the TLDs listed above.

Sorry if it's already been mentioned here but I didn't find a relevant topic.
Do you have any .in domains? Do you plan to keep them?
No mention if there's a KYC at owner change, it would be a major hindrance if there is.
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Thank you for this information. I may have a few in domains by GoDaddy.
Indian government wakes up like "kumbhakaran" and will fall asleep again.
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What exactly is KYC?
KYC is Know Your Customer. They will probably ask you to upload a government issued ID to verify your name and country of residence. Also, I am not sure but I remember that .IN registry had some kind of rule that one person can hold only 2 .IN domains at once, so they might use KYC verification to enforce that rule.
KYC is Know Your Customer. They will probably ask you to upload a government issued ID to verify your name and country of residence. Also, I am not sure but I remember that .IN registry had some kind of rule that one person can hold only 2 .IN domains at once, so they might use KYC verification to enforce that rule.

An individual can *register* 2 domains at once.

A government issued ID? do they have Greek translators then? because all my documents are in Greek :)

Hopefully they will not enforce this rule as it will create unnecessary chaos. I'm using various registrars to register .in domains.
If a KYC is required, that will mean we will have to follow that procedure for every registrar we use and every new one we might use in the future.
A government issued ID? do they have Greek translators then? because all my documents are in Greek :)

No worries, you will have to provide a sworn translation to English or Hindi. :xf.rolleyes:
I recently mentioned this, I received a call from NIXI to verify if I bought a domain from Spaceship. No KYC tho.
NIXI sent me a link through my email about a year ago.

I followed the link to provide answers to a questionnaire.

One of the series of questions asked about my intentions of acquiring the dot in names.

I forgot many of the questions.

I had no idea they wanted to know me better.

Anyway, they left me alone ever since, even though I am having 5 dot ins.
basically it is mandatory for all registrars to keep kyc details of registrants to prevent abuse usage of domains etc, and there is no limits on domains can be purchased by single user currently by NIXI, as a .in accredited registrar , i can confirm this.
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basically it is mandatory for all registrars to keep kyc details of registrants to prevent abuse usage of domains etc, and there is no limits on domains can be purchased by single user currently by NIXI, as a .in accredited registrar , i can confirm this.

collecting data is not KYC, KYC is about verifying the collected data, e.g. requiring document scans and/or selfie with an id.
collecting data is not KYC, KYC is about verifying the collected data, e.g. requiring document scans and/or selfie with an id.
of course!
Ok, I guess I misunderstood you, you were referring to all .in registrars. Thanks for the first-hand confirmation!
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