
I am so fed up with Moniker!!!

Spaceship Spaceship
:red:I don't normally vent as a customer, but after going through what seems like hell with moniker.com just to get login access back to my account, I feel compelled to tell my story. Less than 3 months ago moniker.com decided to reset my account's password because they got hacked. I thought I was the only one affected by their incompetence, but it turns out every account moniker has was affected by Moniker's poor management.

In the process of getting access to my account, I found out real fast how unprofessional the Moniker management team really is. And I'm sure that "MANY" Moniker customers share the same experience. I called moniker thinking it would be an easy process to get back into my account, and found it very frustrating to the point of aggravation. D-:I asked to speak to the manager of customer support and was told Marty Jonson was the manager and would be call me back. Needless to say, I never got called.

After a couple weeks, I was finally able to get access to my account, but I was never contacted by Marty Jonson. How does the manager of support not call back a concerned customer?:lol: So I did some research and found that Keydrive owns Moniker. I wander if the executives at Keydrive know how incompetent Marty Jonson is.
I spoke to a couple friends with moniker accounts that did talk to Marty, and they got the impression that Marty was not qualified to be a manager. They told me Marty could not help them fix basic problems like creating domain contacts and setting up URL forwarding without getting help from someone else first.

Why would the manager of customer support at a well known registrar have to get help from others to answer basic registrar questions? How long has Marty Jonson worked at moniker? My friends and I realized that if the manager of support at moniker could not answer simple questions, then we had to transfer our domains out of moniker.

Moniker used to provide good support and had knowledgeable people working for them, but has gotten worse because of people like Marty Jonson.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Maybe you should think about tranfering all of your domains to a better registrar.

My Picks are:
and I am liking the look of NameBright.
:red:I don't normally vent as a customer, but after going through what seems like hell with moniker.com just to get login access back to my account, I feel compelled to tell my story. Less than 3 months ago moniker.com decided to reset my account's password because they got hacked. I thought I was the only one affected by their incompetence, but it turns out every account moniker has was affected by Moniker's poor management.

In the process of getting access to my account, I found out real fast how unprofessional the Moniker management team really is. And I'm sure that "MANY" Moniker customers share the same experience. I called moniker thinking it would be an easy process to get back into my account, and found it very frustrating to the point of aggravation. D-:I asked to speak to the manager of customer support and was told Marty Jonson was the manager and would be call me back. Needless to say, I never got called.

After a couple weeks, I was finally able to get access to my account, but I was never contacted by Marty Jonson. How does the manager of support not call back a concerned customer?:lol: So I did some research and found that Keydrive owns Moniker. I wander if the executives at Keydrive know how incompetent Marty Jonson is.
I spoke to a couple friends with moniker accounts that did talk to Marty, and they got the impression that Marty was not qualified to be a manager. They told me Marty could not help them fix basic problems like creating domain contacts and setting up URL forwarding without getting help from someone else first.

Why would the manager of customer support at a well known registrar have to get help from others to answer basic registrar questions? How long has Marty Jonson worked at moniker? My friends and I realized that if the manager of support at moniker could not answer simple questions, then we had to transfer our domains out of moniker.

Moniker used to provide good support and had knowledgeable people working for them, but has gotten worse because of people like Marty Jonson.

So you moved all your domains out of Moniker, right? You stopped giving them your hard-earned $ because you received abysmal service and could not access your domains, right?

If "no" is the answer to my questions, then I ask, "Why not?"
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So you moved all your domains out of Moniker, right? You stopped giving them your hard-earned $ because you received abysmal service and could not access your domains, right?

If "no" is the answer to my questions, then I ask, "Why not?"

Yes, we are planning to migrate all of our domains elsewhere

---------- Post added at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 AM ----------

Maybe you should think about tranfering all of your domains to a better registrar.

My Picks are:
and I am liking the look of NameBright.

:red:I don't normally vent as a customer, but after going through what seems like hell with moniker.com just to get login access back to my account, I feel compelled to tell my story. Less than 3 months ago moniker.com decided to reset my account's password because they got hacked. I thought I was the only one affected by their incompetence, but it turns out every account moniker has was affected by Moniker's poor management.

In the process of getting access to my account, I found out real fast how unprofessional the Moniker management team really is. And I'm sure that "MANY" Moniker customers share the same experience. I called moniker thinking it would be an easy process to get back into my account, and found it very frustrating to the point of aggravation. D-:I asked to speak to the manager of customer support and was told Marty Jonson was the manager and would be call me back. Needless to say, I never got called.

After a couple weeks, I was finally able to get access to my account, but I was never contacted by Marty Jonson. How does the manager of support not call back a concerned customer?:lol: So I did some research and found that Keydrive owns Moniker. I wander if the executives at Keydrive know how incompetent Marty Jonson is.
I spoke to a couple friends with moniker accounts that did talk to Marty, and they got the impression that Marty was not qualified to be a manager. They told me Marty could not help them fix basic problems like creating domain contacts and setting up URL forwarding without getting help from someone else first.

Why would the manager of customer support at a well known registrar have to get help from others to answer basic registrar questions? How long has Marty Jonson worked at moniker? My friends and I realized that if the manager of support at moniker could not answer simple questions, then we had to transfer our domains out of moniker.

Moniker used to provide good support and had knowledgeable people working for them, but has gotten worse because of people like Marty Jonson.

Yeah, I went through a similar situation with Moniker recently. Their customer service has become useless. For a simple problem that takes most companies a few hours to sort out, took Moniker almost a week.. Needless to say, if it weren't for SnapNames, I wouldn't be doing any business with them at all.
Moniker is most sh*tty registrar I have experienced so far.

Usually an email or call elicits some response from the support team but here is none. I needed to contact them since I found all my domains with them were put on AUTOMATIC LOCK with no chance of my being able to unlock those through website or email verification.

And that's true even for a DOMAIN PUSH. Yes, you need to write to them and wait endlessly and listlessly to UNLOCK DOMAIN even for a domain push, for a domain that YOU own.
Moniker is most sh*tty registrar I have experienced so far.

Usually an email or call elicits some response from the support team but here is none. I needed to contact them since I found all my domains with them were put on AUTOMATIC LOCK with no chance of my being able to unlock those through website or email verification.

And that's true even for a DOMAIN PUSH. Yes, you need to write to them and wait endlessly and listlessly to UNLOCK DOMAIN even for a domain push, for a domain that YOU own.
For a domain push, I agree that's ridiculous. Also for a transfer out, my experience has been that you have to wait about 7 days and just sit it out. That's not a comforting experience. I hope you get your situation resolved soon.

Now that I think about it, though, I'm pretty sure I've been able to push a Moniker domain that was also locked.
I used to be a Moniker customer and stopped using them precisely for the poor customer support they provided.

Just to cite an example, I once sold a .CO domain I had at Moniker. The buyer paid me via PayPal and was expecting his domain right after payment. When I tried to push the domain to his account, the system gave me an error. I contacted Moniker through their site and waited a few hours.

I then called and was told that .CO domains could not be pushed automatically, but that they were going to work on it. But nothing hapened and it took several days for the push to take place. This is in spite of the fact that I called many times and spoke with several customer service agents who each time promised that the issue was being resolved.

I was afraid the buyer was going to cancel the payment. In the end, the push took place, but this experience made me stop using Moniker... too much incompetence and disregard for my needs as a customer.
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I have decided not to work with Moniker after some very poor experiences with SnapNames.

They both are the shame of the domain industry and " non-support " team is the worst I have ever experienced. I think there are no more than a couple of people " dealing " with customers which makes the task almost impossible.
Name.com and Dynadot.com both user friendly interfaces and great customer support. Live people at the other end of the phone who get it done.
I have been using Dynadot for a while and all went smooth so far but I have heard opposite feedback about Name
- Namecheap is pure gold... great live support, decent prices and great interface

- Name.com is very good, as long as you're legitimate

- Dynadot is more than decent

- Namesilo is refreshing - just don't keep anything disputable there

If you value your precious domains, avoid these at all cost :

- 1&1 / 11internet
- Moniker
- Networksolutions
- Mydomain.com / Dotster
- Godaddy
- Tucows
- Directi
- Register.com
- Snapnames
- NameScout
- Spotdomains
- Oversee
- Internet.bs

It's just a matter of time before you lose control over your portfolio with the ones in the list.

Don't say I didn't warn you... now you know... from someone who started when there was only Network Solutions
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And why is that? Aside from price and interface what else should you be concerned about when picking a domain register?
And why is that? Aside from price and interface what else should you be concerned about when picking a domain register?
It's a long list to sum up...

I could say : "Try the ones I warned about"... and you would do fine... a year... or even 3 years...

And suddenly... :

- can we have copies of ID, util bills, bank receipts, different photos
- transfer out ? how about writing a letter or faxing 5 times
- transferring your just expired domain to a "3rd party" and auction it instead of a redemption period
- your registrar sending complaints or disputes to ICANN themselves to grab your domain (on hold)
- changing prices / overcharging / sneaky extra options during ordering process
- privacy issues - selling your info and interests to 3rd parties
- locking you out of your account for no reason
- slow or non existing support - Try Network Solutions If you like your call forwarded to India for "support"
- getting bombarded with "offers"

I could go on and on... but my time... you get it

The good ones I mentioned before have earned that rep because they're not waisting your time, money, and trust in humanity ;)
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- Namecheap is pure gold... great live support, decent prices and great interface

- Name.com is very good, as long as you're legitimate

- Dynadot is more than decent

- Namesilo is refreshing - just don't keep anything disputable there

If you value your precious domains, avoid these at all cost :

- 1&1 / 11internet
- Moniker
- Networksolutions
- Mydomain.com / Dotster
- Godaddy
- Tucows
- Directi
- Register.com
- Snapnames
- NameScout
- Spotdomains
- Oversee
- Internet.bs

It's just a matter of time before you lose control over your portfolio with the ones in the list.

Don't say I didn't warn you... now you know... from someone who started when there was only Network Solutions

I mostly agree with you except that I've had really good results with Godaddy. Since being assigned an account executive, their support is easily the best of the bunch. All my calls get handled professionally with 0 hold time 100% of the time. Additionally their coupon codes save me a ton of money and their premium listings are my most successful 3rd party venue. If I have a complaint about GoDaddy it's that their free nameservers are very unreliable, but since I don't need those it's not an issue for me.

As for Namecheap, my beef with them is that they are non-responsive to spam complaints. For that reason, they seem to be a pretty popular registrar for spammers promoting viagra, cialis etc..
Thanks for misquoting me and for the links. What part of what you posted is supposed to convince me that I haven't had a positive experience with GoDaddy?

Not misquoting... more like summarizing your glorifying advertorial.

I am glad there's finally someone without any complaints (yet) about Godaddy.

After hearing and reading nothing but complaints from everyone you seem to be Godaddy's chosen one.
Not misquoting... more like summarizing your glorifying advertorial.

I am glad there's finally someone without any complaints (yet) about Godaddy.

After hearing and reading nothing but complaints from everyone you seem to be Godaddy's chosen one.

I apologize. Had I realized that your ego was too fragile to handle the expression of a differing point of view, I would never have posted. I would like to retract my previous comments and replace them with ones that will hopefully not feed into your insecurities. Here is my revised post:

"GoDaddy sucks, Namecheap is the best, and everything that Faithfull says is pure gold."

I hope you find that sufficiently validating. Let me know if you need any additional stroking and I'll be happy to oblige.
I apologize. Had I realized that your ego was too fragile to handle the expression of a differing point of view, I would never have posted. I would like to retract my previous comments and replace them with ones that will hopefully not feed into your insecurities. Here is my revised post:

"GoDaddy sucks, Namecheap is the best, and everything that Faithfull says is pure gold."

I hope you find that sufficiently validating. Let me know if you need any additional stroking and I'll be happy to oblige.

Despite your lack of psychoanalytic capabilities, it's good to read you know your place.
Despite your lack of psychoanalytic capabilities, it's good to read you know your place.

I can only hope you know your place too and that someone remembers to flush.
Hope is for the weak... I prefer action.

That's great. Now if you can learn to restrict yourself to appropriate action, you might go through life looking like less of an ass. Good luck with that.
That's great. Now if you can learn to restrict yourself to appropriate action, you might go through life looking like less of an ass. Good luck with that.

If I were an ass I would use Godaddy all day long.
If I were an ass I would use Godaddy all day long.

Thank you for confirming the link between your sense of self-worth and your choice of registrars, but I'd already figured that out based on your hysterically defensive previous posts.
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