
GoDaddy blackmagic unauthorized charge..

Spaceship Spaceship


Escaped AREA 51Established Member
I have a main godaddy account & one I forgot about as I used it for a promo in 2019..

Today I get a charge on my bank saying I was charged by godaddy & was surprised so I checked my account to find nothing..

After brainstorming, I try login to godaddy on my alias browser which I generally used for burner accounts. The login autofilled & I remembered the domain I took advantage of in a $0.99 offer in 2019..

What is scary is that I haven't logged into that account for over a year, but magically it shows my payment method as a new card which I only received in March 2021..

Even on my main Godaddy account, I haven't updated my payment info, so this is a bit spooky..

To further prove that this is some unauthorised black magic stuff, godaddy has been sending me emails asking me to renew my card details. Of course I used an alias email I don't check much..

The last email had a subject of "We can't renew your products: Update your payment info.", sent on 7th July 2021. So 10 days later my payment info magically updates without my approval & a renewal gets charged to a new card they should have no knowledge about..

So how in the f*** did the godaddy wizard magically update my dormant account with a new payment info I have never used on their site..

Another crazy thing is when I check the order history, it shows an auto renewal for 17th July 2020 & an initial charge in 2019 with same card details of a card that didn't exist until March 2021..
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reserving my spot on this one love me some black magic

@Joe Styler
When did your old card expire? Typically you can still bill the old card for a couple months and the charge appears on new card. Login to GoDaddy and I bet they still have the old card info… no black magic.
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When did your old card expire? Typically you can still bill the old card for a couple months and the charge appears on new card. Login to GoDaddy and I bet they still have the old card info… no black magic.

The old card expired in March 2021, which is why I got a replacement..

Normally on every other service I've used, you have to manually input the new card details before it shows on your account. Godaddy should have 0 knowledge about this new card unless I manually put it in, which I didn't..

And even if they billed my old card which won't work as it expired 4 months ago, it still shows my payment method as the new card which I didn't put as I haven't logged in for more than a year before it existed lol..

And my main godaddy account which I use has my old card details with an expired tag which is what should happen, not a magical update..
There has to be some reasonable explanation.

What is the alternative, that GoDaddy is in cahoots with big banks or CC issuers in order to provide CC information so they can renew a domain without permission? That stretches credulity.

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If it is an expired Visa card then I think all the payment sites that have information about the old one will automatically receive information about the new one (I myself got a new Visa card recently and it was automatically updated in most places)
Visa Account Updater

(from www.mouseprint.org)
"If you have certain bills like utilities, cable, or mail order pharmacy on “autopay” meaning they automatically charge your credit card or debit card every month for the balance due, Visa will tell those merchants your new expiration date or card number whenever the card is replaced."

Mastercard has the same, this happened to me recently.
Before doing any business with ... whoever - you should ALWAYS read ToS etc

About Credit Card Account Updater programs ... - GoDaddy


That is very interesting. Why even bother about expired credit cards then if they can just get the information?

Not sure how I feel about that. I guess you need to turn auto-renewal off or risk being charged.

I have always manually updated CC when they expire, is this something common with most payment platforms?

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It is in the fine print of bank and major credit cards agreements (updater program for subscribing merchants). Simply, opt-out / turn off auto-renewal and GD, Netflix, Newspapers, "Subscriptions" etc are going to fw the request for "turn-off-updater" to y bank / cc. Or in some cases you have to opt out through your bank / cc. (Login and check)

Or use Pre-paid card / Load & Go

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As others stated above it has to do with your card and your bank and their terms. Some will automatically update the merchant when the card expires some won't.

That is very interesting. Why even bother about expired credit cards then if they can just get the information?

Not sure how I feel about that. I guess you need to turn auto-renewal off or risk being charged.

I have always manually updated CC when they expire, is this something common with most payment platforms?


I don't feel comfortable at all about this.

CC expire after years, I don't mind updating them myself once a few years.
I dont think banks care what we are comfortable with. They like to make money. They make it either way. If they charge you on an expired card and you call and get a refund. The bank/credit card gets money for the initial charge and money for the refund - moving it back in most cases from the vendor who sold the goods. So it's good for them. They are either going to get a transaction fee and potentially interest if you keep a balance, or 2 transaction fees if you refund. So without regulation I don't see it going away.
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