
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Wow...long video...not enough time...got anything shorter? I am going to contact poster and give him a little audio recording advice! :xf.smile:
Just wasted 35 mins watching the first half of the linked video, so you don't have to.

In case anyone is curious: it's two conspiracy theorist youtubers feeding each other a bunch of bullshit, and it's a disservice to the community to share it.

By watching videos like this, we're literally paying people to spread disinformation.
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Just an FYI, I started this thread because it was clear that covid would become something that would impact the world more than just another flu strain. It has the potential for significant spread due to the fact a person can have it and be actively spreading it for 10 days or more before the onset of symptoms.

It is a volume thing...yes, it is a 'flu' type of infection, but due to the sheer numbers of potential infections, the resulting death numbers may be high. At a minimum, the global economic impact will be noticeable...at least for several months.

My grandfather died of the 'flu' when he was in his upper 20's and otherwise healthy. There are steps to take, especially if you have a compromised immune system or you are a caretaker of children or a caretaker of elderly individuals. Get some disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer and soap. Sorry, but masks wont help you unless they are nbc grade. The medical or 'dust' masks are only effective in helping a sick person not spread particles when coughing or sneezing.

The first case of community spread seems to be in California:


Schools in Japan are closed through spring break:

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make sure when you buy the mask they have charcoal. The regular surgical mask dont work. ty
NO, not charcoal alone - the mask must be marked P-95 or P-100

Remember P and a min of 95.

That is the min to stop oily particles, which include virus.

Hint - if you are having a problem finding some, try somewhere that sells painting supplies - painting respirators can be found in P-95. Even Harbor Freight (big green) respirators are P-95 and they are like 13or14 USD.
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Maybe we are all getting worked up for nothing...after all, the death rate is a measly 2.3%. Certainly not a big deal (unless it is you or someone you love). One of the US patients is not doing well...others are in varying degrees of illness, some with nothing more than a persistent cough and sniffles. Numbers in China stabilizing due to the immediate and firm action of the state...a different look at stats from same source as link above. The data is updated as it comes in...just refresh from time to time.


btw, Harbor Freight and a local franchise paint store in my area are sold out of n95's and face shields. A manager of a local chain store that I have business with said water is hard to keep stocked as well as some canned vegetables. He said the largest percentage increase in the last 24 hours is in wine sales! He said, "the masses have spoken...people have to have their wine no matter what!".
Maybe we are all getting worked up for nothing...after all, the death rate is a measly 2.3%. Certainly not a big deal (unless it is you or someone you love). One of the US patients is not doing well...others are in varying degrees of illness, some with nothing more than a persistent cough and sniffles. Numbers in China stabilizing due to the immediate and firm action of the state...a different look at stats from same source as link above. The data is updated as it comes in...just refresh from time to time.


btw, Harbor Freight and a local franchise paint store in my area are sold out of n95's and face shields. A manager of a local chain store that I have business with said water is hard to keep stocked as well as some canned vegetables. He said the largest percentage increase in the last 24 hours is in wine sales! He said, "the masses have spoken...people have to have their wine no matter what!".

In my area they've sold out on Toilet Paper extra strength. I guess when S**T hits the fan people will literary S**T themselves.
Now there are cases in Oregon and Washington. I've got a couple relatives in education and they have been called in for a weekend meeting. Not sure what the average person will do in the US if their children have to be kept out of school for a while in the near future (like Japan).

The article below addresses some of the potential market impact:

Live press conference on now with Pence...travel ban expanded, etc.
Corona beer sales are supposedly down.
Where I'm at in Ohio, face masks are long-since widely sold out (at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, etc), and hand sanitizer is either sold out or nearly so, depending on the store.... (and this is before any confirmed cases in this region!). There is currently a national shortage in the U.S., so please, DO NOT HOARD.

I strongly recommend that everyone, of all ages, in all localities, takes this seriously, immediately. Better safe than sorry.

- At minimum, EVERYONE needs to WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY, for at least 20 seconds (with bacteria-killing soap), and avoid touching your face or food with unwashed hands. As I understand it, only around 5% of Americans actually wash their hands properly.

- Cough & sneeze into your SHOULDER or SHIRT -- not into your hands or the air! Very important, "sick" or not! Remember, it seems that the majority of those who acquire this virus will likely not even realize it; they may assume they simply have a cold or regular flu. Meanwhile, they may spread it to those less able to fight the virus.

- Where possible, people should purchase (and use) several bottles of hand sanitizer (70%+ alcohol). It's advisable to carry a bottle of it in your vehicle and use it after touching public surfaces (door handles, shopping carts, gas pumps, ATMs, etc). Again, don't hoard; supplies are low.

- Stock up on WATER, FOOD (including non-perishable canned foods), and things like TP. Massive, unprecedented lockdowns and quarantines may very well occur in the near future -- yes, this is possible even in the U.S.! Aside from the potential for various shortages -- if this continues to spread, it'll be best to avoid going to the store unnecessarily since you'll simply increase your chances of picking up (or spreading) the virus.

- Be sure to have any required medications on hand, and perhaps even a small personal supply of cold/flu medicines. The less severe cases will generally be treated at home, since hospitals will quickly be overrun if this does indeed continue to spread. Ideally, those who are not severely ill will already be prepared to stay home, to help avoid spreading it further.

- IF you've traveled to known coronavirus hotspots, and then come down with a cold or flu-like illness 1-14 days later, CALL your doctor or hospital BEFORE you show up, so that they may take precautions! Don't just show up and say "Oh yeah, by the way, I just got back from Wuhan/Daegu/etc."

IF everyone takes precautions like these, we can help slow the overall spread of COVID-19.
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Fear, paranoia and misinformation - 21st century normality.........

Uhhm thanks so much for chiming in doc, but clearly you're not paying attention.

Let me guess.... "it's just the flu"? :facepalm:

Since you brought up the WHO:

WHO declares rest of the world at 'very high' risk for coronavirus (Feb 28, 2020)

"The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday said that it had raised its risk assessment relating to COVID-19 for the rest of the world to very high from high."

WHO raises coronavirus threat assessment to its highest level: ‘Wake up. Get ready. This virus may be on its way’ (Feb 28, 2020)

We are on the highest level of alert or highest level of risk assessment in terms of spread and in terms of impact,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO’s health emergencies program. The group isn’t trying to alarm or scare people, he said. “This is a reality check for every government on the planet: Wake up. Get ready. This virus may be on its way and you need to be ready. You have a duty to your citizens, you have a duty to the world to be ready.”
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Straight from a respected expert, Dr Peter Lin:

(video from Feb 18, 2020; this is an evolving situation, so advice will evolve as time goes on)
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