
2 simple domain tools (made by me)

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hi everyone,
I've created those 2 tools on one member's request.

1: Domain List Cleaner - removes everything from a txt file and leaves only domains. Works with all file sizes.

2: Reference Filter - Filters all domains (from a bulk) that begin, contain or end with any reference word(s) you enter. Also works good with huge lists.

You can download those 2 from attachment. Please let me know if you have any further suggestions, requests or notice any bugs.

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When I asked if you can create these programs I was not expecting you to create them in a few hours without even asking anything in return.

I'm very impressed. You are a great programmer. Do you have one of those paypal donation buttons? If you have you could add it to this topic and people could donate. I think you can post these buttons in forum messages.

I have just send you some namebucks. Thank you so much.

The text cleaner works great. There were other programs but none of them could handle huge snapnames text files. It works in a few seconds. I can't believe how easiy it was to clean a list of 100.000 lines. It tool like 3 seconds. I was stock with microsft access and excel and spend lots of time every 3 days.

The reference filter program is good but can be improved. When you put a few keywords like 5 to 10 keywords it works good but there could be a progress bar. When you add too many keywords the program freezes. If there was a progress bar you could see if it is frozen or not.
Sorry about that, I didn't test program for more than 10 reference words. I will improve it by tommorow.

About donations.. Well if anyone feels like sending me few bucks, you can do it at paypal addres: [email protected] :)

Please feel free to post more suggestions and feedbacks..

Hello Andrej,

I made a mistake last time because I have put 2000 reference keywords by mistake. I have tried again with more realistic numbers, this time with 70 keywords. The program works great.

There is no critical update needed for this program. But if you want to improve please check these pictures:

Snapnames has typically 3 text files. To use your text cleaner you nmeed to download these three files and put them together on a single file (input.txt). It takes a few minutes. So it's not big deal but if you are looking for improvement than this is one way. I have tried your text cleaner program with a text file of 350.000 lines and it works in 3 seconds. Unbelievably fast. I can't even open the text file with notepad in 3 seconds.

I realized an important problem with the text cleaner. It leaves blank spaces on lines. Can you make it remove all blank spaces?

In this last picture the "contains", "begins with" and "ends with" texts should be saved when you open the program next time.
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I realized an important problem with the text cleaner. It leaves blank spaces on lines. Can you make it remove all blank spaces?

You mean that one blank space after each domain? If so, it's already fixed.. Other improvements you suggested require more time to be done, but I will certainly do them all. You can expect updates in about 48 hours, as I'm going on RHCP concert tommorow early in the morning :)

Thnx for your feedback

Hello Andrej,

Yes, the problem is the extra space on each line. If this problem is fixed do you mind updating the text cleaner file in your first message? Maybe you can add a version name to your file so it will be easier to track.

I have more feedback but I will post them later. Cheers.
Yes, the text cleaner works good now. Thanks.

I think your other program, the keyword search tool has great potential. Obviously you can use this tool to search domains that start with 'find','easy',online','visit' etc. or that end with 'maps', 'hotels', deals' etc. but it can also be used in other ways.

It can be actually used to filter a certain language from snapnames lists. Every language has some typical letter combinations that don't exist in English. A few examples from German:

contains 'zie' (like zeit, zeichen, zeitung,...)
contains 'gesch' (like geschichte, geschenk, geschaft,...)

If you are focused on a certain language you need to search for unique letter combinations that occur in that language. This way you can find some unexpected domains as well that don't contain a popular keyword.

I have changed the second picture above. I made a few minor alterations.
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awesome ones i was getting many troubles of extracting domains from a file but now thnx reps added
cool stuff.
everyone needs more people like you.
will download soon and give you a rep soon!
thank you! Only problem i found is that the program ignores the domain if it's in all capital letters ... did the small letter ones perfectly - and FAST!
DLC tells me it is an invalid zip file, can someone send it to me please?

admin @ AcornDomains
Sorry for this huge delay. I've made some changes to reference filter, it's reuploaded now.. I will upgrade DLC with MarcelProust's suggestions today..

Hi Andrej,

The program looks good. Don't worry about delays. In a short time you have already updated both the keyword search tool and the list cleaner tool once. This is great.

I have some suggestions but I will post them later after the new version of list cleaner tool. Until then I have some small feedback:

I think the names below might be better than the current names. I know it was me who mentioned the word 'references' but is is not clear and simple enough. I think these names might be better:

1. List Cleaner Tool
2. Keyword Search Tool

The version names like 0.1, 1.1 etc are too confusing especially when the updates dates are so close. I suggest to use basic version numbers like v1, v2, v3 etc. This makes life much easier.

Thank you very much Andrej. You are a great programmer.
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Ok, I've remaked & reuploaded both programs again. Those are very "quick" versions, so it's very likely that some bugs appear. Pls report if you notice any.

Little changelog:

- Changed filter tool's name
- Added "exclude digits" and "exclude dashes" functions to KST (Keywords Search Tool)
- Added input and output options to DLC, multiple files suported
- Varios bugs fixed

List cleaner might work little slower because it now has to merge few lists into one.

The version names like 0.1, 1.1 etc are too confusing especially when the updates dates are so close. I suggest to use basic version numbers like v1, v2, v3 etc. This makes life much easier.

Heh, sorry about that, usually my projects have hundreds of beta versions before final one, so I'm used to mark them that way :) I fixed it now..

Thank you for the feedback, I will improve those tools more soon
Suggestions for Domain List Cleaner v3:

1. Remove input.txt completely.
2. Remove output.txt completely.
3. Rename the exe file to DomainListCleaner_v3.exe
4. Rename the zip file to
5. Cancel the auto created input.txt file.

This program is best for cleaning snapnames and pool text files. It does a perfect job. Because we already have input files we don't need a text file called input.txt. Therefore we have removed this file. The problem is, the program creates a input.txt file automatically.
Watch this video.

6. When you click select output file a window opens that says open. Change this window to the one that says save as. This is the window we need:

7. Inside the program, the name appears as "Domain List Cleaner Tool v3". This is too long. Can you rename this to "Domain List Cleaner v3". Thank you for your patience with these renamings.

8. "Exclude domains with digits" and "exclude domains with dashes" are great features. Can we add them to Domain List Cleaner v4 ?

Thank you for your great work so far Andrej. I will now check the Keyword Search Tool and will post some feedback in a few hours. Bye.
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Suggestions for Keyword Search Tool v2:

1. Remove input.txt completely.
2. Remove output.txt completely.
3. Remove the references.txt file completely.
4. Rename the exe file to KeywordSearchTool_v2.exe
5. Rename the zip file to
6. Cancel the auto created input.txt file.

If you delete the input.txt file the program creates one automatically even though you are using another file for input. This is the same problem as in the other tool.

7. When you click select output file a window opens that says open. Change this window to the one that says save as.

8. Inside the program can you change input (domain lists) to
select input files.

9. Just to use the same wording in both programs can you change output to select input files inside the program.

10. Inside the program can you change reference file to select keyword file.

11. When you select the output destination the windows window that opens is the open window. Again we need the save as window here.

12. Progres bar will be great help.

13. I have tested exclude digits and exclude dashes. There is a problem here with the order of actions. A typical snapnames list has 350.000 domains. During the test to make things simple I have used a keyword text file with 5 keywords. I run the test that ends with test normally. The program goes all through the 350.000 domains and selects the domains that ends with the 5 keywords and exports results. This is done in 23 seconds. I'm happy with the proccessing time.

Now I run the same test again after selecting exclude digits and exclude dashed. Everything else is the same. After 8 minutes I shut down the program because it is not working. I think the problem is order of actions. The program should:
> run the filter normally without thinking about dashes and digits.
> Create the results file in 23 seconds.
> Go to the results file that you have just created and take the results file as a new input file.
> Delete all domains that contain digits or dashes from the results file.
> Update results file.

I think instead deleting digits and dashes from results file your program checks all input list = 350.000 domains.

If this feature is going to be a problem I suggest you add it to cleaner and remove it from this program. If the cleaner can create a 320.000 list without digits and dashes it will be better because the will have one input file already cleared from digits and dashes and you don't worry about them every time.

14. Instead selecting a keyword file it would be better to have the keywords inside the program saved.

I want all domains that start with 'find' or 'easy'.
I want all domains that contain 'English', 'French' or 'German'.
I want all domains that end with 'forum' or 'forums'.

If you design the program like in this picture then you don't need to change the keyword file continuously.
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Thanks for the great tools :)
The keyword search tool is not working for me : i have a "I/O error 32" message
It works for me. Closing the program and starting again should solve the problem.

I left a few selections blank and clicked the go button a few times. That way I managed to get the same error. Then I corrected the selections but the same error message continued. I started over and it was fine.

When you chose a location to export results make sure you name the file like results.txt with the dot txt.
This program is best for cleaning snapnames and pool text files. It does a perfect job. Because we already have input files we don't need a text file called input.txt. Therefore we have removed this file. The problem is, the program creates a input.txt file automatically.
Watch this video.

Well, input.txt is there to merge those 3 other files into one. It's little slower process, so I will change it.

6. When you click select output file a window opens that says open. Change this window to the one that says save as.

Will be fixed. 7 and 8 as well.

From the other post:

1-11 will be done.
I will see about progress bar - it's not very easy to implement it here

> run the filter normally without thinking about dashes and digits.
> Create the results file in 23 seconds.
> Go to the results file that you have just created and take the results file as a new input file.
> Delete all domains that contain digits or dashes from the results file.
> Update results file.

This one would work even slower. In that case the program has to go through two huge loops. But then it uses less RAM and probably won't crash, but will last longer.. Btw, how much RAM do you have? I didn't expect this program to crash so easily.

14 will be done.

I will try to finish those upgrades in next 24 hrs.

The keyword search tool is not working for me : i have a "I/O error 32" message

When does the error appear? Are you sure that you have selected input, reference and output files correctly? Are you sure that lists you are trying to filter are cleaned with DLC?
Hi Andrej,

I checked again. It appears the program didn't crash at all. It works the same speed with or without dashes/digits.

The problem is, sometimes there is no "done, check results" message at the end. Last time I didn't get that message so I thought it doesn't work. So, there is no problem except the "done, check results" message not appearing sometimes.

About the other issue I made some test runs. I have found the "I/O error 32" code:
1. Run the program normally and select everything except the result file. Leave that section blank.
2. The program will say "invalid output file".
3. Now select the outfile file from any existing text file, lets say results.txt and run again.
4. you will get the "I/O error 32".

BTW, take your time. There is no need to rush. Bye.
MarcelProust said:
It works for me. Closing the program and starting again should solve the problem.

Yes it works properly now, thanks :)
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