
Announcing My Retirement from Domaining: Please Read

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randypendleton.comTop Member
My NamePros Compatriots,

I am writing this on the 12th of March, 2010. And I write these words with sadness in my heart for I know that this has to be done and it is out of my sphere of control. A few of you were told of this, in private messages, long ago but now, I’m going to make the announcement public. But even those who had prior knowledge of my endeavor may not understand the reasoning of my decision or more so, why I chose to postpone the inevitable until this very moment. This, of course, is explained below.

I’ve written one novel, back in 2006. It was to be revised and sold by early 2007 but my life had undergone many twists and perils. To this day, the book has yet to be published. (To note: I’ve also written a chapbook in 2002 that due to my displeasure of the material, is not in print. I am working on a second chapbook at the present.) As of last summer, I’ve been working on a second novel. It should have surpassed 500 pages at this point but the perils of the last six months had limited me to great lengths. Two events in August-September tore at me greatly and by the thirty-first of October, I nearly snapped. I kept myself in isolation, being alone in an apartment--without so much as taking a step outside or pulling the blinds up--for twenty-four hours a day, usually through full one-or-two week spans. I slowly deteriorated and day by day, I regressed, becoming dehumanized and psychotic. I decided at that time to put this endeavor into play. But like most addictions, I couldn’t let go of domaining or the numerous three-figure sales I was making through it.

But now, I have no choice.

I am an unwedded man, aged twenty-seven years, from Ohio, USA. But I am a man of convictions, of complexity... and I’m enveloped in melancholy. It is a sadness that I carry, the burden of being who I am. For those who do not know me: I am a sufferer of a disease known as type-2 neurofibromatosis. I have bilateral deafness and imperfect vision. From 1999 to now, I’ve undergone some rather gruesome operations (I’ve had close to two dozen incisions performed on various places on my body) and I will not descend into falsified pretence: I will never get better. The gene that causes my disease had been discovered a few years ago and medical researches are trying to find a way to cure this. Whether I benefit from this or not is unknown but the fact remains that I have as I have. As well, I have my doubts of a miracle.

Adding to this sordid picture, I’ve lived one hell of a strange life. I’ve went through adversaries, as I’m sure you all have, throughout my life but as Ozzy Osbourne so aptly put it, the wreckage of my past keep haunting me. It has gotten worse lately and, I’m afraid, it’s not going to recede if I sit here and hold all of this in. I’m growing bitter. I’m hating myself with such an acute severity. But it’s an enormity I bear for holding back, after all these years. I’ve wanted to write my life’s story out. I’ve planned on doing this after my high-school graduation. It, unfortunately, never happened. And my neglect of not writing my memoirs out is gnawing at me and the misery it encompasses is growing all the more extreme. I cannot even sit and stare at a wall without a memory, whether of bliss or perdition, enveloping me. I feel as though the past is suffocating me. I’ve tried to run from it to no avail. My only redemption is to face it.

I cannot and will not put my current book on hiatus and I plan to write my memoir and my current book concurrently. I require more time to achieve this feat and since I use up a great deal of time with domaining, it seems imperative to me that I hang up the proverbial towel and call it a career. With this, I have no other sufficient options but to announce my retirement from the domain industry. The newfound time will be used to write on both of these stories (and my second chapbook). Assuming I can recover the draft of my first book, I shall give it a proper revision and then seek out an agent for the manuscript. I’ll have a lot on my plate and will need more time. This is the only choice I have aside from placing some of these projects on shelf; this, of course, is being written out of the equation.

Please do not take this as me saying that I am not of sound mind or that I’m suffering from a mental instability. I am neither mentally ill nor insane. But I carry this burden--my past--and I know that the only way I’ll be able to put this burden to rest is by facing it. I’m old enough to understand that and mature enough to act upon it.

There are chances that I might pop in here time and time again to engage in discussion and I might buy/sell a domain here and there, if I feel but for the most part, I’m out. I will hold a fire-sale of my domains in a day or 2. They will all need to be sold and I’m willing to part with them cheap so as to liquidate my portfolio quicker.

I’ll miss this. I’ve been a domainer since around 2002 and have many fond memories here at NP. I’ll write out a short good-bye upon my departure; this letter was simply to announce my retirement from domaining and to alert you of my soon-to-be-held fire-sale. I wish you all luck and I shall remain here, in NP, for another week, during which I’ll conduct my sale.

With all due respect,
Randy L. Pendleton

PS I owe one of you money. You know who you are. That will be dealt with accordingly.
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My NamePros Compatriots,
Adding to this sordid picture, I’ve lived one hell of a strange life...the wreckage of my past keep haunting me. It has gotten worse lately and, I’m afraid, it’s not going to recede if I sit here and hold all of this in...

Very sorry to hear this, Archangel. I haven't been on NP for a long while, so don't know much about what you've done here, but I know the feeling of needing to write, and I love domaining, too. You might find this free listening library interesting:

Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet - Listening Library

The audios are changed every month.

I wish you the best....

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27-28
I don't think I've had any direct dealings with you, but I've seen you around plenty.

Good luck for whatever the future brings you. If I ever see a book with your name on it, I''ll be sure to grab a copy.
I really hope you find your inner peace.

Take care and do let us know from time to time how things are.
damn sorry to hear about your conditions and all the problems you have faced, and i hope you can get better soon bro!
Goodluck with the novel bro, make sure you tell the NP community when it's published :)
Im a little teary eyed sitting here. You have made me laugh and you have brightened many of my days. Please do stay in touch with me. I will miss you and the uniqueness that you bring.

I will think of you fondly and miss the energy you bring to everything you touch. I wish you the peace that you seek and the best of luck with your writing.

:xf.love: HUGGS!! :xf.love:

Always your friend
You're a good man Randy; hope to see more of your thoughts & posts here as best convenient for you! :talk:

Stay safe, and be well!
Best regards,
Jeff B-)
Randy, I don't know you, but your story sounds very familiar to me. I too am in very frequent depression, partially because I too carry too many unprocessed memories from the past (my childhood was very bad although I don't want to sound like self-pitying). I do have a psychological lifelong condition, but especially the depressions have become worse lately. You said it very well: you have to look the inner demonds deep into the eyes before you can process the bad thoughts and come into terms with them. I am sure it will eventually lead to you feeling better. I am also writing by the way ; partially to process my depressed feelings. Whenever I feel bad, I grab a pen. It's like an escapism.

I may not know you personally but I perfectly understand your words. You're alone with these pains, and writing has been very helpful for me, I'm sure your choice to continue work on your novel is the right choice because it for sure will help you in your process of leaving your bad memories behind. Also, I'd advise you to get in touch with other people that go through the same problems, you can learn a lot from each other's survival techniques.

I wish you well, and don't forget that when the skies look dark, you may see some stars. Good luck with everything, and I too will surely look out for your novel once it's published.
Sincere best wishes for your future health & happiness.
Take good care of yourself.
Good luck with your future endeavors. I've had my share of ups and downs through life also. After loosing friends and family at early ages in life, I know its all good when we can still contemplate what are our next steps will be. I do not know you but hope you continue with what you are compassionate about. Life is short. To do what you want to be doing is being "rich" in life. Best wishes and maybe we will see you return after a break.
Thanks to all the well-wishers in this thread (and those who've PM'ed me). I do wish I could address you all individually but there are far too many things to address in a mere post. So I'll go this route, instead:

I won't be so arrogant to say that I've lived a life unlike what most of you had. That might not even be the case. The biggest issue here is time. You see, I have 5 tumors in my brain and ppl with them are not supposed to be able to, say, write a book. Probably through the miracle of God, I've written one book and am currently working on #2. But I'm being realistic that there may be a day at which I find myself incapable of writing. Of all my ideas (I have enough in me to write a bare-least fifteen books), the one that I want to do the most is my memoir. I dunno what's the freakiest thing I've ever endured in my life... finding a dead body... undergoing the perils borne unto me from my disease... holding in family secrets that shouldn't exist, to begin with... literally going insane... drug/sexual abuse... face-to-face encounters with the supernatural... I've been through a lot. And really, I don't think many people would believe half of it but I want to tell my story, regardless.

I was going to write it following graduation. I did meet Ozzy Osbourne shortly afterward, which was cool, but within 16 or so months of graduation, I had 3 operations and a shitload of radiation treatments. College came to me after awhile and after 1 semester, I stayed home and wrote my first book. I've been kind of scared. Reliving your past when your past was terrible isn't fun. So I've been putting it off for years and my 10-year high school reunion will be next year & still, no memoir.

That seems trivial, in a sense, but it's gotten worse on me. I sit and sulk, thinking of my past and I know that I have to face this sometime. I moved 200 miles away from home (in 2007). I moved back. I moved about 35 miles away last summer. Came right back. Running won't help. I gotta face this and come to terms with my past. And seeing as I have these tumors, I might be passing up my chance. So really, this is what I have to do.

(It was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. I decided to do this years ago but never did. I truly do have characters named Ron and Rachel in my new book. I wanted to keep a piece of NP with me no matter what route I eventually took. That said, I have a Ron (RJ) and a Rachel (NPQueen). I might wind up putting a few other names at a later date. I'll have to see.)

Why did I decide to do this NOW? I used to write 60-90 pages a month on this book and my first. But lately, I've been doing around 20-30. I keep getting pestered with my past and well... I decided to start a memoir around last September but too many issues got in the way. I'm around page 235 on this second book. Once I finish the current chapter and do about 10 pages of the next (the story will spill into the next chapter), I'll start to plan this memoir out.

I'll keep in touch with you, Rachel & Wendy et al and I'll relaunch the Official Randy L. Pendleton Website: Because Everything Else Totally Sucks... in a few days, using WP since it'd be quicker, and will keep it updated. I'll still use NP but likely a lot less... who knows? I might pull a Jordan/Clemens after these 2 books are finished. For now though, I gotta do what I gotta do. :p
Much love to you Arch and goodluck with the books. :):hearts:
Good luck mate. Take care.
Good luck Randy :tu:

Im sure many people on NP would like a copy of your book when it's done :tu:
Wish you the best of luck with your domain liquidation, your book as well as your health.
Randy I am so sorry to read this and wish you all the best. Although I can't feel how you feel but I do understand how you feel. If you don't mind I would like to make a friendly suggestion. I hope it will help you live a much happier life...

Please read these 2 books if and when you get a chance to. They will def help you overcome your setbacks, and the tough times you have been through...

Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Become Who Your Were Born To Be ( I can't remember the authors name)

But these are great books that have helped me a lot and I have read them 3 times each atleast.. They will help you as well hopefully..

I pray that God blesses you with great healthy and a happier life...

Do stop by at NP just to keep us informed on your progress in general and the Books you are writing...


Good luck man. Wish you health & happiness. Take care.
Hey Randy,

I'm gonna miss you Bro. I hope you stay in contact with me.
I know your going to be successful with the novel and book.
You bess not forget us when you've hit it big. And your gonna
have to pay end user pricing for the title of your novel or book
if I have the domain. ..... But seriously Randy .... I wish you well.

This saddens me whilst I'm still excited for you. Funny how selfish we
can be. Not wanting a friend to venture off but knowing it's what they
want is an ironic torque on emotion. Which is apropos in this instance.
Your "that" kind of unique friend one wants not to venture off. :blink:

Best Wishes My Friend
Randy, I enjoyed your posts here. We are all on borrowed time, you're just more aware of it than the rest of us. Hope you get a couple good books out. Hope they do something to quiet the demons. Then I hope you can write another book that looks ahead for you.
Good luck Randy with the writings of your books from another avid writer. I'll trade a signed copy of mine for one of yours when you (and me) are finished!! Keep in the best of spirits and faith bro.

Very sorry to hear that. I wish you all the best.

Take Care!

I am really sorry to hear your story. You’ve been in my friends’ list for a while and I have always enjoyed reading your posts. My belief is that there is no disease in the world without a cure for it. Wish you good luck with your recent novel. I will certainly grab a copy once it is published. Please keep us updated on it.
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