trending domains

Spaceship Spaceship

    discuss USE the ridiculous trending keyword to rationalize your domain's price above $10K

    Hello guys, If you have a trending keyword domain, don't sell yourself short. Thought about this just now. If sold for $10,050 AT AUCTION then surely your domain that has more than 61,500,000 results (Ok boomer no quotes on Google) or 5,480,000 results ("Ok boomer" with quotes)...

    discuss USE the ridiculous trending keyword to rationalize your domain's price above $10K

    Hello guys, If you have a trending keyword domain, don't sell yourself short. Thought about this just now. If sold for $10,050 AT AUCTION then surely your domain that has more than 61,500,000 results (Ok boomer no quotes on Google) or 5,480,000 results ("Ok boomer" with quotes)...
  3. Nripesh Ranjan

    domains Which domain name is trending today ? -

    Many places..many names but lots of domainers are watching bidding and buying some perfect name/s due to its age factor, perfect keyword or keywords' combination, huge..huge search friendly thats generating big revenue or looking for resale with profit. Can we discuss here whats the name of...
  4. Nripesh Ranjan

    domains Which domain name is trending today ? -

    Many places..many names but lots of domainers are watching bidding and buying some perfect name/s due to its age factor, perfect keyword or keywords' combination, huge..huge search friendly thats generating big revenue or looking for resale with profit. Can we discuss here whats the name of...
  5. Displays

    auction, Bitcoin BUFFS Dot COM Auction! Starts AT $3, Increments $1 or More.

    Crypto Bitcoin Market! Domain: Registrar: Exp: 2018/12 /13 Starting Bid: $3 Bidding Increments: $1 or more. Transfer Options: Domain Push OR Epp Code Payment: PayPal Preferred (Thanks) Auction Ends 24 hours after last Bid OR Bin $125
  6. Displays

    auction, Bitcoin BUFFS Dot COM Auction! Starts AT $3, Increments $1 or More.

    Crypto Bitcoin Market! Domain: Registrar: Exp: 2018/12 /13 Starting Bid: $3 Bidding Increments: $1 or more. Transfer Options: Domain Push OR Epp Code Payment: PayPal Preferred (Thanks) Auction Ends 24 hours after last Bid OR Bin $125
  7. OmarVG


    GoDaddy domains. Escrow payment. Sell Price $ 1,000,000 USD each domain. ANIMOJISCHAT.COM ANIMOJIS.CHAT Note: Avoid your hater comments in my thread, I will report immediately any negative, ironic, sarcastic, aggressive, Irrelevant posts. I really don't care your worthless opinion...
  8. OmarVG


    GoDaddy domains. Escrow payment. Sell Price $ 1,000,000 USD each domain. ANIMOJISCHAT.COM ANIMOJIS.CHAT Note: Avoid your hater comments in my thread, I will report immediately any negative, ironic, sarcastic, aggressive, Irrelevant posts. I really don't care your worthless opinion...

    showcase Report Animoji Domain regs here

    Has anybody registered Animoji domains?
  10. James Iles

    information Top Topics: How Long Does It Take to Sell a Domain? How Do You Discover Trends?...

    In this week's Top Topics, there is an excellent discussion based around discovering trending niches for potential investment, with some excellent advice from the community for trend investors. Elsewhere, John Berryhill gives an update on the case and the we look at the costs...
  11. James Iles

    information Top Topics: How Long Does It Take to Sell a Domain? How Do You Discover Trends?...

    In this week's Top Topics, there is an excellent discussion based around discovering trending niches for potential investment, with some excellent advice from the community for trend investors. Elsewhere, John Berryhill gives an update on the case and the we look at the costs...
  12. ET76

    domain Closed

    What do you think about this name? Anyone, please ??? Thanks in advance!
  13. ET76

    domain Closed

    What do you think about this name? Anyone, please ??? Thanks in advance!
  14. Domain Check

    strategy Twitter Trending Topic Domain Names

    Hello! I am a programmer and in my free time I made a tool that checks the status of .com domains for the trending topics on Twitter (hashtags and phrases) It is fun and you can use it at this link :-) It updates every ~30 minutes and archives every day so...
  15. Domain Check

    strategy Twitter Trending Topic Domain Names

    Hello! I am a programmer and in my free time I made a tool that checks the status of .com domains for the trending topics on Twitter (hashtags and phrases) It is fun and you can use it at this link :-) It updates every ~30 minutes and archives every day so...
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