
ll domain

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. nicedomains

    auction over

    over Registrar: Renewal: Transfer: Push or auth code Start: $15 Increment: $1+ Buy It Now: TBA Ends: 72 hours after last bid (or BIN) Renewal Payment: PayPal, Crypto (new members or members with negative trade reviews PM me first)
  2. nicedomains

    auction over

    over Registrar: Renewal: Transfer: Push or auth code Start: $15 Increment: $1+ Buy It Now: TBA Ends: 72 hours after last bid (or BIN) Renewal Payment: PayPal, Crypto (new members or members with negative trade reviews PM me first)
  3. oppo

    negotiable UB.eu

    taking offers on that killer .eu UB.eu
  4. oppo

    negotiable UB.eu

    taking offers on that killer .eu UB.eu
  5. saintbgbg

    auction GO.net.co/LL- ultra premium domain

    GO.net.co one word /LL.net.co/ Over 7 Billion search Start - $8 Increment - $2+ Registrar - PublicDomainRegistry Expiry :2018-02 Auction ends 120 hours after final bid or BIN Payment - PayPal Transfer - Free push
  6. saintbgbg

    auction GO.net.co/LL- ultra premium domain

    GO.net.co one word /LL.net.co/ Over 7 Billion search Start - $8 Increment - $2+ Registrar - PublicDomainRegistry Expiry :2018-02 Auction ends 120 hours after final bid or BIN Payment - PayPal Transfer - Free push
  7. shayan

    domain EE.media

    Picked it up recently. What are your thoughts? op.media was sold last week for 24k to one of the largest financial companies in Finland. I also picked up other LL.media's, but this one looks the prettiest to me :)
  8. shayan

    domain EE.media

    Picked it up recently. What are your thoughts? op.media was sold last week for 24k to one of the largest financial companies in Finland. I also picked up other LL.media's, but this one looks the prettiest to me :)
  9. Silentptnr

    priced ended

  10. Silentptnr

    priced ended

  11. Maxwell

    top sw.com

    SW.COM $750000 Deal through escrow.com only - buyer responsible for escrow fees. Please PM or email us at [email protected] to inquire. We are not looking for a broker.
  12. Maxwell

    top sw.com

    SW.COM $750000 Deal through escrow.com only - buyer responsible for escrow fees. Please PM or email us at [email protected] to inquire. We are not looking for a broker.
  13. Arfy

    priced A

  14. Maxwell

    top 2 Letter .com - SW.com

    Domain name: SW.com Many acronyms: Software, Southwest, Sweden, etc. SW.com is a very powerful company name. 5 most recent public LL.com sales: yk.com 900,000 USD 2016-07-17 GetYourDomain la.com 1,200,000 USD 2016-05-08 Pvt Sale tp.com 929,000 USD 2016-01-20 NameJet jg.com 1,035,000 USD...
  15. Maxwell

    top 2 Letter .com - SW.com

    Domain name: SW.com Many acronyms: Software, Southwest, Sweden, etc. SW.com is a very powerful company name. 5 most recent public LL.com sales: yk.com 900,000 USD 2016-07-17 GetYourDomain la.com 1,200,000 USD 2016-05-08 Pvt Sale tp.com 929,000 USD 2016-01-20 NameJet jg.com 1,035,000 USD...
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