Spaceship Spaceship

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  • Love your picture sweetie...looking good! :)
    so you must be earning hand full here .....??????? am i right?
    so you are the busiest persons in this site......i guess
    Hey hi...thanks for making me a friend...
    Wow, Mellow you have soooooo many friends! :lol:

    Just saying hi. I'll chat at you later.
    Hi Michelle Thanks for adding me...
    Hey Michelle ! Thanks for the add. sweet blog ;)
    Thanks Mellomasher!
    Wow Michelle ... nice photo :)
    Hello, Michelle! :)
    we are now friends :)

    I am Ashok, CEO of , Can I know your profession

    Time off is always good :) So far the day is going well. Not too much to do right now. Work has been super slow as of late, so that's why I finally decided to start this. I've wanted to be a domainer/developer/whatever you like to call it for 11+ years now, since I first started using the internet. It was agonizing to watch all those great domains go for thousands, but I never had the money or time to do anything about it until now. :( I even mentioned that a great domain or two would be a great investment many times to my parents back then, but no one ever believes me. Now, all I have is "I told you so." Well, I guess better late than never, right?

    Hugs back to you.

    ~Erin B.
    Thanks for the request. I thought the name sounded familiar and then I saw your post count and thought, "Well, that's why." :) Got curious and went to your site. Sorry that you felt so terrible. Hope today is much better. Hmm, DNCleaner looks like a neat little tool. I might have a use for that.

    ~Erin B.
    hi, nice to meet you. how bout your chest ache? it's been recover? thanks for become my friend :D
    thanks for the invite ! and i remember your nice welcome note too, see you around....:blink:
    Profile is looking good so-far. Good Job :)

    •••'re a good looking lassie, Michelle :D
    *hugs ya back* Thx for the smile Mellow :)
    Thanks for the Friendship :) ...cheerz
    wow.. great pic! Yer not looking for another 50-something guy are ya? ;)
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