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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been decimated, 100% of the population displaced and 50% of the deaths children…
Obviously Sutruk never heard of Carthage.
"There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been decimated, 100% of the population displaced and 50% of the deaths children…"

Sigh... one of the reasons these things keep happening is because nobody reads history. Start with Carthage, though there are countess examples before and after.
........,,,........only for Seniors
Only Seniors? Thats awfully selfish of you. Free healthcare should be for children.
Seniors are only going to die no matter what you do. Their productive years are over.
Seniors should be drafted into the army and sent to fight in the Ukraine.
After all, almost anyone can pull a trigger. What else are Seniors good for?
What have you got to lose? Except your life, which you are going to lose anyways.

I had a friend, Mark, who was in an Assisted Living Facility. He had a stroke and couldn't get
to the toilet by himself. He had to call a nurse whenever he had to poop.
And when the nurse came, twenty minutes later, she would lift him on the toilet,
watch him poop, complain that he needed to hurry up as she had other things to do,
lift him up again, wipe his ass, and dress him again.

And then my friend started to have a diarrhea problem. As you can imagine, there was poop everywhere.
And nurses really hate to be pooped on. I think that was when the nurses decided to kill Mark.
They made up some unbelievable story about how he died. No one cared enough to complain.

Trust me on this...Get a gun, go to the Ukraine, and die a man.
Only Seniors? Thats awfully selfish of you. Free healthcare should be for children.
Seniors are only going to die no matter what you do. Their productive years are over.
Seniors should be drafted into the army and sent to fight in the Ukraine.
After all, almost anyone can pull a trigger. What else are Seniors good for?
What have you got to lose? Except your life, which you are going to lose anyways.

I had a friend, Mark, who was in an Assisted Living Facility. He had a stroke and couldn't get
to the toilet by himself. He had to call a nurse whenever he had to poop.
And when the nurse came, twenty minutes later, she would lift him on the toilet,
watch him poop, complain that he needed to hurry up as she had other things to do,
lift him up again, wipe his ass, and dress him again.

And then my friend started to have a diarrhea problem. As you can imagine, there was poop everywhere.
And nurses really hate to be pooped on. I think that was when the nurses decided to kill Mark.
They made up some unbelievable story about how he died. No one cared enough to complain.

Trust me on this...Get a gun, go to the Ukraine, and die a man.
I can still F around...
So I want all the free entitlements
"There has never been a war in history where 80% of the country has been decimated, 100% of the population displaced and 50% of the deaths children…"

Sigh... one of the reasons these things keep happening is because nobody reads history. Start with Carthage, though there are countess examples before and after.
Maybe they should have said "in recent history". All the rest seems pretty accurate of what's actually happening in Gaza.

By the way, if you wanted to put an example you didn't need to go that far. Attila the Hun was pretty famous around 406–453. And you can talk also about Vlad the Impaler around 1428 – 1476.

They didn't leave a single tree standing where they were going. And I don't talk about "trees" for nothing...
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With Roger Sollenberger, Political Reporter
Pay Dirt is a weekly foray into the pigpen of political funding. Subscribe here to get it in your inbox every Thursday.
Sigh... one of the reasons these things keep happening is because nobody reads history. Start with Carthage, though there are countess examples before and after.

Colonization hasn't changed much. Carthage (even Gaza) pales in comparison to the devastation of Native Americans - more killed than in WW1 and WW2 combined.
Colonization hasn't changed much. Carthage (even Gaza) pales in comparison to the devastation of Native Americans - more killed than in WW1 and WW2 combined.
99.999% of the problems are self created and or someone gives you the shit
We humans are the ones that caused the problems
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Our comrade Daniel Owens hasn't been seen for a while...he must be getting shit from his Putin
What is lacking is his consistency which means he cannot be trusted.
He spews the same moral shit fiber or whatever that is.
he is just a Russian bot
Seniors should be drafted into the army and sent to fight in the Ukraine.
After all, almost anyone can pull a trigger. What else are Seniors good for?

What about old president 'bone spurs'? Does he get a pass? :unsure:
99.999% of the problems are self created and or someone gives you the shit
We humans are the ones that caused the problems

Often labeled as 'Natural Disasters', 50% are man-made and growing. O_o
@JB Lions @marijuanadomain Been busy selling domains to end-users. I will accept the 2024 result whoever wins but Trump is still leading in the polls. When Trump wins it will be more exciting. Trump's 2016 Upset Win stunned the world. Donald let's stun the world again and send Biden packing. Sleepy Joe must go. Trump 2024!
Anyone have thoughts about these riots on college campus' over Israel support (support Israel is perhaps the only thing me & Biden have in common. Trump moved embassy to Jerusalem.)?
As long as I support Biden over Trump, I have to say that he is screwing up on this one. Hopefully the damage won't be too big, but for some young people, students, arabs and others pissed off by his policy blindly backing what Israel is doing in Gaza, it will be enough to stay at home on next elections and it may be the tiny difference that can make the big difference at the end.

And what is happening at the US campus may be really the last straw for many people on the election day.
I suppose when Biden says "campus violence" he is referring to the police charging and beating down peaceful protestors, because that's what happened 100% of the times at first on the US campus.
Then someone broke a crystal window and entered the campus building, and that's the free pass for talking about campus violence by students. NO, campus violence was 100% made by police charging over peaceful protesters.

Biden condemns campus violence: 'Order must prevail'​

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The famous writer, David Mamet, in his book, The Secret Knowledge, explains why he is no longer a brain dead liberal. The brain dead liberals here should read it.
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