
domains DNW: Nissan.com is stolen

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Uzi Nissan is famous for one of the earliest battles in domain names: fighting the car company Nissan over his registration of Nissan.com.

Now, his estate alleges that someone stole nissan.com and nissan.net after his death.

In a lawsuit filed this week, the estate says the domain names were stolen from the account and moved to another account at his registrar. The Whois records still show his name and the suit does not say when the theft occurred.


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Imagine if whoever stole it sells it to Nissan Cars!

I am giving Nissan CARS the benefit of the doubt; —i dont believe Nissan cars were the hackers.

May Mr. Nissan’s estate get domain back.

Sad, this type of thing still happens, today, but he died, and i am guessing his estate could not see the heist.
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Nissan .com registrar need to get rid of 90's website design asap
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Uzi Nissan is famous for one of the earliest battles in domain names: fighting the car company Nissan over his registration of Nissan.com.

Now, his estate alleges that someone stole nissan.com and nissan.net after his death.

In a lawsuit filed this week, the estate says the domain names were stolen from the account and moved to another account at his registrar. The Whois records still show his name and the suit does not say when the theft occurred.

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That's a bummer, but it is not like the thief can really do anything with the domain.

It's an in rem lawsuit involving the domain itself. I highly doubt the thief is going to show up to defend it.

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That's a bummer, but it is not like the thief can really do anything with the domain.

It's an in rem lawsuit involving the domain itself. I highly doubt the thief is going to show up to defend it.



It is a famous domain already with the legal battle getting lot of press.

And hopefully Nissan auto won’t touch this.
But It is showing a contact details on landing page.
You mean the guy is stealer?!!!
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