
strategy How to Find Potential End Users?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member

Do any of you has regularly sell your domain to end users? If so, do you mind share with me in this thread on how find potential end users for your domain?

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Yes, but you dont have to use your main trade name if you wish to remain somewhat not as an obvious Domain Name pusher.

Not saying you have to, you can use gmail if you wish, but these types of free email services are known for their spamming.
I hope no one minds - But it took me a while to find this thread so I am stickying it for a while ;)
Re-opened by RJ ;) Good Thread for Newbies and Veterans :tu:
If you just send an email it may just get deleted along with lots of others. Send a fax as well, then your prospect has a hard copy that may find it's way to his/her desk and may get looked at more than once. :)

If you follow up with a call your chances of getting to the decision maker should be improved by referring to "the fax we sent ----- relating to ---", may even have been waiting for your call :!: :sold:
You know i have never thought of sending emails from my domain names thats great advice. The only problem is im using 1and1 and the control panel is very difficult to use.
In fact if you send from gmail may be some of your mails will never be received by the destinatary (and you will never know that) because they are blocked as spam. My ISP sometimes blocks ALL messages originating in gmail, even if someone have not contrated any antispam service.

JeeJee said:
Also, does sending email to 30 people via gmail to invite them consider a spam and got block by Ebay??

I have never tried to sell to end users before or tried selling on ebay.
I have about 30 domains that I am putting up for auction (FreePoker) domains.

"Free Poker" is the #1 marketing strategy to lure new players into online poker so I construted the site and listed the domains that I am putting up for auction on ebay.

I am now in the process of notifying my poker affiliate program managers about this auction... but I am not putting a sales price.

I hope it works.

Note: "FreeRoll" is a free poker tournament that is used to give a way prizes or money to lure people into the game of poker / poker tournaments
What do people put in the subject line?
ryan2829 said:
What do people put in the subject line?

I always put "Private & Confidential. For The Personal Attention Of whois name".

Even in large corporations it is considered rude to open somebody elses mail.

I think this increases the chance of it being opened by the right person significantly.
JeeJee said:
that would mean i need to setup a email account for my domain name isn't it?

That takes 2 minutes, set it up for the domain ya selling and use
Postmaster@that domain .
When I reg domains I usually change the ns1 & 2 to one of
my servers and just add it there myself.

Actually I even offer the hosting as a tool for some at times..
Even host it free till they hit 5 gigs a month or for the first
6 months whichever comes first so they don't have to pay for
hosting while they're building a site with no income as yet..

Then I give them a great paid hosting package which they
usually keep for 2 reasons, one because they don't have to
move everything and 2 the price is great..
I lease servers with 2 gigs of Ram and duel Xeon CPUs and get 1500
gigs a month of BW for $227.00 so it doesn't really cost me anything
to carry them for 5 gigs..

Tiss a good way to keep making $$$ off the domain even after ya sell it..
I use to use Wandas method. :) It's a pretty hard job, takes time and needs patience. But all in all there is a good chance that you find a buyer.
For example months ago I registered a domain, good for a casino in my opinion.
So I made a list of online casinos. Second step I filtered the casinos out which were using odd sounding or wordmonster names. I think that's an important step. Makes not much sense to offer a name to a company or webmaster whos site has already a good domain name.

However, you wouldn't believe how many Casinos are on web which are using wordmonster names. :hehe:

I had a list of around 30 Casinos. And I sent a mail to each. No mass mail. Single mails, one by one. Exactly of the kind that Wanda describes. :)

Well, most of the Casinos didn't answer. Probably my mail landed in their spam folder. A few said no thanks. But one offered a low $xxxx price.

Okay, I post this success story just to show that it works. :) Though sometimes it needs much patience. It may happen that you write 10, 20 times without getting any response. That can be very frustrating.
DOMiNIC said:
I always put "Private & Confidential. For The Personal Attention Of whois name".

Even in large corporations it is considered rude to open somebody elses mail.

I think this increases the chance of it being opened by the right person significantly.

Thanks for that
Tippy said:
Yes, but you dont have to use your main trade name if you wish to remain somewhat not as an obvious Domain Name pusher.
Not saying you have to, you can use gmail if you wish, but these types of free email services are known for their spamming.
I've had domains parked at Sedo and Namedrive about which I've received emails from "potential buyers". Problem is they use the free emails and self-destructing emails (even worse), and I've been unable to verify ANY of their information, in fact I believe that all the offers originated from the same person/group. They have been unwilling to discuss by phone or give me their REAL emails. I can only conclude that they were scams of some sort.
For this reason, I would strongly discourage using yahoo/hotmail or even an ISP email. Use one of your domains' emails, and if possible, the one in particular that you are trying to sell. :imho:

Celdric said:
Second step I filtered the casinos out which were using odd sounding or wordmonster names.
However, you wouldn't believe how many Casinos are on web which are using wordmonster names. :hehe:
Pardon my igonorance, but what are "wordmonster names" ? :-/
auction site

What auction site do you use to set up a 'live' auction for end users...?

Also, what information do you provide them with or link them too, to give them peace of mind as regards the technicalities of transferring the domain...?

DOMiNIC said:
I always put "Private & Confidential. For The Personal Attention Of whois name".

I would not even look at an email that starts like that.
The problem is that I have received so many spam mails that start with Private & Confidential, that I auto assume it is spam.

I agree that the subject line must be very well thought out.
Subject name has to be hypnotic one, that make attention. even if inside not a lot to choose of.
people first of all read a subject name and then they are ready for it or they delete it.
seeker said:
I would not even look at an email that starts like that.
The problem is that I have received so many spam mails that start with Private & Confidential, that I auto assume it is spam.

I agree that the subject line must be very well thought out.

Its worked for me.
When it comes to email, the only ones I even read anymore are those that I can single out via the subject heading as being directed towards me manually. I get hundreds of spam a day, and can tell without looking what is and what is not spam.

If someone says "Domain is being auctioned" in the header, it would have a much, much better chance of having me read the email.
THis information in this thread is awsome i always though about this but have never done it im new to the domain game only in it a month and want to get good at it and want to do domains full time so from what i have read you do not suggest sending my offers with a price if i dont already have an auction right just ask them to offer me a price? who in here has ever registerd a name that they thought of and then sold it to and end user for a big profit all withing a 2 week span please let me konw
RogueWriter said:
When it comes to email, the only ones I even read anymore are those that I can single out via the subject heading as being directed towards me manually. I get hundreds of spam a day, and can tell without looking what is and what is not spam.

If someone says "Domain is being auctioned" in the header, it would have a much, much better chance of having me read the email.

I have to agree with RogueWriter 100% (rep added for that suggestion) :tu: I don't have the domainer's experience of alot of members here. However, I do have the business and professional experience. An email simply subject-addressed to my "Attention..." is likely to get deleted as spam as soon as I see the subject-line. Too many people and places (let's not even count WhoIs :lol: ) have my name, and personal friends and business associates have my "unlisted" email addies. So all those addressed to my "The Attention of..."/ect. are assumed to be from folks I don't know, who got my address and name from just about anywhere. Lord knows I get enough spam as it is :(

Just putting it :imho:
politics-oriented domain

Hello all, this is my first post on the board...

I'm trying to sell a domain to an end user, but this is not a very common one. My domain is related to elections in my country, so I have thought about approaching a political party or a news chain. I believe my domain is very usable both por political campaign advertising and contact (by the parties) or by news and tracking of the elections (by the media), but being a domain that would eventually get public exposure, I think the potential buyers wouldn't want the buying process to be too public, so I think I should avoid eBay this time...

Do you think it would be better to try an auction at Afternic? Or just keep all negotiations private this time?

Thanks a lot for your advice, I'm learning very fast thanks to you all.
Tippy said:
I personally wouldnt use a gmail, hotmail or yahoo email account to contact possible buyers, it just doesnt look pro to me, use one of your own Domains if possible.

I personally NEVER take anyone as a serious business person if they use a free email or an aol mail for business.

Better yet, set up and send email from the domain you are trying to sell. that will really get attention and seem to indicate it's not a flash in the pan dead domain. In a UDRP claim ,should the worst happen, it may even also show you actually USED the domain and had it hosted instead of just parked sale. The buyer may think they are buying from another company that was using it rather than a trader, and feel better about the dealings.

DOMiNIC said:
I always put "Private & Confidential. For The Personal Attention Of whois name".

Even in large corporations it is considered rude to open somebody elses mail.

I think this increases the chance of it being opened by the right person significantly.

If the domain is and you are promoting it to a manufacturer or distributor of widgets, make the subject line something like:

"Widget industry business opportunity."

No one will pass up reading something that directly relates to the line of business they are in, thinking it's a busines prospect for their them (which it really is!).

JeeJee said:
Finally, i intend to send email out to invite the potential customers to bid for the item in 10s so that they know i am actually sending the email to a few people. Then they'll at least check the listing. Should i put a reserve price on this one?

Individual emails takes away the first impression it's spam. However, I have sent to 3 people if I know they are direct competitors in the same market, AND they will recognize the other person/company. No one likes to think a competitor may get some advantage over them with good generic domain that they don't have. If it's a large industry, they don't know each other, or they compete in different geographic markets it has no use though.
Here's my take on what email address to send from.

Using email form a domain you registered is most likely to get filtered as spam. The reason, as I understand it, that, say, emails are not filtered by spam filters is because Amazon is a large company and gets put on the whitelist of many spam filter makers and ISPs like AOL, Earthlink, etc. In order to get your domain whitelisted you have to prove you are a legit company and then I think you have to pay a fee. This is not viable for most of us, obviously.

Of course, then, don;t even bother with Yahoo or Gmail because many spammers use these or at least spoof their real email addresses to look like it is Yahoo of GMAIL or HotMail, or whatnot.

So, personally, I think that the best email address to use the your main email address/account that comes with your ISP. So, in other words, if your ISP is Earthlink, then use your earthlink email address that comes with your Internet Service account. Sure, AOL might look unprofessional to some, but then who uses AOL anymore, right? I would not use an AOL email address but then, I would never use AOL as my ISP either LOL. But the fact is that I think that most legit emails from ISP will not be filtered by other ISP/spam filter software as they are on a whitelist. However, if there are other triggers in your mail that deem it as spam like the words FREE or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY then you are up the river again.

Maybe, then, the best thing to do is to just test it and see which emails seem to get the most response. Perhaps over time you might be able to figure out which type of email address it would be best to use.

mrfike said:
Pardon my igonorance, but what are "wordmonster names" ? :-/

I think it just means a long, cumbersome domain name. But I could be wrong.
I agree wiith eBOOKlover
Using a ISP based email has the advantage of credibility
Anyone can get a Freebie
[email protected]
or Buy a Disposable $5 Domain for spamming purposes
[email protected]

ISP emails are still easy to get but at least has a Credible appearance
[email protected]

But I never ,ever EMAIL prospective Buyers anyway
I research and Phone and/or send SnailMail letter to the
Advertising/Promotions manager or Advertising Agency handling the companies Marketing.

Domain names ,especially Brandable NAMES are often treated as Marketing by large companies.

Contacting WebMasters or IT Departments usually only gets a Techno-Geek
who thinks that "all domains are only ever Worth Reg-fee" and they never have the authority to make the purchase anyway.
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