
alert Beware of greedy member

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hi everyone,

Beware of this new member who created this thread

I discussed with him about some of his domains and he agreed to sell some of his domains and kept changing his stance multiple times on selling those domains, availability and prices as well. I've blocked this guy at WhatsApp and wanted to inform you guys to avoid dealing with this cheap and greedy person.

It's a risk to do business with him. You never know that you'll pay the agreed amount + escrow fees and later he backs out, you'll end up losing at least the escrow fees and your valuable time.

Thanks for reading and be careful whom to deal with around.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thank you because I was interested in seeing names and possibly doing some deals but if that's what's happening to a professional like yourself, I will pass.

Do you think it is due to inexperience of that member, or is there really bad intent?
Thank you because I was interested in seeing names and possibly doing some deals but if that's what's happening to a professional like yourself, I will pass.
Yeah, it won't be worth your time.

Do you think it is due to inexperience of that member, or is there really bad intent?
He used this excuse multiple times that I'm not a domainer which is why I need time and all that but then he kept removing the domains by saying I got more offer on this one so now xyzdomain isn't available.

I ignored a few times thinking of his inexperience excuse but yesterday when he said that I got an offer of $800 on a domain for which he agreed to sell for $165 so he will now remove from the bulk list of domains we agreed for the deal, that's when I decided it's enough.
Do not insult any other member. Be polite and do business. If the member has caused financial loss to you, its another issue. Everyone is bound to be greedy, and that's simply how business works. If you have encountered a transaction, spent a dollar, and business not honored, is another issue. Just because you didn't get what you wanted, you want to publicly insult someone. Isn't that worst than greed? This is not a place to discuss cardinal sins, or categorize humans. It is the member's discretion to decide to buy/sell the domain at a price of his choosing. Business conducted on Namepros grounds can be considered as fair, or maleficent. If a dollar has been exchanged, it can be considered a transaction. Till then, its plainly chit-chat. No member should publicly critique anyone, PERIOD.
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Do not insult any other member. Be polite and do business. If the member has caused financial loss to you, its another issue. Everyone is bound to be greedy, and that's simply how business works. If you have encountered a transaction, spent a dollar, and business not honored, is another issue. Just because you didn't get what you wanted, you want to publicly insult someone. Isn't that worst than greed? This is not a place to discuss cardinal sins, or categorize humans. It is the member's discretion to decide to buy/sell the domain at a price of his choosing. Business conducted on Namepros grounds can be considered as fair, or maleficent. If a dollar has been exchanged, it can be considered a transaction. Till then, its plainly chit-chat. No member should publicly critique anyone, PERIOD.

This thread isn't created because I didn't get the domains. I get plenty of deals. And NO, not everyone is bound to be greedy. Don't label others if you call yourself greedy. That's not how any business works. You may want to learn about business ethics first before conducting any business first.
This thread isn't created because I didn't get the domains. I get plenty of deals. And NO, not everyone is bound to be greedy. Don't label others if you call yourself greedy. That's not how any business works. You may want to learn about business ethics first before conducting any business first.

Love your enthusiasm here for advocacy, but did you ever ask yourselves if you have been kind. Many a years ago, I asked you a favor, when I was too young to ask help. I asked, please have a look at my domain names, if they were any good. And your kindness was to write back, "do not ever send such shit names to me". Later, I sold many of my domain names way too cheap, simply because it was considered not worthy by someone I respected a lot! Do you even consider consequences, before you throw stones at others? I didn't publicly vent having lost money because someone told my wares were worth shit, and yes! I sold them for pennies, and much less than what I expected. I didn't make an outcry, even if that was a loss for me, but simply kept working. It took me sometime to digest and reflect on your statement, and live in pain over this attitude, that too, expressed by someone who was regarded 'experienced' in the field. There's a saying - When you live in glass houses, don't throw stone at others. It also took me time to accept the fact, its only a name. For now, I am good where I am, and do not expect your reply/statement on this matter onward.

If you are too transparent, kindly make every of your statements, chit-chats, replies, mails public! Which you obviously can't. And, you want to call someone greedy, over a quote of less than 2 figures. By your own admittance, you post news of having sold some random who-even-cares domain for 5 figures, when you had them hand-regged for $$. By such statements and posts, who are you even trying to prove your honesty! And, you want to say you have no greed? You want others to follow you, or be envious of you. Who's the devil here? Any matters pecuniary, unless transacted will not be debatable, PERIOD.
Do you think it is due to inexperience of that member, or is there really bad intent?

My guess is inexperience > bad intent.

From my outside view it looks like:

Matthew inherits a bunch of domains > Joins and Tells namePros his story > probably receives a bunch of shark offers > Now a shark seems upset that his $165 offer was outbid by a $800 offer after said shark had already tasted blood.

But I'll try to reserve forming an opinion until more details emerge, and allow @matthewpataki to share his side.
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Love your enthusiasm here for advocacy, but did you ever ask yourselves if you have been kind. Many a years ago, I asked you a favor, when I was too young to ask help. I asked, please have a look at my domain names, if they were any good. And your kindness was to write back, "do not ever send such shit names to me". Later, I sold many of my domain names way too cheap, simply because it was considered not worthy by someone I respected a lot! Do you even consider consequences, before you throw stones at others? I didn't publicly vent having lost money because someone told my wares were worth shit, and yes! I sold them for pennies, and much less than what I expected. I didn't make an outcry, even if that was a loss for me, but simply kept working. It took me sometime to digest and reflect on your statement, and live in pain over this attitude, that too, expressed by someone who was regarded 'experienced' in the field. There's a saying - When you live in glass houses, don't throw stone at others. It also took me time to accept the fact, its only a name. For now, I am good where I am, and do not expect your reply/statement on this matter onward.

If you are too transparent, kindly make every of your statements, chit-chats, replies, mails public! Which you obviously can't. And, you want to call someone greedy, over a quote of less than 2 figures. By your own admittance, you post news of having sold some random who-even-cares domain for 5 figures, when you had them hand-regged for $$. By such statements and posts, who are you even trying to prove your honesty! And, you want to say you have no greed? You want others to follow you, or be envious of you. Who's the devil here? Any matters pecuniary, unless transacted will not be debatable, PERIOD.

I can understand this spewing of poison is coming out in vengeance of response I MAY have given in the past that your domains aren't good. I can't recall of using such language to anyone.

Also it's very obvious the level of jealousy in your response for my sales but I wish you all the best in succeeding and don't waste your time being jealous and do some actual work which benefits you in the long run.
be careful whom to deal with

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I made a post in the initial thread about the names and reached out privately as well. Based on that/those interactions the decision was made to not go further.

The 'tone' could have been due to inexperience or something else, but my feeling was it would better for me to stick to nps/auctions/outreach to find names.

My feelings are the same as yours as far as breaking a deal. If an agreement was made then broken for no other reason than a better price was found, is unacceptable...'time is money' as the saying goes.

We all will kick the proverbial bucket one day and I might be a little closer than many. Plans have been made for a few of my names but the bulk (as of now) will be up for grabs by whichever of my heirs is sharp enough to jump in. In putting some of them (my heirs) in the position of the person you dealt with, I've decided to create and leave details on what and what not to do.

(edited some content for accuracy)
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Thanks for sharing your experience and I'm sorry you lost money (money loss is regrettable no matter how much).

I made a post in the initial thread about the names and reached out privately as well. Based on that/those interactions the decision was made to not go further.

The 'tone' could have been due to inexperience or something else, but my feeling was it would better for me to stick to nps/auctions/outreach to find names.

My feelings are the same as yours as far as breaking a deal. If an agreement was made then broken for no other reason than a better price was found, is unacceptable...especially irritating if money is lost money due to transaction fees.

We all will kick the proverbial bucket one day and I might be a little closer than many. Plans have been made for a few of my names but the bulk (as of now) will be up for grabs by whichever of my heirs is sharp enough to jump in. In putting some of them (my heirs) in the position of the person you dealt with, I've decided to create and leave details on what and what not to do.
Thanks for sharing your experience which is appreciated. You did well and peace of mind should be the top most priority.

Just to clarify one thing here. I didn't lose any money here but time was wasted going back and forth with him.
If your experience with this guy left you out of pocket and cost you escrow fees that you can’t get back, I agree with this thread.

If you are not left out of pocket , I don’t agree with this thread and sounds like someone throwing their toys out of their pram and attempting to blacken someone’s name because you didn’t get a bargain or what you wanted.

You are an experienced investor, so I’m sure you’ve had deals fall through in the past, people can and do change their mind on verbal agreements and many potenital deals do fall through (even in escrow) and many people are tough to deal with, I’m sure buyers who dealt with you in the past may have felt you was tough to deal with and until a deal is over the line, an asset that you have agreed to buy is not yours and people do have a right to change their mind 1) selling the asset and 2) change their mind on price, simple as that.
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If your experience with this guy left you out of pocket and cost you escrow fees that you can’t get back, I agree with this thread.

If you are not left out of pocket , I don’t agree with this thread and sounds like someone throwing their toys out of their pram and attempting to blacken someone’s name because you didn’t get a bargain or what you wanted.

You are an experienced investor, so I’m sure you’ve had deals fall through in the past, people can and do change their mind on verbal agreements and many potenital deals do fall through (even in escrow) and many people are tough to deal with, I’m sure buyers who dealt with you in the past may have felt you was tough to deal with and until a deal is over the line, an asset that you have agreed to buy is not yours and people do have a right to change their mind 1) selling the asset and 2) change their mind on price, simple as that.

I thought so people would comment like you did but that's okay.

The problem is not that I didn't get those domains. At least 3 times he changed the price and domain names AFTER agreeing to sell at his desired price which I agreed to. So how many times do you think one should backtrack and consider it alright or pardon it?

If your stance still doesn't change, it's fine but I still wanted to share what I did for others to know.
time was wasted going back and forth

Thanks for clarifying...I edited my post a little.

The person has/had some decent would be interesting to see how much some of them were picked up for (although doubtful anyone will post info on nps). Thanks again for sharing about this situation and others.
I think the Seller is paranoid and inexperienced. He doesn't want to sell his inheritance quickly.

He may be buying time to gather surface knowledge about domain industry as fast as possible.

And then ready to sell the domains at his own price.
If your experience with this guy left you out of pocket and cost you escrow fees that you can’t get back, I agree with this thread.

If you are not left out of pocket , I don’t agree with this thread and sounds like someone throwing their toys out of their pram and attempting to blacken someone’s name because you didn’t get a bargain or what you wanted.

You are an experienced investor, so I’m sure you’ve had deals fall through in the past, people can and do change their mind on verbal agreements and many potenital deals do fall through (even in escrow) and many people are tough to deal with, I’m sure buyers who dealt with you in the past may have felt you was tough to deal with and until a deal is over the line, an asset that you have agreed to buy is not yours and people do have a right to change their mind 1) selling the asset and 2) change their mind on price, simple as that.
I think his intent was only to share his experience with this guy and save other people from losing time trying to do business with him. That’s it.
Everyone can change their mind that’s right, but when you change the terms of an agreement multiples time it means you’re not a serious person to deal with.
I don’t personally know Abdul Basit but I think he was trying to let everyone know and that’s all.
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I think his intent was only to share his experience with this guy and save other people from losing time trying to do business with him. That’s it.
Everyone can change their mind that’s right, but when you change the terms of an agreement multiples time it means you’re not a serious person to deal with.
I don’t personally know Abdul Basit but I think he was trying to let everyone know and that’s all.
The main point of sharing this post was that this guy keep changing his stance after agreeing to the price. Sometimes he removes the domain from the agreed list of domains, sometimes increases the price of agreed bulk deal.

How can I proceed further with escrow where I'm not sure if he will sell all the domains or I'll at least lose the escrow fee.
The seller's inexperience in selling domain names at wholesale value will certainly have played a role here. Still, I do believe that once a (wholesale) price has been agreed upon through normal negotiation, the seller should adhere to it. That's what all business on this forum is based on. That principle is not unique to this forum, it applies everywhere in life.

The story would be different if the seller had been pressured, but I don't get the feeling that happened. Yes, there may be a difference in negotiating skills and experience, that's also not unique to this forum. I have no insight into exactly how the discussion went. The other heirs may be influencing the seller in the background during an emotional period, I don't know.

Keeping promises is important when selling domains through this forum, especially if you want to do business more than once. This seller shared their private information publicly in another thread, which initially struck me as solid. Everyone is responsible for their own image, in the end.

Abdul, did the negotiation take place in DM via this forum? You could ask the mods to make a judgment based on your negotiations.
I think his intent was only to share his experience with this guy and save other people from losing time trying to do business with him. That’s it.
Everyone can change their mind that’s right, but when you change the terms of an agreement multiples time it means you’re not a serious person to deal with.
I don’t personally know Abdul Basit but I think he was trying to let everyone know and that’s all.
I can appreciate warnings, but when you are using someone's real name (a persons identity life) and blackening their name on the world wide web which can have an affect on a life (future employment etc):-


you have to be scammed in my opinion to justify doing this, was Abdul scammed or did a verbal agreement just fall through?

We are on a forum where many advice others to raise their asking price when interest is shown, sites like HugeDomains raise their prices after interest is shown, I've read occasions where Abdul himself has raised prices during negotiations.

As said unless Abdul's experience with this person cost him money, this thread shouldn't be made and even then I'd argue if the deal fell through in escrow it shouldn't be made, many deals in escrow do fall through not just domains (houses etc), but I would see the justification and sympathy with Abdul a little more if that did happen.
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@Kingslayer, with regard to price increases: do you still make a distinction between the period during which negotiations take place and the moment a deal is reached to sell for a specified amount?
The seller's inexperience in selling domain names at wholesale value will certainly have played a role here. Still, I do believe that once a (wholesale) price has been agreed upon through normal negotiation, the seller should adhere to it. That's what all business on this forum is based on. That principle is not unique to this forum, it applies everywhere in life.

The story would be different if the seller had been pressured, but I don't get the feeling that happened. Yes, there may be a difference in negotiating skills and experience, that's also not unique to this forum. I have no insight into exactly how the discussion went. The other heirs may be influencing the seller in the background during an emotional period, I don't know.

Keeping promises is important when selling domains through this forum, especially if you want to do business more than once. This seller shared their private information publicly in another thread, which initially struck me as solid. Everyone is responsible for their own image, in the end.

Abdul, did the negotiation take place in DM via this forum? You could ask the mods to make a judgment based on your negotiations.
I agree to what you've said it.

Like I've mentioned in my initial post, the negotiation happened via WhatsApp and when I blocked him at the end, the chat and contact vanished from WhatsApp.

interesting thread.

i could only imagine all the pm's that person received.

if, and that's a big if,
one is not a domainer and has no knowledge of the culture or the SOP's of domaining, then it most likely was overwhelming to inherit the names, but also try to price and or negotiate the sale of them.

just trying to put self in their shoes, assuming their position and story is true.

now as a potential buyer like the OP, i'd be trying to make quick deals.... before others see the list and make their offers too.

however, once the seller starts to receive higher offers for the same names, then that's where it gets cloudy -

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You offered $165 for a name that was worth $800 to another investor.

Seems to me that you were not offering good value for money to someone who admittedly stated they had no clue as to the value of domain names. Give him some slack and remove his name from this thread.
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You offered $165 for a name that was worth $800 to another investor.

Seems to me that you were not offering good value for money to someone who admittedly stated they had no clue as to the value of domain names. Give him some slack and remove his name from this thread.
He offered to sell for $165 per domain for the agreed bulk deal including that domain as well. Backtracking again and again may be acceptable to you, but not to me.
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