
question Loaded Q: Does Anyone Feel Domainer Guilt?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
While I am massively interested in domains and the community overall, I don't consider myself a domainer per se. More of a developer having domains for sale and dabbling in prospective projects to develop, along the lines of many others.

- Does anyone feel a sense of guilt that sets in when obtaining a new name and then, selling at a big fat margin too quick, for instance?

- Could it depend on the subject matter?

Recently I stumbled across an ai name that when doing some legwork, discovered it was in use as a transposed .ai but otherwise ordered the exact same wording. And it was being used for medical research. Maybe this is a rare case, but I backed away not feeling right.
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hahah, I have never sold a domain for a fat margin. Someone once gave me extra money as they felt guilty that I was selling too cheap. If you add it all up over the year, are you still making a profit? Does that profit cover the amount of hours you have spent on research, if you paid yourself minimum wage?
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I never felt guilt, domaining is shark infested waters, I always operated ethically in the industry, but if you drop that domain name, i would pick it up. If i could find a way around you, i would take it. at the end of day, Its Profit and business , nothing else
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One time I fell for the "small company", spiel. Come to find out much bigger company after the sale. The mid $$$ sale could have easily been low $$$$. Never again. Fair pricing but no breaks.
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Does a real estate agent feel guilty when they secure a deal on a house and sell it for a profit?

When you purchase a domain, it becomes your property, giving you the right to sell it at any price. You discovered the domain, acquired it, renewed it, and took the risk regarding its potential sale.
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