
Best Free/Paid Email Provider?

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Hello Members,

My email account is experiencing severe technical issues for the 3rd time this month. As a result, I am seeking an alternative solution/email provide.

Are there any good ones that you recommend? Please note I will be mainly using this new email provider to market my domains to end users (around 500-1000 emails to targeted leads). Which email service enables bulk email sending, with an email domain that looks great (ex. Mail.com, Inbox.com etc.)? I cannot use MAIL.com as I am based outside of U.S.
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but I don't think you can send bulk email with Google Apps? With GMAIL, I am getting like 70% bounceback! That is terrible..
I am currently using Toutapp.com which is not free. But have received a recommendation of http://elasticemail.com/ they charge like 1 cent per email and give you 1000 free to start.

I have signed up but am still researching bulk email.

Hope this helps.
Aweber.com? Almost all Internet marketers use them. I think you can try them for a month if you want.
aweber or mailchimp both are paid but v good in use
thanks for your advice. I have decided to set up an account w/HostGator and purchased a new domain for my end user emailing.

Is there nothing wrong in blasting out 300-500 emails/hour to potential buyers/end users? Isn't this SPAM?
thanks for your advice.
Is there nothing wrong in blasting out 300-500 emails/hour to potential buyers/end users? Isn't this SPAM?

Sending 300-500 emails/hour means:

300/60 = 30/6 = 5 emails in a minute!

(500/60 = 8,3 emails in a minute...)

Do you really think that we are so stupid and believe that you can/are doing this for each domain you sell?
Or maybe you are hoping that someone do this, and becoming blacklisted in a minute, hence quitting the domain game.
C'mon guys, open your eyes...
Do not talk about what you do not understand.
There are actually tools that exist in this world (you will soon learn) that facilitate bulk email sending.
Do not talk about what you do not understand.
There are actually tools that exist in this world (you will soon learn) that facilitate bulk email sending.

Of course, these software are well known (also by spammers), but you can't use them for domaining.
Because at least 50% of end-users (and probably the best ones) do not have their email exposed in the main website or in the whois fields, so you have to go via web forms.
So you can't use a software like that to do this kind of work.

The only way you can use a software like that is randomly spamming, and even if you insert personalized automatic fields in the email, you will not be able to obtain that (5 emails/minute) sending rate, because you need to go over each end-user site and inspect it manually before deciding to grab their email addresses, and this requires minutes not seconds...

That 500/hours it's arithmetically impossible. Also 200/h -> impossible.

And even if you decide to spam sending always the same not-personalized-email to all end-users, your email address will become blacklisted in minutes, because:
1) a good percentage of end-users will hit the spam button
2) your email provider will monitor your high sending rate... automatically flagging your account as spammer

I think it's enough.
You can use google email or mail for this purpose.
There are so many mail providers available like yahoo, gmail and so on. But in all the mail providers best mail provider is gmail. Because it attach near about 25 MB data. The speed is very high.
thanks for your advice. I have decided to set up an account w/HostGator and purchased a new domain for my end user emailing.

Is there nothing wrong in blasting out 300-500 emails/hour to potential buyers/end users? Isn't this SPAM?

Check with Hostgator if it is not in their TOS.

Some hosts may put restrictions on using the mail function in PHP.

Also if you send any unsolicited email about a domain registered at Godaddy that can create huge problems for that domain at Godaddy - there was a whole thread about that.

Mailchimp does have a good reputation, never used it though.
I personally use Thexyz as they have super fast mail servers, very secure and 50 MB attachments.
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Once For my Business I used smtpget mass email service and its really help me out.
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