
discuss Rick Schwartz threatens to leave Twitter AGAIN!

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You know what.... He is right

We need to leave these platforms in droves to show them censorship is not ok.

YouTube and Snapchat are the latest to ban Trump and GoDaddy took down a gun forum.

Smelly Farts are off the table for sure so do not open a website about that type of distasteful topic. The big boys will decide what we can consume and in the media moving forward.

Of course EVERY platform will say it is their platform, I think that goes without saying but it shows why we need new small agile platforms to show the big boys we have alternatives.

If the signal app and gab are an indication, their rapid growth is going to scare the big players a bit.

Even Parler ran on open source software, now anyone can download this type of software and start a social platform.

I smell change in the air, the stink cannot last forever!!

I encourage everyone to seek out new platforms and support independent journalism.

Disclaimer: This post is not an advertisement for ANY platform, it is made to make you think nothing more, nothing less.
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Go Rick go.

It’s become a censored leftist echo chamber.

i love this guy. Listen to the King.

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Not to mention GoDaddy...

People this is the beginning, monster corporations and conglomerates must be held accountable.

I will add no more domains to godaddy after what they did the that gun forum and I will no longer support twitter.
If everyone does that until censorship comes under control we just might win.

Remember it is not about left or right, it is about platforms pulling down the common folk and destroying their social presence. They are so powerful now they can pull down world leaders and in case you do not know... Trump was not the first.
Why the need to announce it. Go. Pulling down the common folk? Trump?
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Not to mention GoDaddy...

People this is the beginning, monster corporations and conglomerates must be held accountable.

I will add no more domains to godaddy after what they did the that gun forum and I will no longer support twitter.
If everyone does that until censorship comes under control we just might win.

Remember it is not about left or right, it is about platforms pulling down the common folk and destroying their social presence. They are so powerful now they can pull down world leaders and in case you do not know... Trump was not the first.
The double standards knows no bounds.
They dont see it. Thanks for this awesome thread!

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Not to mention GoDaddy...

People this is the beginning, monster corporations and conglomerates must be held accountable.

I will add no more domains to godaddy after what they did the that gun forum and I will no longer support twitter.
If everyone does that until censorship comes under control we just might win.

Remember it is not about left or right, it is about platforms pulling down the common folk and destroying their social presence. They are so powerful now they can pull down world leaders and in case you do not know... Trump was not the first.
So to be clear, people can sign up to your forum, do as they please. You’re a TOS free forum? Or blogs?

I'm trying to understand what you're posting now with this -

It doesn't seem to match. It seems you want to censor him a bit, even tho he was in the right (imo). Or you wanted him to self censor.

This isn't a "we" or group activity. If you want to leave a certain social media platform, registrar, do it. You'll just be hopping on to another one that has a TOS as well.

You mentioned GAB, the owner bans people as well:

Let me quote him:

On Gab we will have LAW AND ORDER!

We will not tolerate threats of violence or illegal activity.

No threats
No porn
No doxxing

Pretty simple summary of our rules.

Common sense stuff.

If you see any threats of violence or illegal activity on Gab, report it using our reporting system. We have zero tolerance for it and work closely with our partners in law enforcement to protect public safety on our platform.

So according to that, they're going to ban people for the type of stuff you can see on Parler, until they got zapped.

It's enforcing the TOS. I imagine you do that as well on your blogs/forums.
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@JB Lions

I am talking about banning world leaders and how people must show solidarity.

Twitter decides to ban the German leader next and then another and another

Godaddy decides which websites can run and which ones cannot.

Where does it stop?
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Here we go with pearl clutching and fear mongering. I have ZERO problem with them censoring a president who incited a violent insurrection on our Capitol during which people died.

I have no problem with Parler being silenced who allowed people to publicly plan and threaten violence (which came to fruition) all day ever day and post conspiracy theories non stop and strum up further hate.

Nobody is coming after you guys but I guess some Rethugs can only live for the next conspiracy theory and the next big lie.

Rick and anyone can leave Twitter. Nobody cares. Its your decision as there are other options.
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The monopoly of some platforms is not good for the domain name industry.
Banning Trump is not censorship of free speech.

Trump abused Twitter (and all social media's policy's and rules) for years, he tweeted lies, he tweeted racism, he tweeted conspiracy theories, his words have caused death, his words have caused riots, his words have caused division, his words have caused chaos, he tried to manipulate nations/elections and people in power daily basis and he's even threatened to wipe out a whole nation via Twitter (Iran) and saying to another he has bigger nuclear weapons (North Korea), I’m pro-freedom of speech but people cannot say ‘anything’ they like if these words cause hate/division/death and are a threat to the world, not even a US president or any world leader for that matter. See history/see Hitler/see Mussolini/see WW2/see the holocaust.

If an average Joe said 1 of Trumps tweets on a megaphone out in public, there’s a chance they’d be sent to a psychiatric hospital (or jail), would people be screaming freedom of speech then? No, because everyone would know they are mentality unstable and a threat to society and with that these platforms should have banned him a long time ago.

I cannot understand the defence of him or what Twiter have done, this is a guy who not even on Twitter tear gassed his own people (having a peaceful protest) to hold up a bible outside a church and told everyone to drink bleach as treatment for Covid (china virus as he likes to call it), he’s pardoned war criminals guilty of murdering innocent people and convicted criminals loyal to him, spoke about his wish of having political opponents/press who don’t agree with him thrown in jail, he’s a wannabe dictator and the world is a better place him no longer having a Twitter account and soon to be no longer president.
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Thanks for the post.

Since I do not have a twit account (or any other social/anti social media accounts) this information would not be known to me unless it was shared in a thread/blog/site I follow.

As you said, there are many other options out there other than the current 'biggies'. Most of these platforms are targeting the juvenile/young/impressionable and are just the modern day version of selling/marketing/commercials. Adults, and those not having some kind of craving to be 'accepted', have (and will) migrate to platforms that are specific to their beliefs/hobbies/interests.

There are many private/clandestine modes of communication available for those who want to say things that are socially unacceptable in the eyes of platform owners.
What are you guys doing on twitter in the first place?
What are you guys doing on twitter in the first place?
Attacking, bully President, his followers

it allowed ^^ until you got him permanently banned Twtr

Twitter’s Partisan hacks.
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Besides the title of the thread, threaten to leave "again" meaning not the first time but stayed. I have no idea about the last time, I don't keep up on stuff like that.

I just noticed this:

"I no longer see a benefit to posting on #twitter at this time."

That was on Jan 11.........................2 days later on Jan 13, he tweets to Elon Musk. Do you know why people are on Twitter? Basic marketing. That's where the people are/reach.

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@JB Lions

I am talking about banning world leaders and how people must show solidarity.

Twitter decides to ban the German leader next and then another and another

Godaddy decides which websites can run and which ones cannot.

Where does it stop?
showing solidarity to this kind of people ??? No thanks.
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