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Spaceship Spaceship

THIS DOMAIN SOLD. Username is not valid.Top Member
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

After reviewing your account, we can see that you started a thread in General Domain discussion for a domain review/appraisal. @Alfa Mod Team then moved your thread to the correction Appraisals section and found that it exceeded your accounts active appraisal limits, so they closed it.

When you reach your max limit on appraisals, you can close one, which will then allow you to open a new one. However, you should not try to get around the limit by creating appraisal requests outside the appraisal section, which appears to be what happened in your case.

We hope that information helps.
When you reach your max limit on appraisals, you can close one

Whats the limit. How i can find them
As a VIP you are allowed 2 active appraisal requests in the public appraisal section as outlined in the Account levels and benefits guide here:

When you try to create a new listing, but have reached your limit already, you'll see a popup message that reminds you that you reached your limit and suggests closing a listing, with a link. When you click the link, it shows the active listings in a list. In that list you can select which listing to close and submit the closure request.

Alternately, you can visit the appraisal section, click "Search" in the top right of the page, Select "This Section" to search, then enter your username in the space for the member you want to search for threads for. When you submit the search request, you'll see a list of only your posts in the order of the most recent to the oldest. You can then use that list to close your open appraisal threads.

For convenience, here are your two open/active appraisal requests:


We hope that information helps.
I closed those threads
But nothing works
I closed those threads
But nothing works

The limited threads (e.g., in the marketplace and appraisal sections) are based on the number of your open threads and the last activity in your threads in those special sections, so if you post in all of your limited threads (or someone else does) and then you close them all, you'll have to wait 24 hours before you can create a new thread.

This is to prevent bumping abuse where members could open an old thread, bump it, close it, and repeat that process as many times as they want (and they could even create new threads) in order to have more listings show under New Posts than their account limits allow them to have.

We hope that helps.
It wasn't posts on old threads for the last 24 hr.
Just open my thread
This forum is dying most users are moved to twitter but you are keeping to limit good users for no reason. My thread should be active according your rules. I am disappointed with your mods. You are just too lazy for checking or toxic.
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