
For this, let's assume that .tel will not be a total flop.

What type of keywords will be most valuable for this extension? Will it be geographical keywords, like,, etc, or what else?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Here are three videos I created not too long ago that could be helpful in explaining .TEL. Let me know what you think.

YouTube - Forget Phone Numbers. Dial Your Name with .TEL
YouTube - How to be Cool with Your Own .TEL Name
YouTube - Easy Instant Website / Online Business Card with .TEL

I think your 3 videos just about cover what a couple of hundred posts have been trying to say. Very well done, refreshing, funny and make a good argument as to the benefits of a .Tel :tu:
Exactly :)

The worst that can happen is that newbies reading this thread will hopefully think twice before they invest any serious money in .tel or .whatever.

It worked for me. I learned from the ME thread. Although I made money from .me, the names I held, even in .info would have given me xx,xxx-xxx,xxx. They were sold during the hype and I made low/mid xxxx. The two that I did keep (which sold for a combined xxx,xxx in com and net) can’t get a $60 bid to dump at auction. I just figured .tel would be the same and decided to take the advice of the senior members and avoid it.

With that said, although I don’t have any .tel, I can see how a small business that wasn’t interested in maintaining a website but still required a web presence could use .tel. For $10 a year some mom and pop operation can have a simple web presence that meets their needs. The only problem is, it would be pretty hard for a domainer to sell a mom and pop shop their own name.

For large companies, with an established website – dot tel really isn’t necessary, is it?
It is just an extra unnecessary step.

Here are three videos I created not too long ago that could be helpful in explaining .TEL. Let me know what you think.

YouTube - Forget Phone Numbers. Dial Your Name with .TEL
YouTube - How to be Cool with Your Own .TEL Name
YouTube - Easy Instant Website / Online Business Card with .TEL

Semohi, very nice job. I think this sums up the use of dot tel. Good for small businesses (without a current website or real need for one but still) looking for a web presence. Unfortunately I don’t see much of an enduser market (unless you registered a lot of first names).
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This thread was fine before you came... and will be fine after you leave. You have succeeded in basically hijacking the thread.. please... take a break... I love .tel too, but you are acting insane imo.

Well, I did suggest change. And it would be only good, for this thread, if there would be.... change.

It would be a better service for NamePros. For its reputation.
If .tel gets more praise and attention in the media, and people come around to read the old posts from this thread. Than reputation of NamePros would be seriously affected.

This thread is supposed to help and support .tel, and not the other way around.

The problem seems to be, that no one, till now, has the courage, for a fresh start, with new rules.

Because this game should be over, for a new game to start. Respectively, we should be one team, and not two teams in constant disput.

This thread was createt to get somewhere, and to achieve something positive.
But many members just don't feel very comfortable, and are possibly affraid, to take a position or viewpoint. Because they see, how other members get treated.

It could be much nicer, here, in this thread. We could get (more) posts from the Telnic management, but we are putting them off. They are peeping in, and reading, but prefere, rather not to say much.

It is quite embarrassing, to be honest.
This thread will turn in more and more into a " The Official .TelSucks Discussion Thread".

I can see it comming.

It is probably what some people want.

I prefere to have a "TelSucks" and a "TelLovers", thread, and avoid flame wars, etc.

This mix, here, can't really be "it"...

People can write good posts about .tel, but the posts just get taken apart, etc.

There are same people here, who basically deny .tel, and categorically criticize every post, wriiting positive about .tel.

It is not the place, where .tel believers can be happy.
It is a place for the .tel naysayers. Only they feel comfortable here.
And naysaying over .tel, is sort of their hobby, from which they get some sort of satisfaction, or a kick out of it. Because they need to pick on something, ore else they are not happy.
Some people just need victims, and once found, they treat them bad, all the time.
And they give them a puch in the nose, every time they start recovering, and blooming, just because they have to see them down again.
But this is not "live and let live".
This is not peace and freedom.
There are some warriors here, just waiting for their next opportunitiy to attack.

Long live .tel!
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... I can see how a small business that wasn’t interested in maintaining a website but still required a web presence could use .tel. For $10 a year some mom and pop operation can have a simple web presence that meets their needs. The only problem is, it would be pretty hard for a domainer to sell a mom and pop shop their own name.
Bingo :talk:
Good point indeed.

Ladies and gents, please do *NOT* post questions to the Telnic team on this thread, it's become impossible for us to distinguish them from commentaries, opinions and other types of discussions.

You can use the Telnic forum on for this, and if they're developer issues, the Telnic Dev forum on dev.telnic org. Thanks!

the other Telnic guy.
Thanks, for the great videos

Thank you, semohi, for your fantastic videos.

They are much more effective, for promoting .tel, than the "Love Train" video.

For example, a cinema, could show the "Love Train", and a other time, it could show one of your videos: Short and simple, is better: People would get .tel, or would want to know more about .tel, because they saw your videos.

I suggest, you offer a version for all .tel registrars, where they can put their own advertisment on it.

Then even the chinese and the japanese registrars can put their own...

Or someting else, as well:
The Apple shops, selling iPhones:
Because consumers are on the go, and don't have much time: A short .tel video, that rocks, showed in the Apple stores, might awake the interest of the potential iPone buyer.

Those videos are just ideal: Anyone can look at them in very short time, and pick up the messag(es).

Very well done!

See: "My Custom TelProxy Logo Fantasy", at my blog:
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Couple of quick questions for anyone, What is the best way to enter a phone number with extension into a .tel so it direct dials?
I have inquired about this and there is no easy answer because there are many different systems for entering extensions and they handle it differently.

You can add pauses in the dialing (I think by using comma or pound signs) so it will dial the main number, pause, then enter the extension. Otherwise you can mention the extension in the label, but that's part auto, part manual.

Because of the different phone systems out there, standardizing this part is tricky.
It is not the place, where .tel believers can be happy. It is a place for the .tel naysayers. Only they feel comfortable here. And naysaying over .tel, is sort of their hobby, from which they get some sort of satisfaction, or a kick out of it. Because they need to pick on something, ore else they are not happy. Some people just need victims, and once found, they treat them bad, all the time. And they give them a puch in the nose, every time they start recovering, and blooming, just because they have to see them down again.

Based on my perception, this is totally false.

I think the vast majority of people who have pointed out the glaring weaknesses of the .TEL extension (and how it so obviously mirrors every other failed landrush / TLD hype-train that has come before it) have done so to help others minimize the pain and disappointment that awaits by encouraging responsible registrations and realistic expectations. IMO.
The weaknesses of the .tel domain, are the weaknesses of its management.

As they are sometimes stepping on the brakes, and keeping to concepts, that had been made, over then years ago. And because they where not capable to educate normal users to set up a "Contact Us" page with a google map, and not able to educate them, how to advertise within .tel. As only a few developers could put all the bits and pieces of instructions together to a whole. (Mind you: me as well, but you saw all the bone work, it took me...)

Nevertheless, they have done a good job. And if they learn from the community, and are cooperative, it should work out ok.

But they have got to change their attitude a bit, and adapt to modern times.
Because buyers and users want a bit of eye candy, as well: May the concept be as good, but if it is not pleasing for the eye, as well, it will be more difficult to sell. If only people buy, who are satisfyed with the "hidden values".

However: Both, managent, and community, will have to work togeter in a efficient way, and step on the gas pedal, instead of the break pedal.

I think I said this very clear, for all to understand.

If we don't get it, than we will be running out of time, and the naysayers wil see their statements confirmed.

It is a bit a pitty, because the technology and concept, are good, and work.

It is about twenty years, since scientists made thoughts about using the DNS in better a way. And now, twenty years later, the theory is comming to use, and to fruitation. Give it a go, and give it a chance, with .tel.
Go for it!
We support the management of Telnic, and will do it loyal. The success of .tel will be mostely our success. The success of the .tel owners, portfolio managers, directory owners, users and developers.
Till now, the management only made our live that bit more difficult, which could had been a lot easier.
We want to work togehter as a team. So, learn how to play as a team.
To install a "Contact Us" page, or text adverts, should not be a mystery, only for developers to have a chance to manage it.
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mactel - I struggle to understand what your point is, but .tel is an open platform - if you need better tools then either build them yourself or put specific suggestions to other members of the community.
I was not talking about tools for .tel:

I was talking about the poor instructions that Telnic provided us with, and about how the bits and pieces of informaton about how to proceed, where scattered all over: in all sorts of forum posts and instruction papers, but nowhere, was a complete and usable "How To".

The .tel tools, that the developers are making, are fine. No problem with that.

Anyway: I know, that we are all trying to do our best, and I appreciate that fact.

But we can do better than that, if we try harder.

Love and peace. :loveyou:
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mactel, which information did you struggle to find or understand?

Did you try to put a "Contact Us" .tel page on one of your existing websites?

I already explained, that

1.) Information was found.

2.) But was not much good, useful, helpful.

And I already explained, that this did not work, like it should have worked with a navigatable Google map:

"Contact Us" .tel page.

Furthermore, it was not possible, to put advertisements on the TelProxy, only by reading the instructions in the white paper and developer guide: You had to go in the developers forum, and go through all the posts, to know, what else was needed to do.

What did you try to achieve?

Where you waiting for the developers to come up with a workable solution?:

Then you where absolutly right.

Everybody, who was struggling, does know it, so I do not have to tell the sad stories over and over again, just for those, who had not suffered, and gone through all that pain.

I am tired of repeating my self, and telling the sad stories over and over agin: Those who experienced it, they know well about it.
With Telnic, it is better not to try, at first attempt, what gets announced. They leave their users "standing in the rain", with no proper support, and with only poor instruction papers. It may be a waste of time: It is better to wait a month, till some develepers have sorted the mess out, and can provide some good ways and methods to do the task.
Bye for now, folks: I had to speak up, and get this all out of my system, and I feel a lot better now.

It is said, and we should move on. We got to manage .tel in a more professional and efficient way, that is all. Nothing more. No miracles. No secrets. Only math, like: "one and one makes two".

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mactel - Can you be more specific? What problems did you have with the ".tel for webmasters" package?

As has been previously stated, the CTH interface is not designed for every possible need - if you want to create advertising records then you need to do it through the SOAP API. The API and documentation is pretty straightforward, but I take it you're not a developer?

If you were to write about the specific needs you have then I'm sure they'd be taken into consideration by people producing .tel apps/services.
With the "Contact Us" .tel page, the idea, is, that you should have a navigatable Google map, same as you have on your TelProxy of your .tel domain:
But on the website, it was not possible to clone that Google map, so that it was navigatable, because the LOC records where not able to work. And there where some othter problems, as well, that users found a "workaround", by doing a variation with "PHP" (with map, but not navigatable), or a variation with "JavaScript" without a map at all. Period,

No: I am not a developer. Period.

About "Advertisements witin .tel": I just learnt it by doing and reading all the stuff, and by making mistakes, and posting the stuff here. That is how I finally grasped "Advertisements witin .tel".

There should of been a "How To", all at one place, for all users to read and understand.

Fact was, that ony about 10% of all developer finally "got it", after learning about it, over ca. four months time.

And I learnt all in two weeks, but was exausted after.
If I set up my ads without a tool, I wont have the silly "Sponsored Ads" name with the redish patches.
There should of been a "How To", all at one place, for all users to read and understand.

The documentation was enough for me, but if you think how-to's would help others then go ahead and write them :)

Fact was, that ony about 10% of all developer finally "got it", after learning about it, over ca. four months time.

I honestly don't understand why anyone should struggle to such an extent - may I suggest you write a blog post about your experiences? This is not really the appropriate forum for going into detailed technical discussions.
With that said, although I don’t have any .tel, I can see how a small business that wasn’t interested in maintaining a website but still required a web presence could use .tel. For $10 a year some mom and pop operation can have a simple web presence that meets their needs. The only problem is, it would be pretty hard for a domainer to sell a mom and pop shop their own name.
I don't think trying to sell a ma and pa company their own name would be very successful. You could, however, sell a small company a fantastic name that relates to their business. Good options would be business professionals that live with their cell phone: real estate agents, doctors, lawyers, car sales people, accountants even taxi cabs companies.

---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ----------

This is not really the appropriate forum for going into detailed technical discussions.
Why not? Getting some information out of this forum would be nice. Up until now, this thread is just about who can scream 'sucks' and 'doesn't suck' the loudest.
Come on guys, this forum is not instructive anymore with useless post but intrusive.

Let's talk about real life using .tel.

I own my and it is fantastic. I believe that dot tel is for everyone that are actively on the web using facebook, tweeter.... as contact infomation. For less than $10.00 I can update when ever I want using .tel, create directories like "community" and add link to my community url, add a subdirectory like John so and list my contacts like phone, emails according to home, business... make it private if needed. Also it have unlimit possibility to add new directory to add more links or infos. Example, I also have a subdirectory named : "bio" where I add my bio great for job search. .... They want to call me, all they need is click a button and "RING", for skype it's same.
Tell me where, how and who can provide me all these for $10.00 - Only .tel
So don't stick in mind doing directory things lik city directory, webmaster stuff, adverting blocks..... just do what dot tel purpose was (contact infos) and I can tell you it's rewarding. I use it in real life for business, friends.... Also one more thing, I prefer give to my friends rather than a facebook link even if URL is personalized and all same contact can be add too because I don't have all the ads or suggest people picture around my .tel, it's classy and useful.
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If go back, a few posts, you find my "How To" for advertising.

My point is, that we should provide more stuff for "average joe user".

If you explain to average joe: Look, you can set up a "Contact Us" .tel page on your website like tis:

1.) If you would like a navigatable Google Map, it is a bit complicated, and you will need a very skilled developer.

2.) If you are fine with a Google map, "fix", without navigation, you can quite easily set the page up, with a little bit of PHP coding,

3.) And the "dummies" version, is without a map, where you only have to embed a code (JavaScript), same as if you would embed a code for a video.
And which takes you about fifteen minutes.

And then he would'nt get lost in 1,) or 2.), and could go straight foreward to 3.) and make a nice experience, instead of getting frustrated.

At least he would know, what it takes and costs (time and money) to do set them up.

Of course, you found your way through the "instruction and info jungle", but you are a techie.

Angain: The ideas is, that "non techies" are able to do as much as possible by their own, without having to get a developer, webmaster, etc., every time.

.tel should be more "configuration friendly" for non techies.
And evern the existing ducumentations and instructions could be simpler layed out, for the developers, so that more of them "get it", within reasonable time.

It's not going to be the techies and developers, who will make .tel viable, it will be "average joe, the user".

Once one understands the basics about the .tel technology, many other things get clear, and can be understood in a context.

People, who have got already lost and confused at this stage, won't be able to follow up configuration work easily.

Important, are solid and thourough, but simplifyed guides and tutorials, which are self explaining.

We have only started with "pages for websites" and "advertising", and the majoritiy of the develolpers got lost and stuck, and the average users, got nowhere, and only frustrated.

But there is a lot more to come (features), which could be all "Do It Your self", and not "Go find a developer, and see that you have enough cash to pay him for his services".

Telnic has failed so far, in that sense, that it had announced two major features, that where very troublesome to set up, mainly, because they where not properly prepared to offer a "ready system, just in time", or "a all in one guide for dummies", that works,
With the "Contact Us" page, the guide was there (a bit poor, maybe), but it did not work.
With advertising, one had to collect all bits and pieces of info, and complete them to a whole. If you had oversaw some information, you where imediatly lost and stuck.

(Even Linux is simpler, and it even offers good instructions, and has a lot of knowledgable people within their community.)

Hopefully less chaos, next time, when there are some important new features announced, for dot tel.
And that Telnic is well prepared, and thas complete instructions all ready at hand, that really work, because their system enables everything.

About putting ads on the TelProxy:
I wouldn't put too many...: maybe maximum three, or else, it will look a bit over crowded, and a bit hard fo find the other information...
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