domain WERE.INFO over 30 million Google monthly searches

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Over 30 million Google monthly searches.

I am curious to see what people at namepros think I can get for this domain.

Please do not comment if you are thinking I can only get 0. It is just a matter of getting some of that 30 million/month traffic, and this site is worth more than zero.
For example: If I could get 1% of that 30 million, then I would get 300000 hits at per month. A site getting 300000 hits/month is not valued at zero. That would be 10000 hits/day. And that is just 1%.
Please be logical. If you have some advice on how I might get that traffic, I would be very pleased if you told me how to do that. The value of this site, depends on if I can get that traffic. If all I might get is .1% of that 30 million, then I would still be getting 30000 hits/month, and that is also valued at much more than zero. If all I might get is .01% of that 30 million, then I would still be getting 3000 hits/month, and that also has a higher value than zero. Do you know how I might get more of that, then let me know, and I will be very greatful. But if you do think it is only worth 0, then please explain to me, why it would be impossible for to get any of those 30 million google monthly searches. It has to be impossible to get that traffic in order for to be worth zero. Do you really think it is impossible? Please explain why you think that way. I am all ears. The only way might be worth zero, is if it were impossible to get any of that traffic, and even then, its still a dictionary word, and it has some value anyways. I get 25-50 type-ins a month when there is nothing on the site. Those type-ins are worth more than zero.

So, if you think I could get 1% of those 30 million, then how much is worth?(300,000 hits/month)

If you think I might get .1%, then how much is worth? (30,000 hits/month)
If you think I might get .01% then how much is worth? (3000 hits/month)

Obviously, the value of increases or decreases, depending on how much of that 30 million google monthly searches, I can get.

But how much effort might be required to try and get and/or retain the traffic?
If it is easy because of the domain name(, then is worth more.
If it would require alot of work to get the traffic, then decreases in value, but may still retain value, if it is the domain name itselt that helps it to get that traffic, even though it might be hard work.

If it is impossible to get any of that traffic with then has hardly any value for getting traffic then, but still retains some value because it is a dictionary word, and gets a small amount of type-ins each month.
(that is what I think. But even with these numbers, I don't know how much to value at.)

300,000 month traffic, how much?
30,000 month traffic, how much?
3000 month traffic, how much?

If you state a price, then please explain what traffic level that correlates with, and please explain why you think that would be able to get that traffic, but if you give low estimates, then please explain why it would be so hard, or impossible for to get more traffic.
If you give a high estimate, then please explain how to get that traffic, and how has advantage over other domain names to try and get that traffic.

After all, that is 30 million google searches Each Month.

Explain why you think that a domain that gets 30 million google monthly searches has less value than a domain with 3 million google monthly searches?

There is no difference between and
Both are the same, except for the extension.

oh, and were is also taken in all the top extensions, therefore putting value onto all of them.

And dot info is one of the top extensions, so is more valuable than most of the were sites. dot info is also understood in many languages as having the meaning of information, so dot info is likely to continue to be of value, after all the new tld's come onto the market.

It is the information superhighway, and I have the site named We're info.

We are info.

Who is information? WE ARE!

We're Information!

Hey Namepros! We Are Information At Were.Info

Thank you for your help
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I'd say $10 - $50

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a 2nd person singular pt. indicative, plural past indicative, and past subjunctive of be.

should be looked at as just any, $0 value
were gets 49,500 Global monthly exact searches
we're gets 9,900 Global monthly searches.

This name's value to me is $0 sorry. But it's just my opinion and you may get better appraisals from other NPs. Good luck.
did you ever search 'were' at any search engine?

Its a V difficult one. Whilst we don't search for 'were' on Google, before it existed, we didn't search for 'Facebook' either. Its catchy. V memorable if you ask me. I'd develop it, then $500+.
wholesale: $X to a like minded domainer who assigns heavy weight to gakt broad match result and has low acceptance standards for keyword commercial viability and cpc
retail: $XXXX to 'were' based business such as WERE-AM 1490
risk reward profile relative to the universe of available names: poor
intrinsic value: parking revenue minus renewal cost … if negative, dispose before expiration, good luck!
Thank you for telling me about WERE 1490 Radio, ecalc.

I also discovered that were is an archaic German word that used to have the meaning of 'man'.(according to wikipedia anyways)

I am wondering about the WHOIS connection with we' ??
The question: Whois information? might be answered with We're information or We Are information.


Answer: WE'RE.INFO

I also agree that is a memorable name on a similar level with
and after I first saw I never forgot it after that.
Even though it is a dot me, nonetheless It stuck in my mind.
I think is similar to About.Me, on the optimistic side of things; although I believe loses a little bit because I have to add the apostrophe(but you see, if they allow the apostrophe in domains in the future, that may mean that I get first dibs on we' because I have .)
(Currently, I do have to force the apostrophe into it. I admit it.)

The possibility of a domain name selling business, especially selling dot info domains seems a real possibility with we' but please let me know what you think about that.

Do you think that WEARE.INFO would be a better name than WERE.INFO ?

Let me know what you think of the whois connection though, and I do appreciate your help. Thank you
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Lol you crazy thinking this name is like

Possibly mid xx at best on
I also agree that is a memorable name on a similar level with

Well, is a great "hack" domain and I wouldn't compare it with Good luck.
Thank you for your replies.
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You will need to develop to have value..
Were looks good but commercial value is not there without investing much time and money.

A reseller of .info domains maybe ?? but not many large .info sales of late.

Low to mid $xx at best as is.
were - search on google and you get every site that has the word were in it somewhere.
Useless search.

"were" - search on google and you still get every sie that has the word were in it somewhere.
Useless search.

"were info" - search on google and you get about 17,000 results. 99% of those have the words were and info somewhere in the site.
Again, a useless search.

Now back to your domain.
As it stands?
I would see it go for $100 or so.

I would see it go into the thousands of dollars.

And again, way I look at any domain?
Stick it on sedo and see what happens.

This domain should sell on sedo, and it might even be a surprise to see it as is get bidded into the thousands.

Lesson: do not bother with namepros, any forums, DNF, ebay to sell this domain.
Strictly sedo.
Thanks for the advice iowadawg.
I am not trying to sell right now. I won't be letting it go for a low price like that. There are not many sites that can make the boast that can make.

That is, that We Are Info or We'

Just trying to see what people think, and maybe get some ideas.


I want to know what people think about the WHOIS connection though.

Whois Information?


WERE.INFO answers the question, and I want to know if I can exploit that?
(as you know, whois is a very well known thing on the net, and whois information is also very well known. How do I exploit this and get the huge value out of it, is what I am looking for, or hoping for)
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Hi there.
I am in the process of creating a directory at and I thought I'd ask what people think is better.

Should I make the directory url in a sub-domain, or in a sub-directory(folder) ?

Thank you in advance
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domain.tld/url is a way to go imho

you need to promote yr domain right? so put it in the front, dont make people guess if is still or some other separate thing.. that would make the domain itself a lot less visible and memorable..

instead redirect all requests coming to www.domain.tld onto domain.tld and use no-www version everywhere on the site and in the backlinks

use subdomains only to load scripts/images/css (i.e. loading images from will effectively increase the number of connections from a browser which leads to a faster page loading) but never use them as URLs for your site pages

my 2 cents imho

My first golden rule for .info's is does the domain name make sense for an information site about that name and the answer for yours is it does not!


However my advice to you is to check the .info's domain thread on Name Pro's Domain discussion threads. Here you will find many people who prefer .info's for buying and selling. Members might be able to give you a better idea.
I got more hits from the sub-directory(folder) page, than from the sub-domain page. (I took the links out, because its under construction for now). I will go with a sub-directory(folder).

I thank 4pm for your good post(2 cents worth).

In reply to James Lawrence. Not many websites can make the boast that can make.
That is, that We Are Information! And the domain name answers the question of WHO IS INFORMATION? We are, of course, at therefore it would make an interesting whois site as well.
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You will never, ever develop this name in a way that will claim "1% of the traffic" for people searching the key term - so using that as an example is a little delusional.

I'm afraid i agree with the lower appraisals here because the word is generic and has two meanings. You won't know what the site is for until you go to the site and see what is on it - the same goes for and

The search terms "we're information" and "[you] were information" are pretty bad search terms. The key word is potentially great, but not even by a stretch of the imagination does it fit the extension in any way. Good luck, it looks like you're going to have this one for a while because of your high expectations.

I do have a recommendation though, i think it generally looks bad when a domain is supposed to have punctuation, but even moreso when you advertise the domain WITH that punctuation, such as your signature (we'
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First of all it is hard to rank .info in the search results for generic terms like this due to the amount of competition from all the .coms and other extensions trying to soak the traffic up. This domain does have some value to it maybe X to XX but is also gonna take a-lot of work under development to make it rank to get a good piece of the pie under the generic term of "were". Not an easy task for just any developer to do. But also keep in mind anything with development is possible. Good luck with the domain.
In reply to James Lawrence. Not many websites can make the boast that can make.
That is, that We Are Information! And the domain name answers the question of WHO IS INFORMATION? We are, of course, at therefore it would make an interesting whois site as well.

NO. NO. NO....

Jclouds with all due respect listen to these members.

People will NOT read this domain as "We Are". They will read it like the northerners in Jersey Shore do. Without the apostrophe, which reads in past tense "it were yesterday". Or 'was'

Please don't kid yourself in any way that by using an apostrophe in your signature others will fall that. the word can be written two ways and because it doesnt use the apostrophe its the latter. I can see where your coming from but either way its not gonna make that domain any more sellable in my honest opinion.

We're or were it still remains $0. Low $xxx If you can find an end user. Prove me wrong and I'll give you a Christmas present.
why? what is the use for it? Besides the keyword metrics do you see it developed into some kind of website? $0
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