The 29days Story of My lover and I in Mi area--Asia Domain Name Registration Limited

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The 29days Story of My lover and I in Mi area--Asia Domain Name Registration Limited​

This Article was pressed by Asia Domain Name Registration Limited

Monday, April 16
Today technology to read news, that is a " Win In Mi Area," the website, curiosity let me click on a Web site so long.
To tell the truth, as long as the web site I can not see what that means. But
access to this website the first moment, but I love this site, intuition, I feel that this may be the year the regular landing site.

Tuesday, April 17
And the same day, the office-a cup of tea began to see Internet information, I do not like today is the first that opened yesterday at difficult to remember, a bookmark function better in my memory, otherwise I sure or not remember.

I began to look at the win today in the altar of rice, know. Mobi domain name and registration of his current, a lot of news content in the professional vocabulary, I still do not understand, I was into the "domain knowledge" channel to read, found a lot of things I never know. Unexpectedly done for so many years in the IT industry, it has such an area of the details of the Internet Let me completely blank.

Wednesday, April 18
Open 9:00 bell to the company, as usual Chongcha see information may be altar meters to win in my Favorites in the first reasons, natural and advanced to the site.

Now feeling the growing interest in the domain name, if not today see the "domain names registered by a new favorite in the public financial management experts said speculation is not a profit" in the expert's report to the tips, I will really start to do immediately impulsive domain investment. Although calm for the time being, I stop the idea of a registered domain name, but I still could not interest in the domain name.

Mangwan afternoon after work, I have reached a Win In Mi Area, also visited the way to "exchange Community" channels that this website is not only on April 16 on the line, but once in 2006 because engaging "domain name auction will be" well-known. After I was in the "media attention" to see a lot of "win in the mi area area," related news, I really surprised by this - that this small site so terrible.

Thursday, April 19
Done this morning in the company's products outside the investigation, when it quickly back to work, while the side of tea break, when space is opened up a Win In Mi Area.

Domain parking, from an article, entitled "China and the Yahoo network plotting million domain parking dinner" reports that the word, the original domain name, if not sold itself can also create income ah. It is indeed very curious and began the search in the station "domain name parking," the article, also Buxiangzou to work until probably do understand the principle of this domain name parking.

Friday, April 20
M win in the altar read things and more and more and found that there are so many of the daily rush to register domain names registered by others enterprises, registered the Olympics, a lot.

In fact, really good impulse cancelled, would like to start their own immediate
injection rice, but the reasons for the possible age, or the impulse control, domain names continue to learn every day.
(The Article is too long so I will post the follow story in the reply :))

Saturday, April 21
Today, a McGREGOR sleep to get up before noon, and did not lose his wife to shopping, so she and her sister went to join. Little things to stay at home while drinking tea while the Internet at the click "Favorites" to find a casual look at the site, suddenly feeling less what. Then realized I still remember not win at the altar in the meters, there is no computer at home collections.

In the Google search readily to "Win In Mi Area," saying, oh? Hurry up, oh, actually there are so many search results, but I want to see on the website in the first. Let me more time to admire this small site, I click on the following pages "About Us", would like to see the context of what in the end is that the contents are nothing special, just a brief introduction of the web site positioning it .

After the "Essay Contest" channel, Pham Van see a win let me know that in the long-meter altar at the origin of, to Win In Mi Area is three words, this time I really Remember the meters to win in the web site of the altar.

Sunday, April 22
Today is a day to accompany their families in the evening sitting in front of the computer eating rice tea. Manual input in the address bar of the "" This really remember, I can remember all of this web site.

Reading the "head of the Third China (CWF), the story of the domain name," two articles, I am the author of its "blood spider," brought an interest to see the beginning of some articles he wrote in meters to win in the altar can be found in the past two years, the spider is the blood of some of the things written, the things that he wrote language although very professional, but I feel this is still very readable, this fully felt in the area of domain knowledge simple.

Monday, April 23
Today I entered the "Win In Mi Area," the first day of the second week, although a lot of understanding of the domain name, but I still have not registered their own domain names.

Today, I would see the altar meters to win in a video, is an expose called "Ming million" registered to the side, it seems that a television news. Feel good after reading terrible, I feel a bit like a pyramid scheme, just as so many people are cheated, really fortunate that I have not yet begun registration.

Tuesday, April 24
Although yesterday that it was registered to pyramid schemes like the same model to promote scared, and today they are still open computers to Win In Mi Area look at the. The original domain name and trademark is related to the ah, today known as a "famous trademark use of domain names registered trademarks text was written off" reports that others were registered trademark of a domain name was cancelled.

Collapsed, the area of domain names really simple, so many laymen, ah, I also learned that almost, it seems this morning.

Wednesday, April 25
Value of a domain name has 2 million? Really valuable! Today, 39 health networks competing to see Ran spent 2 million to buy 39. Com domain name, this site before I occasionally look at, and do well, he could be worth, the website of way? How would spend so much money to buy domain names?
It is quite remarkable too, superscript than stocks, real estate or other investment, really make money!

I go home at night and my wife As to this matter, I hope that my wife also will support "domain name investment" industry. Alas, I have poured cold water on her, he said I only suitable for the company's Anfen work is not suitable to carry out investment, if so sure and creation of a few years ago and shares the same loss. In this way, I registered as dead.

Thursday, April 26
Today unconscious in the meters to win in the altar stroll and found three video, it seems that CCTV previous programmes, there is the domain name for several successful investment in the interview, a Mr. Yao, a Mr. Tsai, another is Mr. Zhong. I looked at one of Mr. Tsai look familiar, seen as long overdue.

Later, I also had a google search for the Mr. Tsai, up to then, he was the boss of 265, previously participated in a meeting seen him. Ah, the original are so many people who engage in the investment domain ah, it seems that some of these things really engage.

Friday, April 27
Also Friday, I was outside in a busy day at the company did not return directly home. After eating dinner, while his wife and chat while drinking tea while Internet stroll……

Win In Mi Area on the one called " Web site domain names registered domain names continue to be the focus of" news caught my attention, and there are "Friends of Friends you me," This is the original of the Chinese domain name ah.

Although previously heard of Chinese domain names, but do not know in the end is how the case. Not you, I have to step up research to understand their own early on to note.

Saturday, April 28
Today is not a good, I hate the weekend to work for a colleague to oversee the company's products sales. Oh, what an amazing, but not have not done, get up angrily to the overtime.

And also as usual, others in the busy, I Qingxian, a cargo hooks like I should carry a while drinking tea while watching things. One is called to the registration of the new network has become a hot yesterday and today, they easily on the Web site was black, really terrible, like our company's web site is used where they registered. By the above everyone said, I also tried on our company's Web site, halo, really can not be ah. Fortunately, we did not site a few people, or else real trouble.

Sunday, April 29
Not to work today, insisted at home Shuizu has slept 15:00, also meaningless return to the company, not the. My life is so simple, dinner and then sitting in front of the computer Internet, watching television, while his wife and chat. "China 315600. Com" sold six million? My wife suddenly surprised in the next up, and threaten me jump. Immediately get to see the contents point is that the domain names in an auction sold 60,000 yuan, However, such reports in the meters to win in the altar have seen a lot. I may have lost his
wife, all of a sudden King had a large domain of interest.

Monday, April 30
Today, I will not "lonely" because of the holiday, the day the company did not do anything, that the Internet can Win In Mi Area, and found that I was back at my wife watching. I am curious to know how she asked Win In Mi Area of the Web site, she said last night that the web site is called "m win in the altar," she today should carry a "win meters in the altar. Com" really open results the.

Alas, she But quite clever, clever than I am, even Chinese domain names will be used. In this way, I and my wife there's one common topic - domain names.

Tuesday, May 1 Labour Day
Did not play out, and his family enjoy the holidays easier. I should note his wife domain name than I have also become urgent, he said must be remembered more meaningful to a lot of money selling domain names. On the altar meters to win in a recommended site to register for domain names, but no matter what are thought to be registered. My wife said that do not intend to invest capital investment, a good intention, it is necessary to make things write articles for domain names with the story of award……

Wednesday, May 2
We started the "cunning words, rely" on domain names, a full day in the name of China's domain names, it is estimated that there are thousands of the investigation, but unregistered, only a dozen, with the exception of the names of my wife and all other than like how do not like. We will be careful not to register domain names can be found recorded in the book, really ready to Najiangjin after registration.

Thursday, May 3
Today, in the Win In Mi Area saw a Chinese domain name "to three. Cn" has sold 50,000 yuan, a look at what, I feel this is false, not credible, I said that my wife is really, we argue for a long time.

May 4th Youth Day Friday
Today is not a good, first discovered hazy early morning, just want to hang on the bed up. My wife insisted I pull up, and said she found a good domain name, saying that it Register - I see a bit wrong on the swab under my forehead, feeling a little fever, no nothing more I was up to me to find drugs eat.Shuoqi finished, I am very curious about what his wife should note domain name, but she told me after I almost laugh from the bed to the floor, she was a woman dedicated to inject things alias, but also Chinese. Cn the……

Saturday, May 5
Although the physical nothing, but still do not want to get up, Lai has been up to before noon. A TV entertainment for her and let me interested in opening a computer check, it really was not the Chinese domain name registration, I immediately notebooks down. In a whole afternoon watching TV, to see what all keywords check, it is well down the number of unregistered.

Sunday, May 6
Likely it is the reasons for the holiday, the last Win In Mi Area of information rarely updated,no new things to see. I can only find casual look at things before, and then stroll the Internet is, for good keywords go for it is registered, the unregistered found in our mind on the small.

Monday, May 7
On the last day of vacation, we have been small record of nearly 100 domain names, including dot-com, cn, Chinese, a lot.
I lost by some, or listen to his wife, then wait until Monday. Write articles inject. Therefore, we also would like to begin the theme of the story, we have no domain, and it has not sold domain names, not bought domain names, we write?

Tuesday, May 8
We still can not think of what to write, and the story certainly Hubian meaningless, not to mention Monday. Has. Oh, no way to continue to woven?. Or in the office work very Qingxian, a lot of time, let me wandering the Internet, m win in the altar stroll. There is a very funny contestants, he wrote an article called "I served the point COM YOU," the article, written inside really whimsical turns chaotic superintendent of smallpox. I do, in fact
or watch, I felt that these stories are no meaning, we can think about ways to write a prominent, and these articles is not the same.

Wednesday, May 9
I continue to wage with a boss with the company in the computer, watching the Win In Mi Area things, thinking about winning the prize money in the meter altar. Back at home and my wife is also said that domain, and he also learned the "m" word, I started with "m m that this", "m m that" the truth, some are not accustomed to this.

Thursday, May 10
What still did not expect to write the theme Contributor entries, I did not expect such a story also my "Gaocaisheng" to the advantage of, and I wife is not convinced, he specialized in universities, but with the literature prize is…… Today, we also saw a "baby domain", we start planning for the future baby domain names registered, but not to name a good thing registered domain names?

Friday, May 11
M win in the altar in the news that CCTV footage is on the investment domain, a person above that registered the domain name in Olympic-related, in the high-priced online auction. It said that many people ask price, but Meirenmai. This also makes me feel that the following should be further research to study hand, otherwise the domain investment market really is not so easy to earn.

Saturday, May 12
Up early, and because my wife out to the street, I do not know what happen to her, and we go where the two have focused their attention in the trademark and billboards, are also discussed this has been registered, that there has not been Registration topic, while also using a mobile phone while taking shoot…… Visited a few days and not buying things, not all of the attention on shopping. Back on the Internet at the beginning the investigation, a good number of investigations, but the results are not an unregistered - disappointment!

Sunday, May 13
Sleep all day, get up afternoon, as usual watching television, Internet……
It is worth noting that of a spider blood exclusive reports "Tencent domain acquisition process," the spider to see blood and do an interview to the efforts of the parties, it is really amazing. He was still on the end of excavation to the truth, the spirit of this news everyone really be worth studying.

Mr Lu reports of it is worthwhile for us to study, because he promised before his 8 million will be registered nearly 10 years of domain names sold to other people, but a bid to sell 200,000 he does not, these people really can , the really stupid, I use my wife as saying this person is stupid!

Monday, May 14
M won in the open on the altar to see at first glance, the story today has entered the domain names on the last day of the Call for Papers.
Alas, this may be what will? I immediately asked my wife to call her story did not expect good theme, she said no. Then I desperately want to ah……
This is what I won in the altar of rice in 29 days, it can not think of good stories to the theme from whimsical turns in the selection of these diaries to share with you. This is my understanding of the domain name 29 days, my wife and I are learning together domain name 29 days, the story is that this should be such a right? Wrote here in writing, I feel very satisfied, and this is what I write, write the story of domain names. Under the registration, and so I issued ID article, and I hope that the wife will be the first "domain names Investment Fund!"

Thank Win In Mi Area to provide such a good platform for us, thank you! We will result as a new "rice farmers!"
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