
opinion Why 3 word domains are a bad investment

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain InvestmentsTop Member
It's quite simple really...

If you take the Top 500 keywords only then you have 500^3 = 125 Million combinations

Consider Top 1000 keywords for 2 word combos 1000^2 and you get 1,000,000. Significantly less which means more likely to get a sale. If you only focus on Top 100 keywords for 2 words, then you're left with 10,000 combinations. At 10,000 options to consider for potential end-users, your chance of a sale is excellent.

Factor in alternative extensions (non-com) then 3 word domains should be avoided entirely. And I would go as far to say avoid 2 word domains in non-com extensions unless you are a seasoned veteran of domain investing.

Not to say unicorn sales don't happen, but the odds are not in your favor.
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It’s common sense that the more words the lower the value. But like with anything else, they are exceptions. > >


Health Is >

Phrases are the only exception.

Otherwise it should be common sense to know 3-4 words isn’t better or f you can get 1-2 words to replace it.

Btw- phrases- are not hitting the lottery.. they are simply valuable.. because they are like brands. Very memorable already
And that's perfectly ok to disagree. However, that doesn't change the point of the thread or my post. Three word domains are less valuable but they are exceptions. Not necessarily to say this or that three word is worth more than a two word. Rather, all three word domains are not trash. Investment comes down to the specific name you register. you can invest in two word domains and they could still be all trash. I would certainly by health is wealth if someone listed it here. It may not objectively or subjectively be worth, more than a certain two word, but it certainly isn't a bad investment imo, especially if you love that niche and know the power of branding and even plan to develop it.

90% of my names are two words
2% are 3-4 words(Maybe 4-5 names max) last offer was 5k for one of them, and i'm ok revealing them too- they are all hand-reg too.

I would not advice people to invest in 3 word domains.

Only with the exception i mentioned.
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I have check TM search and was surprised to see so many crap 3 words and longer with dashes, with words which sound stupid and no proper relation, when I can go hand reg great brandables related to their services, the TM's are related to my secret keywords, which I have invested my hard earned money, there are many new and still pending, from big corps, even related to my domains, now I think, what stupid I was with some domains I did not reg and missed them, but there is no time to cry cause I have better ones!
peterpleaseanswer <=> peteranswers
Three-letter domains are not necessarily a bad investment, on the contrary, they can have high value and investment potential in certain circumstances.
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