
question When you have no sales for a long time, how will you choose?

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When you have no sales for a long time, how will you choose?

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  • Leave here

  • Resell to peers

  • Hire a team to develop one of these

  • Self-development, from 0 to 1

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Kai W.

CollectorTop Member
If you don't have a gem like Generic Name in your portfolio and at the same time want to earn income through domains, what is your choice?
I chose 4. from two months ago. :p
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Selling domains requires patience, during this time you can choose to add value to the domain, which will also add value to yourself.
I’ll be Frank. He was very knowledgeable well still is just not with us anymore
If you cant build a website and monetize it with a domain, don’t buy it.
imo its basically impossible and highly improbable any noobs are gonna even get their money back unless they have deep pockets or a university degree. The boat has sailed.
I’ll be Frank. He was very knowledgeable well still is just not with us anymore
If you cant build a website and monetize it with a domain, don’t buy it.
imo its basically impossible and highly improbable any noobs are gonna even get their money back unless they have deep pockets or a university degree. The boat has sailed.
Couldn't agree more, anyone can buy domains, but selling domains, is definitely a very specialized industry. It is essentially a broker market, not a seller or buyer market.
if you are impatient for your sales to come, just build a bigger portfolio. Of course, that requires also patience, but different kind )

E.g., build a portfolio like BuyDomains one and you'll be selling a domain every hour. Build the size of HugeDomains one and you'll be selling one every 6 minutes.

You want a sale every day? Build a portfolio of 35000-40000 quality domains. Once every week? Then you need around 5000 names. You get the point.
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if you are impatient for your sales to come, just build a bigger portfolio. Of course, that requires also patience, but different kind )
BUYDOMAINS is a leader in this area, but I've noticed before that they've had popular keyword combinations long before I knew what the word "domain" was.
You want a sale every day? Build a portfolio of 35000-40000 quality domains. Once every week? Then you need around 5000 names. You get the point.
Is that even possible nowadays? All good two-word combinations are taken. I highly doubt you can even build a portfolio of 500 decent domains with reg fee purchases. You can probably build of portfolio of 1000 decent domains, but it will take 4-5 years, even 10 years and a lot of hard work.
There are examples of domainers who tried to create large portoflios artificially by matching words and failed.
Most domainers are kids who don't understand investments and give up as soon as they find a new shiny toy.
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Most domainers are kids who don't understand investments and give up as soon as they find a new shiny toy.
The domain is definitely not an industry where free work can be achieved, at least in the selling segment it is not as easy and free as one might think.
I think anyone in this industry who is not too old should shift their profit model from here to developing their own domains.
Holding undeveloped domains is closed, while holding developed domains is only in line with the open spirit and business rules of the Internet.
BUYDOMAINS is a leader in this area, but I've noticed before that they've had popular keyword combinations long before I knew what the word "domain" was.

HugeDomains is the leader. BD might be the distant second. HD probably has around 30%-40% of all aftermarket sales.
Is that even possible nowadays? All good two-word combinations are taken. I highly doubt you can even build a portfolio of 500 decent domains with reg fee purchases. You can probably build of portfolio of 1000 decent domains, but it will take 4-5 years, even 10 years and a lot of hard work.
There are examples of domainers who tried to create large portoflios artificially by matching words and failed.
Most domainers are kids who don't understand investments and give up as soon as they find a new shiny toy.

Still possible, although way harder and riskier. I have 23000+ now, will have over 24k by the year end. I had 15k by the end of 2021 and under 8k by the end of 2020.
Still possible, although way harder and riskier. I have 23000+ now, will have over 24k by the year end. I had 15k by the end of 2021 and under 8k by the end of 2020.
I have heard from friends that your portfolio is very successful, but on such a huge scale, it is very worrying.:ROFL:
I have heard from friends that your portfolio is very successful, but on such a huge scale, it is very worrying.:ROFL:

It is less worrying, when you use data and analytics. I grow by 50%-100% a year, using the previous years' experience for the new acquisitions. And the more you grow, the more data points you get for further analysis.

But, I can see that it is getting harder to start and get it going. Becomes a catch 22 situation. To make money, you need lots of good names. But to learn which names are good and sell, you need lots of names owned for some time. How do you do that with higher renewals and lower velocity for sales with lower per name price? I assume it is still possible with lots of dedication, some starting funds, being methodical and analytical.
How do you do that with higher renewals and lower velocity for sales with lower per name price?
I suspect this may be what separates the successful sellers from the rookie sellers. Personally, I just price based on my situation (seller status) and not on market data, which makes me lose a lot of balls.

To make money, you need lots of good names. But to learn which names are good and sell, you need lots of names owned for some time.
Keyword analysis may not be able to predict when a sale will be made. But the better the name, the higher it will be priced and the longer the corresponding sales time, IMO.
buy/combine domains with traffic daily IMO are undervalued now

dreamt: wwwcsdn.net "is worth millions"
Keyword analysis may not be able to predict when a sale will be made. But the better the name, the higher it will be priced and the longer the corresponding sales time, IMO.

The problem is the names don't have a tag saying "a better name". That is precisely the skill that comes with the learning curve, and only if you have some talent and some analytical skills. I see quite a few people on the forum that have been around the forum for years, but still are clueless regarding their choices.

Of course, there are clearly no-brainer better names, but those cost $xxx-$xxxx to acquire, because those no-brainers, naturally, are recognized by many and cause bidding wars.
If you don't have a gem like Generic Name in your portfolio and at the same time want to earn income through domains, what is your choice?
I chose 4. from two months ago. :p
We can redirect the domain into profitable affiliate program, but choose the program that work and relevant with our domains.

Otherwise, we can work as freelance , sell non domain product or work for other people, and let keep the domain in our portfolio when we think our domains valuable.
We can redirect the domain into profitable affiliate program, but choose the program that work and relevant with our domains.

Otherwise, we can work as freelance , sell non domain product or work for other people, and let keep the domain in our portfolio when we think our domains valuable.
This is a very pragmatic choice. That's the beauty of it. There are multiple paths to choose from, and whichever one you choose, it will be exciting.
Still possible, although way harder and riskier. I have 23000+ now, will have over 24k by the year end. I had 15k by the end of 2021 and under 8k by the end of 2020.
How much did you invest per domain? Specially initially?
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How much did you invest per domain? Specially initially?

Varies. I have around 500 names with average cost of around $400 and the rest have average cost of $15-20.
Varies. I have around 500 names with average cost of around $400 and the rest have average cost of $15-20.
Thank you for input, very insightful.

When building your portfolio do you put the number of extensions taken into consideration before adding a particular domain to your portfolio? Most .com sales these days are upgrade (using SH data).

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Varies. I have around 500 names with average cost of around $400 and the rest have average cost of $15-20.
Thank you for input, very insightful.
It's not easy, and without a good start, it's easy to get caught up in the beginning of this conversation.
Most .com sales these days are upgrade (using SH data).
If you want to list to SH, then the only option is to upgrade. the reason for the high sales rate of SH is not the SEO of the docking page, nor the paid promotion of the domain name, but it is the accurate targeting of the user group and the perfect embedding of the domain name in the branding package. Based on this premise, it seems more important to find a compelling and reasonable explanation for your brandable domain name.
Today's discussion of the epik issue got me thinking again about the value of domains.
Domain operators are like NASDAQ, each domain is like a stock and the price of each stock depends on the quality of the name. This means that the 'original stock' that many people hold has very little value and can even lose money.
You need to give value to your domains, and the essence of SH is to 'made-up' meaning for branded domains.
But it's easier to overlook the original purpose of the domain. Try to develop it, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how long it takes, no matter if you know how to program or not, no matter how unsatisfactory the final website or app is, just do it, because this is the surest way to increase the value of your 'stock' in your hands!
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