
question What is the biggest opportunity you have missed in domaining.

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hello guys.
As in title, What is the biggest opportunity you have missed in domaining.
Like a domain auction you didn't win, or a deal that not completed .
About myself, I remember that before 6 years, there was an auction at Godaddy for the domain name
When there was 5 days remaining to auction to end, the highest bid was $270,000, but Godaddy ended the auction early at that time.
I was planning with two of my friends to join the the auction in the last day as a partnership, and try to win it.
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Not keeping the names I registered 10 years ago.
It doesn't exist.
Yes it was, I think expired domain, or listed by mistake, I should take a snapshot of the domain auction page at that time.
But I was new in domain business.
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Hello guys.
As in title, What is the biggest opportunity you have missed in domaining.
Like a domain auction you didn't win, or a deal that not completed .
About myself, I remember that before 6 years, there was an auction at Godaddy for the domain name
When there was 5 days remaining to auction to end, the highest bid was $270,000, but Godaddy ended the auction early at that time.

if it had been real it would have been 10x of that amount. Bargains like this don't exist anymore on public auctions.
I knew PayPal owned, but I didn't know about the others. I wonder what would sell for if they ever wanted to get rid of it.
Looks like is reserved by the registry (WHOIS).
I knew PayPal owned, but I didn't know about the others. I wonder what would sell for if they ever wanted to get rid of it.

Paypal isn't allowed to sell without Elon Musk's consent, and even then he has "buy first" rights to the name since it was him who purchased that domain while he was with Paypal and had some written rights to that name.
If ever, the domain will most likely be sold to him directly for some special price for Space X.. but probably not before he has colonized the Mars first lol (seeing how long he was even ignoring the name
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I back ordered you/ then it goes to drop catch auction I don't remember how much I bid on it But closed it closed at 1K and a few months later it went for 80k.. this was the biggest miss for me .I wouldn't have thought to pay 1k for youcoin I thought over $300 it was insane..

Also missed prime opportunity 5n 6n and chip LLLL.coms at least I got in at the middle on that...

I try not look back on this stuff there's nothing it can do for you now
Well you may feel better knowing the opportunity you missed was never an option. At least you didn't go through the trouble of getting the money together just to give it back and have to explain to your partners it was a mistake.

My biggest lost opportunity was not knowing 4L's .com would be so easily liquidable. Should have aquired more, would have been nice for cash flow:)
Not taking advantage of VR domains... I had a foot in first and procrastinated.
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