
domain Triple Crown "Justify".... Domain Justification - Justify.ntld

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With Justify winning the Triple Crown at Belmont Park, i justified taking a leap of faith, and bought a half dozen two word .coms like, JustifyRacing.com (not mine). I also bought a few strategic one word Justify.ntld's that compliment the .com's.

This may be stink'n think'n, but professional gamblers may want to own domains with "Justify" as part of the name. Maybe I need to sell them in Vegas or at the track:xf.wink:

Anyone ever justified a strategy like this? Ideas or suggestions? Thanks,
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if you don't have anything positive to say, I'd recommend you say nothing at all.

If you expect just a positive feedback, I'd recommend you post nothing at all.
This should be in the appraisal section as that is what this is,happening far to often here on NP's at the moment in the guise of something else.

Then you can critique the responses to your hearts content.
If you expect just a positive feedback, I'd recommend you post nothing at all.
Your intent, and with others, is actually pretty clear. That's to discredit anything I do or say with regards to domaining. Just because you and others have been doing it your way for 10+ years doesn't make it right any more than my doing it my way for just a year makes me wrong. You may try your best to make me to be the fool, but my prior business success speaks for itself. I'm pretty proud of my past accomplishments, many of which I've applied to this industry. Will it work? I wouldn't bet my life on it, nor my wife or my home, but I'm having so much fun doing what I'm doing, the entertainment alone is worth every penny:xf.grin:
Your intent, and with others, is actually pretty clear. That's to discredit anything I do or say with regards to domaining. Just because you and others have been doing it your way for 10+ years doesn't make it right any more than my doing it my way for just a year makes me wrong. You may try your best to make me to be the fool, but my prior business success speaks for itself. I'm pretty proud of my past accomplishments, many of which I've applied to this industry. Will it work? I wouldn't bet my life on it, nor my wife or my home, but I'm having so much fun doing what I'm doing, the entertainment alone is worth every penny:xf.grin:

So why you are such a crybaby when someone write something you Don’t want to hear?
Your intent, and with others, is actually pretty clear. That's to discredit anything I do or say with regards to domaining.

Yeah, I mean clearly there is a conspiracy trying to discredit Bulloney's legendary domaining accomplishments... O_o

In reality, you regged a bunch of domains and are not posting sales, just theories about how you are going to make sales. What is there to discredit?

Just because you and others have been doing it your way for 10+ years doesn't make it right any more than my doing it my way for just a year makes me wrong. You may try your best to make me to be the fool, but my prior business success speaks for itself.

Just because you are successful in one field doesn't mean it translates to another field.

If I was successful at running a restaurant, what does that have to do with domain investing? Just like successful domain investing would not automatically make me qualified to run a restaurant. I have known lots of successful people in other fields who invested in domains thinking it would be a breeze only to lose their total investment.

I'm pretty proud of my past accomplishments, many of which I've applied to this industry. Will it work? I wouldn't bet my life on it, nor my wife or my home, but I'm having so much fun doing what I'm doing, the entertainment alone is worth every penny:xf.grin:

Cool. I am glad you are enjoying your hobby. That is also how the IRS would classify it at this point.

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Yeah, I mean clearly there is a conspiracy trying to discredit Bulloney's legendary domaining accomplishments... O_o

In reality, you regged a bunch of domains and are not posting sales, just theories about how you are going to make sales. What is there to discredit?

Just because you are successful in one field doesn't mean it translates to another field.

If I was successful at running a restaurant, what does that have to do with domain investing? Just like successful domain investing would not automatically make me qualified to run a restaurant. I have known lots of successful people in other fields who invested in domains thinking it would be a breeze only to lose their total investment.

Cool. I am glad you are enjoying your hobby. That is also how the IRS would classify it at this point.

Brad...funny you might bring up the restaurant business. Now there's a business that's 10X harder at being successful at than domaining. I've told friends and peers alike, " if I ever say I'm going into the restaurant business, just pull out a gun and shoot me for I've lost my mind". As for the "name game",and names are the first requirement for being successful in this industry, I already know I'm pretty good at it despite your biased analysis. I can Justify the faith I have in my own abilities....just look at the .Club thread to see some of the Kidz Club domains I've hand registered to see what I'm talking about. According to you,the $1 i invested in each of those names is a total waste:xf.wink: That's the way I feel about a dollar I might invest in the restaurant business. Keep your retorts coming Brad, they only boost my faith:xf.grin:
So why you are such a crybaby when someone write something you Don’t want to hear?
A "crybaby", who me? I just defend myself with the facts. I luv all the attention for it only adds value to my business and my domain portfolio. Keep the criticism coming, it's very stimulating. Thanks:xf.grin:
If you have close to 2000 domains and sell none in a year, would be time to dump most if not all of them.
Wow!...you said, "you aren't thinking of the business application for any of these" Are you kidding me?. I've started, named, bought and sold more businesses in my lifetime than you ever dreamed of. I'd seriously suggest you check me out before you fly off at the mouth about something you know absolutely NOTHING about. Thus, I take all your advice and suggestions and file them in the "round file" assuming you know that that is:xf.wink:

No assumptions here, the evidence is clear. Judging but your inability to take honest criticism I can estimate you're on the later portion of your life and have lost the ability to judge business decisions without the emotional satisfaction of going with your first feeling to "leap" into a high risk investment. Why would I look you up, I normally ignore people that brag about silly registrations on their own self aggrandizing thread, even after the vaguely insulting explanations you provided, the registrations have no merit in reality.

From the wiki page of the horse, they estimate a winning amount of just under $4mm. Out of that, how much do you believe you deserve for not training, staking, owning, stabling, or breeding the horse? In comparison, how much time and value do you think the people directly involved have invested when you consider the amount of value an nTLD will have on a horse's name to some other random business application? I mean, with that much future insight, I don't see why you would need to take such massive risks... at your age, you should be writing eloquently about your ability to predict the market crash of 1929. Anyway, best of luck!
If you have close to 2000 domains and sell none in a year, would be time to dump most if not all of them.
If you have close to 2000 domains and sell none in a year, would be time to dump most if not all of them.
Why you must be assuming I haven't sold any names or even have a plan:xf.wink: To say or insinuate otherwise, is a BOLD FACED LIE!
No assumptions here, the evidence is clear. Judging but your inability to take honest criticism I can estimate you're on the later portion of your life and have lost the ability to judge business decisions without the emotional satisfaction of going with your first feeling to "leap" into a high risk investment. Why would I look you up, I normally ignore people that brag about silly registrations on their own self aggrandizing thread, even after the vaguely insulting explanations you provided, the registrations have no merit in reality.

From the wiki page of the horse, they estimate a winning amount of just under $4mm. Out of that, how much do you believe you deserve for not training, staking, owning, stabling, or breeding the horse? In comparison, how much time and value do you think the people directly involved have invested when you consider the amount of value an nTLD will have on a horse's name to some other random business application? I mean, with that much future insight, I don't see why you would need to take such massive risks... at your age, you should be writing eloquently about your ability to predict the market crash of 1929. Anyway, best of luck!
"Anyway, best of luck!" lol!, sanchez...you may want to wipe that smile off your face:xf.wink: Ever heard the expression a picture's worth a thousand words? As for the latter portion of my life? Is that all you got? Oh, you also have, "I normally ignore people............????? I guess you just can't help yourself....I'm so sorry you're offended by my confidence and my success. You my boy should have a little more respect for your elders:xf.wink:
"Anyway, best of luck!" lol!, sanchez...you may want to wipe that smile off your face:xf.wink: Ever heard the expression a picture's worth a thousand words? As for the latter portion of my life? Is that all you got? Oh, you also have, "I normally ignore people............????? I guess you just can't help yourself....I'm so sorry you're offended by my confidence and my success. You my boy should have a little more respect for your elders

Respect is earned, sir. Just look at your previous threads.

SimpliDOit.com Curious, is this name brandable? I've accumulated about 75 Simpli.....com domains ranging from SimpliWine.com to SimpliSexy.com to SimpliDiamonds.com

It's amateur hour at the bingo, why do you insist on advertising your speculative acquisitions if you can't stand being told how risky they are? I don't take offense to any of it, you seem to take everything personally and attack people on the same emotionally charged, child-like perspective.

Fact remains, every single domain you've posted publicly contributes to the useless noise that domainers consider value. Stop watching TV and learn a new industry. The likelihood that you'll make a profit trying to find value in televised events is almost zero, yet you continue to use that as a means of finding value?

dude is full of bull loney

but he is great, so profound..... in his own mind.

and within that, we really don't exist.

as no sound that enters, is louder than the voice speaking inside

so...we tried, and we failed, so we must move on....

Respect is earned, sir. Just look at your previous threads.

It's amateur hour at the bingo, why do you insist on advertising your speculative acquisitions if you can't stand being told how risky they are? I don't take offense to any of it, you seem to take everything personally and attack people on the same emotionally charged, child-like perspective.

Fact remains, every single domain you've posted publicly contributes to the useless noise that domainers consider value. Stop watching TV and learn a new industry. The likelihood that you'll make a profit trying to find value in televised events is almost zero, yet you continue to use that as a means of finding value?
Wow...you've actually done some research regarding some of the domains I've registered....I'm impressed that you even wasted time, especially since you said you "normally ignore people who.......??????" Have you ever played sports Sanchez? While most of my Simpli names were registered as .com's months before i registered most of my nTLD's, i consider them to be a lot like batting practice or training for any other sport. As they say, "practice makes perfect" regardless of whether or not you subscribe to that philosophy. And as for RISK sanchez, if you're trying to tell me the 250+ .Club domains that I recently purchased for $1 each, that appraise for tens of thousands of dollars, and that I also have a business model/plan for, you simpli don't understand anything about risk.sanchez, I've managed risk for 50 years, and if you're trying to say that I don't understand risk, you're the one that needs help and advice way more than me. I'd mentor you, but you can't afford me:xf.eek:

dude is full of bull loney

but he is great, so profound..... in his own mind.

and within that, we really don't exist.

as no sound that enters, is louder than the voice speaking inside

so...we tried, and we failed, so we must move on....

Thank you Biggie....you understand:xf.wink:
you should have sold at least a few, just by virtue of statistical probability

you regged a bunch of domains and are not posting sales

1,750 domains registered; how many sales?
This is the question everybody was asking him in some other thread. But he's only talking rude in response.

Really, i can't imagine any other forum where admins would tolerate such fracking troll for such a long time. If i remember right, in the other thread i was not the only one reported his posts. He's just poisoning the atmosphere here.
Thank you Biggie....you understand:xf.wink:

oh yeah!

I understand

ain't just been sitting around buying and selling domains all these years

I actually read the words that are written "in-between" the lines of sentences and paragraphs.

what you post, tells me what you think...
or it tells me that you want me to think, that you think, that way.

either way, I can read it

the 250+ .Club domains that I recently purchased for $1 each, that appraise for tens of thousands of dollars
Which you base on your own admittance of -
...we all know these appraisals are pretty much an industry joke
Yes you do have a 'keen' sense of business foresight.
And you don't have to reply with your standard argumentative retorts, we all get how 'business smart' you are. This is a prime example.
Why you must be assuming I haven't sold any names or even have a plan

Operative word being...OR.

"sold any domains" NO! you have not.

"have a plan" SURE, but...so what?

Money talks, B.S. walks.
This is the question everybody was asking him in some other thread. But he's only talking rude in response.

Really, i can't imagine any other forum where admins would tolerate such fracking troll for such a long time. If i remember right, in the other thread i was not the only one reported his posts. He's just poisoning the atmosphere here.
Which you base on your own admittance of - Yes you do have a 'keen' sense of business foresight.
And you don't have to reply with your standard argumentative retorts, we all get how 'business smart' you are. This is a prime example.
Hawkeye...it doesn't seem you understand "risk" either. While you seem to agree with me that appraisals in this industry are a joke, what you don't understand is how i intend to EXPLOIT the JOKE. btw, it happens even more so with .com's than nTLD's. Having invested in business startups, real estate, and securities I'm pretty confident I know just a little more about risk vs.reward than you. If you really want to learn a little more about risk Hawkeye, I use to guest lecture at a local university about start ups, and part of my class included the subject of risk....do you care to share your understanding of risk?
do you care to share your understanding of risk?
Sure. It's anyone offering you any type of advice, and expecting you to ad-heed or accept it as such.
Operative word being...OR.

"sold any domains" NO! you have not.

"have a plan" SURE, but...so what?

Money talks, B.S. walks.

xynames says: "sold any domains" NO! you have not." So you know that to be a fact xynames??? Investment $$$ in me and my company include domain names that I own(ed). Outside of this, I haven't had time to sell a single domain due to the FACT, I'm still accumulating and building my portfolio. I've got money xynames, and like you said, "Money talks".....stay tuned:xf.wink:
I don't understand folks like you. You start a thread about a very risky and poorly thought-through strategy for buying domains and ask:
Ideas or suggestions?
So when we, the experts, respond, you ridicule the response rather than making it a point of civil discussion. You even bring in unrelated discussions about totally different issues with some commenters that you've encountered in other threads.

There is already enough acrimony and conflict in the world today.

So now we learn that you are buying a thousand (thousands?) of domains without so much as test-marketing a single one. Your "strategy" will only result in a warehouse full of domains you cannot sell.

You, sir, are industrial-grade clue-resistant. Why did you ask for "Ideas or suggestions" when all you want to do is ridicule valuable advice? A response isn't necessary, I'm no psychologist but I think I know the answer. I hope you become the victim of your own echo chamber sooner rather than later for your own good.
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