
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Thanks for your suggestion.

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Stewart Rhodes, leader of the OathKeepers, was just sentenced to 18 years in prison. He never entered the Capital building or did anything violent. Most of the evidence used to convict him of Seditious Conspiracy came from the Epik hacks. More Epik victims every day thanks to the giant POS Rob Monster. Several young men have already taken their own lives when their foolish, immature private conversations obtained from the Epik hacks were used to intimidate them into deciding between long prison sentences or betraying their friends and families and beliefs.

Stewart was/is a deeply flawed human being and should never have been allowed to be head of an organization like OathKeepers but he doesn't deserve prison time. Well maybe for the ongoing embezzlement and other grifts but no one seems to care about that sort of stuff any more.

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I don't want to really get into politics here, but Stewart Rhodes is hardly a victim.

He was convicted by a jury of his peers for his crimes.

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You don't get into politics but have to throw in your 2 cents about something you have no knowledge of? Great thanks for more of your hot takes. In the world of people who actually don't get into politics but do care about rule of law and other people in general, the evidence used to prosecute him and others was acquired illegally (like entering home without a warrant).
This will be my last post on this, as I don't want to derail the thread.

The jury was clearly convinced by the evidence that was presented, as he was convicted. He can appeal if he wants. That is how the legal system works.

I don't know what information came from the Epik data breach, but there were search warrants issued for his communications and physical devices. Those were clearly legally obtained.

As far as the data breach, Epik basically pandered to an extreme crowd, then were terrible stewards of their data. I guess that is what happens when you go into business with some incompetent grifters.

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This will be my last post on this, as I don't want to derail the thread.

The jury was clearly convinced by the evidence that was presented, as he was convicted. He can appeal if he wants. That is how the legal system works.

I don't know what information came from the Epik data breach, but there were search warrants issued for his communications and physical devices. Those were clearly legally obtained.

As far as the data breach, Epik basically pandered to an extreme crowd, then were terrible stewards of their information. I guess that is what happens when you go into business with some incompetent grifters.

Again, the point of my post was that Rob Monster's lies about the security of Epik and their services created a bunch of victims, not just financial ones. The timing of the hacks and those involved make it an obvious operation to convict political enemies. Much like someone saying they deserve it because they were found guilty without even looking to history or the cases.

Glad you won't try to hijack thread on any more political stuff. This is about Rob Monster's LIES and grifts hurting lots of people. Whether you are glad about some people suffering is your own emotional and moral issue.
I have seen many premium one words and domains worth millions of $ are still on epik, are those domains in danger ?
ANY domain at Epik is in some potential danger at best. Domains that are expired (or almost expired) are at the most risk, since there is NO guarantee that post-expiry domain transfers will continue to be allowed. Domains that have privacy WHOIS turned on are also at risk (if Epik goes down, it would be HARD to prove you currently owned it). Also ccTLDs are more likely to have issues than gTLDs, since ICANN regulates the gTLDs, but not the ccTLDs.
Can you please confirm if domain transfers are still being permitted?
Yes, gTLD domain transfers OUT are still being permitted, but it would be prudent to ensure the domain(s) are transferred out BEFORE the expiration date to reduce risk as much as possible. HOWEVER there have been a few complaints about issues with ccTLD domain registrations/transfers.
I think you might have to get AUTH codes one at a time though, so it could be a pain.
Yes, Auth codes have to be obtained one domain at a time. Also you MAY need to have 2FA enabled on your Epik account in order to see the auth codes.
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It's not something people like to talk about because religion is a sticky subject for many but that played a part for many. I've seen you support people for that reason. I remember reading on Gab somebody over there say, Rob is Christian just like me, I'm moving my domains over. There is a reason he went overboard with the Christian marketing on this forum, it worked, he even spammed the prayer thread he started.

It's very simple. If you're a business and want instant support. claim Christian. Very supportive of each other, some will only do business with Christian businesses. I'm sure there are other reasons, some say price, able to talk directly to CEO, in the past they seemed to be supportive, quick replies, etc. But religion was a reason as well. Christian marketing is a huge business.
Just a comment on this...I left GoDaddy because of how they were acting, I believe, as a judge, rather than a Registrar. The Internet was built on a Liberal philosophy of freedom and expression. I believe GoDaddy, IONOS and NameCheap not only set a bad precedent when they removed Russia's subdomain .RU from its offering and cancelling Russian customers. This threatens the fabric of the Internet as we know it, and I'm against that. Rob inserted Epik into this scene of "cancel culture", touting the principles of the foundation of the Internet, principles of liberalism and freedom.

Was he true with his business? It appears like he was more of an opportunist than an apologist for the founding doctrines of the Internet.

IF governing bodies pass laws, then Registrars should follow them. However, Registrars are there to make the Internet function as designed, not meant to insert Politics into the inner-workings of the Web.
Again, the point of my post was that Rob Monster's lies about the security of Epik and their services created a bunch of victims, not just financial ones.
There were certainly victims of the data breach. It exposed personal information, payment methods, and much more.

The timing of the hacks and those involved make it an obvious operation to convict political enemies.
Hypothetically, it would be hard to devise a better plan than to pander to a certain crowd and get them all to use your services, then be responsible for a massive data breach that exposed a lot of their information and connections.

However, we will probably never know the real story behind any of that. In my view it was likely a combination of grifting and incompetence that lead to that data breach. Epik was certainly not using industry standard security protocols.

Just a comment on this...I left GoDaddy because of how they were acting, I believe, as a judge, rather than a Registrar. The Internet was built on a Liberal philosophy of freedom and expression. I believe GoDaddy, IONOS and NameCheap not only set a bad precedent when they removed Russia's subdomain .RU from its offering and cancelling Russian customers. This threatens the fabric of the Internet as we know it, and I'm against that. Rob inserted Epik into this scene of "cancel culture", touting the principles of the foundation of the Internet, principles of liberalism and freedom.

Was he true with his business? It appears like he was more of an opportunist than an apologist for the founding doctrines of the Internet.

IF governing bodies pass laws, then Registrars should follow them. However, Registrars are there to make the Internet function as designed, not meant to insert Politics into the inner-workings of the Web.
Rob never actually believed in free speech, it was just a good way to grift.

There are multiple times he claimed "defamation" when it came to fair criticism.

You have reports earlier in this thread about contacts from Rob/Epik in regards to people's negative comments about Epik. There were reports that they tried to strongarm reviews to be changed or removed.

Epik wrongfully flagged multiple TrustPilot reviews.

Masterbucks has terms in their self-imposed TOS that try to stifle free speech and criticism -

  1. MB welcomes any ideas and/or suggestions regarding improvements or additions to the Services. Under no circumstances shall any disclosure of any idea, suggestion or related material or any review of the Services, Third Party Services or any Third Party Provider (collectively, “Feedback") to MB be subject to any obligation of confidentiality or expectation of compensation. By submitting Feedback to MB (whether submitted directly to MB or posted on any MB hosted forum or page), you waive any and all rights in the Feedback and that MB is free to implement and use the Feedback if desired, as provided by you or as modified by MB, without obtaining permission or license from you or from any third party. Any reviews of a Third Party Service or Third Party Provider that you submit to MB must be accurate to the best of your knowledge, and must not be illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties or objectionable. MB reserves the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit Feedback of Third Party Services or Third Party Providers, but does not regularly inspect posted Feedback.

and more...

It's all just a grift.

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Regarding transfers out of E. They seem to be working just fine.

If there are issues with transfer outs, make sure to report to ICANN right away!

It's one of the things they don't take lightly and will act upon.

The moment E will stop allowing transfer outs, it's the definitive end of them.
Regarding transfers out of E. They seem to be working just fine.

If there are issues with transfer outs, make sure to report to ICANN right away!

It's one of the things they don't take lightly and will act upon.

The moment E will stop allowing transfer outs, it's the definitive end of them.
Transferring out is the easiest part.
It’s paying for transfers that hurt!

There is an amazing Dynadot $8.95 .com xfer promo (enter COMSWITCH) ends May 31
Transferring out is the easiest part.
It’s paying for transfers that hurt!

There is an amazing Dynadot $8.95 .com xfer promo (enter COMSWITCH) ends May 31
It would be nice if there was just a way to move registrars for free, and keep the original expiration date instead of paying for a renewal to have to transfer it.

I assume registrars would be against this though, as they probably don't want to make it any easier to move domains.

Transferring out is the easiest part.
It’s paying for transfers that hurt!

There is an amazing Dynadot $8.95 .com xfer promo (enter COMSWITCH) ends May 31

That's actually a good deal. DD gives you a lot of bang for your buck.

It's even cheaper with COMSPRING23 ;)
It would be nice if there was just a way to move registrars for free, and keep the original expiration date instead of paying for a renewal to have to transfer it.

I assume registrars would be against this though, as they probably don't want to make it any easier to move domains.


There is a way. And it's been proven to work.

Thing is, it's not in the interest of the registry.
It would be nice if there was just a way to move registrars for free, and keep the original expiration date instead of paying for a renewal to have to transfer it.
There is a tried & true method of doing it.
.uk /, etc ccTLDs have been doing it that way for years and it works.
At the same time I am NOT sure it is as secure as the auth code to transfer method that most TLDs use.
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There is a tried & true method of doing it.
.uk /, etc ccTLDs have been doing it that way for years and it works.
At the same time I am NOT sure it is as secure as the auth code to transfer method that most TLDs use.
There are ccTLDs requiring an EPP code, just like com, but with a free transfer (but no extended registration).

Technically it's not an issue.
There are ccTLDs requiring an EPP code, just like com, but with a free transfer (but no extended registration).

Technically it's not an issue.
Didn't know that, thanks for the info.
You have brought it up in this forum multiple times, but did @bhartzer (or your lawyer) inform the WA State Insurance Commission(er) about any of the above, ie that Royce was NOT authorized to sign the Consent Order and/or NOT authorized to pay the fine???
That's a good question. By the time any final negotiations were done and the consent order was signed with the State of Washington, I was not involved. I learned of it after the fact, when I learned of a 'settlement'. I was never named in the lawsuit, so was not involved and couldn't do anything.

But I suppose someone could actually let the State of Washington know about it now, not sure if they would care, or do anything, though.
But I suppose someone could actually let the State of Washington know about it now, not sure if they would care, or do anything, though.
DNProtect was one of the listed defendants (along with Monster and Epik). Since you claim that was a 50/50 partnership with Rob Monster (NOT Epik). Royce doesn't have the legal authority to sign off on the DNProtect part of it, only Rob or yourself could do that.

Interestingly enough DNProtect has an Afternic lander with a GoDaddy phone number to call.
I wonder who would get the money if it sold.
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Interestingly enough DNProtect has an Afternic lander with a GoDaddy phone number to call.
Maybe Bill Hartzer should buy this name.
The communists took away my grandfather's house a hundred years ago, but he bought it at an auction, dismantled it, and moved it to another place.
We still live in this house.
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I have some very sad news to share with everyone. The domain I spent my hard earned USDC on,, has been purchased and registered to someone else, nearly 1 month after I paid Epik to register it for me. I can't believe Brian Royce and Rob Monster lied to me and stole from me. I want my 10 USDC back. I am going to get my 10 USDC back.

Screenshot from 2023-05-25 21-38-50.png


Epik must be really short on cash. At least they are treating everyone's renewals the same, ie waiting till the last minute before they spend the money at the registry on the renewal.
Their domain federatedidentity (that they used to use for logins) expired on 4-13, but they didn't renew it until yesterday 5-24 (41 days after expiry).
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I have some very sad news to share with everyone. The domain I spent my hard earned USDC on,, has been purchased and registered to someone else, nearly 1 month after I paid Epik to register it for me. I can't believe Brian Royce and Rob Monster lied to me and stole from me. I want my 10 USDC back. I am going to get my 10 USDC back.

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Use for the latest updates. Dam it’s gotten me addicted to checking out daily; nice follows thread always up-to-date. Great work!
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Epik must be really short on cash. At least they are treating everyone's renewals the same, ie waiting till the last minute before they spend the money at the registry on the renewal.
Their domain federatedidentity (that they used to use for logins) expired on 4-13, but they didn't renew it until yesterday 5-24 (41 days after expiry).
That is ridiculous. They should start a GoFundMe to try and raise like $100 to renew all their core domains for a year.

Imagine if they let their login domain expire...what could go wrong? :facepalm:

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That is ridiculous. They should start a GoFundMe to try and raise like $100 to renew all their core domains for a year.

Imagine if they let their login domain expire...what could go wrong? :facepalm:

Stop lying. Epik would use
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