
advice Self-actualization & Productivity advice



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Hey I know you're busy selling domains, but allow me to interrupt, I got an important message for you.

Don't let the post's length turn you away, it could be life changing! You've read this far, so please keep reading if you care enough.

Most of us are wondering why we aren't who we want to be today who we planned to be a year before, I believe I discovered the reason.

Every year we start with a new resolution that 's similar to the one we had the year before, we get too hard on ourselves and decide that's it not gonna happen again, that's not enough...

Let's get real, we're insane. The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results, isn't that what most us do?

There is a great book called "Start with why", it's about how all the top brands start with a slogan, what's yours?

Did you know that in the government's eyes each one of us is considered an organization? That's right, yet we're not organized and don't optimize towards our goals. We're a failing organization...

I apologize if i'm getting too personal, but I wanted to let you know that you're not alone. The top-selling book category is self-help, since people don't know why they're not able to commit themselves to their goals and get things done, for whatever reason.

We first have to recognize a problem before we solve it, how is it that people tell their kids to stop playing around and do what needs to get done when they're not doing it themselves. Don't you see the irony here, isn't that hypocritical?

The problem starts in school, it's the reward & punishment system that screwed us over.
Let's not play the blame game though, let's admit it, we're our own enemies.
We hated school and learning as kids yet we pass on the very same beliefs that failed us, it's an endless loop of failure.

The problem is the lack of self-control, school teaches us to follow instructions from our employer and higher-peers, but it doesn't teach us to follow our own. Heck most people live aimlessly, not even having their own rules to follow, how crazy is that?

Even if we do have a plan, most of us don't commit to its execution. Part of it is that we're distracted, people now-a-days are jumping from one thing to another, seeking instant gratification, it's partly caused by relying the technology, but again, let's not play the blame game.

Like I said, I found a solution, put simply, it's think less, do more, that's the slogan.
Language could be an obstacle that separates us from ourselves, making us disconnected and not conceiving what's really happening around us and being disconnected from our emotions. if you think about it, it's counter-intuitive.

it's true that we need to use language to communicate with others, even though it's not not completely true since a lot of tribes don't use language and understand themselves and other much better than we do, but it shouldn't be the case when it comes to ourselves.

Think about it, why would we need to use made-up words to understand what we want to do, we should just know that. Do you believe dogs bark in their heads when they're silent?!

Bruce lee's philosophy is similar to mine, his advice is to be in a flow state, like water, and adapt to the current situation. He calls it having emotional-content, not thinking, just flowing.

Anyways, the point is, you shouldn't use the voice that you use to type things and talk to others to talk to yourself, that's the same as talking to yourself out loud, it's crazy!

Be present in the moment and focus on what's in front of you, know yourself and have a goal in mind, don't think much and optimize towards your goal, because at that point, it's Action vs Distraction.
What you have to worry about at any moment is the Most Important Task (MIT), anything else is a distraction, It's like reading a book without a title!

Here's how you plan, choose a title (your end-goal), divide it into milestones, and divide each milestone into mini-goals/MITs, then get to work! (Big-picture perspective then Details)

In other words, if your goal is estimated to take 1 year to achieve, divide it into months, weeks, and days, even hours if you want to be precise, but the most important part is doing what needs to be done now and being in the moment.

This advice is the result of 6 years of thinking, I could've made it into a book and added some fluff to fill up pages, but I decided to give it away for free. Don't take it for granted since it's free! People tend to value things that they pay for more.

if you want to support me, feel free to buy a journal you like from the link below, I have a couple options available to select.

Take care!

Sharing is caring! Share the advice with your loved ones, no need to give them the link to the journals if you don't want to advertise them

Journal link:

P.s: My philosophy is similar to Mushin, Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee's philosophy), Tai chi, Dow (Taoism), Zen, Stoicism, True "Re-legion" (Unity), "Primitive" tribes, etc... (it's basically the science of flow, like Bruce Lee said, be like water, but don't swim against the current, be the current, embody your own "emotional-content", the crash part is specific to martial arts, it's crashing into your opponent, although you still have to keep the flow going and pull your limb back)

They say the quieter you are the more you can hear. I say focus on what's in front of you, don't try to hear, close your ear and look to point your attention, then you can really be conscious, see and hear.
My latest consciousness definition (Undivided attention): Focusing out whole attention and senses on what we are doing/working on, and not getting distracted and forced to wonder by anything or depend on ourselves to remember or label things. Anything that causes us to wonder or multi-tasking and divide our attention is from the devil, and his goal is to lead us astray and lose ourselves. I said it before, but it's important, the devil's mission is to lead us all astray, so watch out

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” - Bruce Lee

Here's my personal FB profile for more productivity advice:
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