This thread is a central location to report domain name sales of any dollar amount.
As much information as you can include about the transaction is welcome, but at a bare minimum please include the domain name(s), the sale price, and whether you were the seller.
Good luck with your sales!
Please use the Like and Thank links on a post to indicate that you like it or are thankful for it being shared.
Do not post only, "great sale" or similar as this doesn't contribute to the thread. (Don't reply for the sole purpose of complimenting.)
Questions are allowed, but do not post commentary. If you want to discuss or comment on a sale in this thread, quote it and then post it in the following thread instead:
Suggested template (bold details are required):
Suggested values / explanations:
As much information as you can include about the transaction is welcome, but at a bare minimum please include the domain name(s), the sale price, and whether you were the seller.
Good luck with your sales!
Please use the Like and Thank links on a post to indicate that you like it or are thankful for it being shared.
Do not post only, "great sale" or similar as this doesn't contribute to the thread. (Don't reply for the sole purpose of complimenting.)
- Tip: Use the Like/Thanks feature instead.
Questions are allowed, but do not post commentary. If you want to discuss or comment on a sale in this thread, quote it and then post it in the following thread instead:
Suggested template (bold details are required):
Domain name:
Sale venue:
Listing type:
Listing upgrades:
Asking price:
Sale price:
Purchase venue:
Purchase price:
Suggested values / explanations:
- Sale venue: Sold at NamePros, outbound direct, inbound direct, etc.
- Listing type: Make Offer, Fixed price, Auction, Auction with Buy-It-Now, Reverse auction, etc.
- Listing upgrades: Premium package, featured listing, etc.
- Seller: me, a friend, a friend of a friend, a colleague, someone else, unknown, etc.
- Purchase venue: Where (and the year) the seller purchased the domain name originally.
- Details: Any additional details or comments about the domain name like how you bought it (e.g., hand registration), how long you had it before it sold, its age, whether you did outbound, etc.
Domain name:
Sale venue: NamePros (2016)
Listing type: Make offer with Buy-It-Now
Listing upgrades: Featured listing
Seller: Me
Asking price: $950
Sale price: $830
Purchase venue: NamePros (2015)
Purchase price: $25
Details: Acquired from a reseller. 5 years old domain. Had for 1 year before resold.
Domain name:
Sale venue: GoDaddy Auctions (2012)
Listing type: 7-day Public Auction
Listing upgrades: N/A
Seller: Someone else
Asking price: N/A
Sale price: $60
Purchase venue: Hand registration (2009)
Purchase price: $8
Details: I watched its auction. The auction description said it was hand-registered the same day it dropped (from expiration).
- If you don't want to provide any other information about the sale besides what you've posted, then include "no further details" or "NFD" in your post.
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