
discuss Platforms (other than NamePros) for Learning Domain Investment

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Arslan Nawaz

Tarlai.comUpgraded Member

I know there is lot of information on namepros for learning but what are other platforms from where one can learn domain investment. It includes domain buying and selling techniques, identify valuable domain etc.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
There are lots of blogs and some podcasts out there to be read and listened to.

Domain Academy

A few other forums too.
namebio .com

dnjournal .com

domaining .com
Podcasts, listen to every single:

- Domain Sherpa
- Josh.co
- Domain Name Wire

Sales reports, analyse every single:

- Namebio daily
- Domain Name Wire end user sales email
- Abdul Basit blog


- DN Academy

I have been through each of these multiple times.

I know there is lot of information on namepros for learning but what are other platforms from where one can learn domain investment. It includes domain buying and selling techniques, identify valuable domain etc.

namePros is actually the largest and most active place to find engaging domain investing related content, as well as members willing to share their own experiences and pitfalls.

While there are a plethora of domain related platforms out their publishing news and personal experiences, the majority of those articles are being shared here, on namePros, within hours (Or minutes) of being published elsewhere (Not counting all the unique discussions, topics, and data that's member generated, unique to namePros).

In essence, a huge chunk of all the domain related information from all over the world regarding domain investing gets shared on namePros in some form or another.

namePros is also the only place you'll find such in-depth deep dive professional appraisals from a real person (not a bot or script) that you've been getting for your own domains from time to time. I can't recall anywhere else one get a domain evaluation + research data + resource references and development ideas like that for free. Though, the catch is one has to be a VIP, Pro, or Gold member to take advantage of those.

So, I guess the questions I have for you is:
  • Why would you need anywhere else if everything gets shared here?
  • What is missing from namePros that you would like to see shared or accessible here?
(Note: There is a suggestions and feedback section if you have ideas and an ongoing thread of what namePros should add.)

P.S. I'll be knocking out another evaluation for you later tonight or in the morning. They can sometimes take over an hour or longer to do ;)
Podcasts, listen to every single:

- Domain Sherpa
- Josh.co
- Domain Name Wire

Sales reports, analyse every single:

- Namebio daily
- Domain Name Wire end user sales email
- Abdul Basit blog


- DN Academy

I have been through each of these multiple times.
Thanks. I ll follow them.
I'd also recommend Domain Sherpa on YouTube. Lots of great content going back many years.
namePros is actually the largest and most active place to find engaging domain investing related content, as well as members willing to share their own experiences and pitfalls.

While there are a plethora of domain related platforms out their publishing news and personal experiences, the majority of those articles are being shared here, on namePros, within hours (Or minutes) of being published elsewhere (Not counting all the unique discussions, topics, and data that's member generated, unique to namePros).

In essence, a huge chunk of all the domain related information from all over the world regarding domain investing gets shared on namePros in some form or another.

namePros is also the only place you'll find such in-depth deep dive professional appraisals from a real person (not a bot or script) that you've been getting for your own domains from time to time. I can't recall anywhere else one get a domain evaluation + research data + resource references and development ideas like that for free. Though, the catch is one has to be a VIP, Pro, or Gold member to take advantage of those.

So, I guess the questions I have for you is:
  • Why would you need anywhere else if everything gets shared here?
  • What is missing from namePros that you would like to see shared or accessible here?
(Note: There is a suggestions and feedback section if you have ideas and an ongoing thread of what namePros should add.)

P.S. I'll be knocking out another evaluation for you later tonight or in the morning. They can sometimes take over an hour or longer to do ;)
Hi @Eric Lyon
I am getting knowledge from NP and daily learning something new. I just wanted to know what other platforms exists.

As far as domain appraisal concerned I admire your skills and I think I am disturbing you on daily basis :)

I am learning from your appraisals and information you provide in reports. I also agreed that no one is providing these appraisals free of cost except NP.

Thanks 👍
So, I guess the questions I have for you is:
  • Why would you need anywhere else if everything gets shared here?

Signal to noise, and multimodal learning.

The forum is an amazing resource. But when you're new it's like drinking from a firehose.

You don't know what's real or who to listen to. Trying to wade through dozens of new posts daily and figure out what you should be paying attention to is almost impossible for a newbie. Once you're a little more seasoned it becomes second nature. But it's hard at first.

With a podcast like Josh.co for example, I can listen in the car and stack a playlist of 100 10-45min episodes (sped up 1.5x) back-to-back of almost pure domain content with one of the best in the biz talking about daily domain sales. The signal to noise ratio is insane and it's something I can consume passively while doing other things.

A forum can't compete with that -- unless you want to start a daily podcast talking about yesterday's domain sales :xf.wink:
Signal to noise, and multimodal learning.

The forum is an amazing resource. But when you're new it's like drinking from a firehose.

You don't know what's real or who to listen to. Trying to wade through dozens of new posts daily and figure out what you should be paying attention to is almost impossible for a newbie. Once you're a little more seasoned it becomes second nature. But it's hard at first.

With a podcast like Josh.co for example, I can listen in the car and stack a playlist of 100 10-45min episodes (sped up 1.5x) back-to-back of almost pure domain content with one of the best in the biz talking about daily domain sales. The signal to noise ratio is insane and it's something I can consume passively while doing other things.

A forum can't compete with that -- unless you want to start a daily podcast talking about yesterday's domain sales :xf.wink:
Hmmm... maybe a "text to speech" app for nampros listening on the go? That might actually be interesting to have namepros articles and threads read out loud to us while driving down the road.... it might get more interesting replying to a thread with voice to text while driving too. 😉
Hmmm... maybe a "text to speech" app for nampros listening on the go? That might actually be interesting to have namepros articles and threads read out loud to us while driving down the road.... it might get more interesting replying to a thread with voice to text while driving too. 😉

If you curated a selection of posts this would probably be a great idea.
Was there ever a NPs podcast?
  • Why would you need anywhere else if everything gets shared here?
  • What is missing from namePros that you would like to see shared or accessible here?;)
It's already been touched on but it's always good to have multiple sources to get info, you should never be reliant on one.

And it's a forum, it's a different type of animal from some other sites.

It's not going to be a Namebio, where they have a searchable history of domain sales.

It's not going to be a DomainLeads where you can find leads to sell domains.

It's not going to be an ExpiredDomains where you can search for domains for sale, at auction etc.

It's a forum. Forums are going to have business, but also some fluff, personal, off topic etc, when sometimes people want straight business. All these different sites work together to hit all those spots.

Namepros has a lot of great members but at the same time, a lot of top domainers don't post here. Some post elsewhere like X, or their own blog. Some just get along with business and life and not active on social media at all. Some don't want to deal with trolls, Swetha being an example, she's active elsewhere.

Sometimes with questions like:

"Why would you need anywhere else if everything gets shared here?"

or blocking links to other forums and such, it comes across as being worried about competition or something is going to take away with what's going on here, when I don't think it should be a worry. Just be a forum. I still think you guys should zap the spam forum here and spammers. That will always come across to me as low end, something forums just starting out would tolerate. I think you guys are beyond that.
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And it's a forum, it's a different type of animal from some other sites.

It's not going to be a Namebio, where they have a searchable history of domain sales.

It's not going to be a DomainLeads where you can find leads to sell domains.

It's not going to be an ExpiredDomains where you can search for domains for sale, at auction etc.
Agreed! A community full of real people sharing information and engaging with one another is a different beast than an automated tool or script loaded with data and calculation options.
Namepros has a lot of great members but at the same time, a lot of top domainers don't post here. Some post elsewhere like X, or their own blog. Some just get along with business and life and not active on social media at all. Some don't want to deal with trolls, Swetha being an example, she's active elsewhere.
You might be surprised at the number of top members that still frequent namePros. Granted, not all post publicly, but they are still watching. Some only monitor and participate in the nP Insiders club these days.

Occasionally, I see one pop their head up from time to time because they just couldn't resist commenting on a topic they were immersed in and felt compelled to offer a correction or suggestion.
Was there ever a NPs podcast?
There actually was a Radio namePros/posdcast back in 2006, but it's been long gone a while.

I started a suggestion thread about the text to speech idea, because it might actually be an interesting feature if namePros was able to add something like that with only the best and most helpful articles available (No fluff, spam or drama posts).
I am happy that after healthy discussion on my thread, a new idea has come out. 👍
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