
advice Is there any benefit to responding to lowball offers on Sedo?

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"Please note, that you will receive reminder mails about this offer, until you respond. You will need to submit at least one counter before you can cancel the negotiations. This process was designed to ensure a communicative and successful market place."

Is there any benefit to respond and cancel the negotiation over allowing it to time out instead?"
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

what do you consider a lowball offer and what name is in question?

you can try the "ignore" route
you can counter offer and see what their next move is.

Respond with your offer.

Set a min offer to weed out lowball offers.
what do you consider a lowball offer and what name is in question?
I'm talking about $300 for a name that can easily fetch low $xx,xxx

Set a min offer to weed out lowball offers.
That's true. I somehow feel like that prices the domain though.
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Must be from a Namepros member.
Set $1,000 as min offer. That weeds out so many domain investor offers.
I offered 500 on a name and the guy responded with 256,000… I did not buy the name.
I offered 500 on a name and the guy responded with 256,000… I did not buy the name.
just tried that and it worked quick! countered 60k and buyer immediately cancel neg
just tried that and it worked quick! countered 60k and buyer immediately cancel neg

At least you both know where you stand :xf.laugh:

Unless you are getting lots of low ball offers I don't see any problem with responding with your asking price.

I got a lowball offer of 500 on a name last year that I responded to with my BIN of 25k.

They disappeared but the name sold at full BIN the next month. Not sure if it was the same buyer but good chance it was.
it has nothing to do with sedo

u need respond all offers anywhere

I sold most stuff from xx offers. cause basically all I have is min offer 20 bucks
it has nothing to do with sedo
Sedo requires at least one counteroffer to close the negotiation, with no option to decline outright.

I sold most stuff from xx offers. cause basically all I have is min offer 20 bucks
Is it your strategy to engage with all offers, regardless of the price discrepancy? I would appreciate it if you could elaborate, ty.
the most annoying thing regarding Sedo is exactly the fact that if you do not respond, they keep annoying you with several reminders.

If you do respond, then supposedly for 7 days your counter offer is valid even if they ignore it and you don't have the option to cancel negotiations during those 7 days. Once the 7 days is over then there's several other annoying Sedo emails saying the 7 days has expired. Then usually other emails follow suggesting to send a lower counter and even after that If I recall there was 1-2 other annoying emails.. it's an really annoying setup from Sedo, they definitely should put an ignore button or a do not send reminders feature for that lead.
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"Please note, that you will receive reminder mails about this offer, until you respond. You will need to submit at least one counter before you can cancel the negotiations. This process was designed to ensure a communicative and successful market place."

Is there any benefit to respond and cancel the negotiation over allowing it to time out instead?"
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on low ball offers and the Make Offer feature. We appreciate your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our platform.

We understand that receiving low offers can be frustrating, and we're happy to explain the benefits and why our system is designed to encourage negotiation through counteroffers. By allowing buyers and sellers to exchange bids and counterbids, we aim to facilitate a dynamic and engaging marketplace where both parties can work together to reach a mutually agreeable price.

In our experience, many negotiations that start with a lower offer ultimately result in a decent agreed price. We've seen that even initial low offers can lead to a successful sale, as buyers and sellers engage in a constructive dialogue and find common ground. As a marketplace, we believe this opportunity for negotiation is valuable for sellers, as it allows them to engage with potential buyers and potentially secure a sale that might not have been possible otherwise.

We don't recommend not responding to bids altogether. It might leave buyers unsure about the status of their offer. Some buyers, especially those new to our marketplace, are not only unsure but also appreciate any direction that a counteroffer can provide. They may not be familiar with the market value of the domain, and a counteroffer can serve as a helpful guide, giving them a better understanding of what to expect and how to proceed.

However, we do offer a feature that can help minimize the number of low offers you receive. By setting a minimum price for your domains, you can automatically notify interested buyers if their offer is below your acceptable price range. This way, you can avoid receiving multiple low offers and focus on negotiating with serious or advanced buyers. Just visit "My Sedo" after login, --> "My Domains", change your view to "Sales settings" and add your miminum offer for each domain individually.

We also take your feedback on the number of reminders seriously and will review our processes to ensure we're not overwhelming our sellers with too many notifications.

Thank you again for your feedback.
Some buyers, especially those new to our marketplace, are not only unsure but also appreciate any direction that a counteroffer can provide. They may not be familiar with the market value of the domain, and a counteroffer can serve as a helpful guide, giving them a better understanding of what to expect and how to proceed.

good, common-sense advice

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