
discuss Idea: GoDaddy Expiring Domains - Take One For Free, Give One Away

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GoDaddy Expiring Domains - Take One For Free, Give One Away - Support your fellow domainers


Do you have any domain names sitting at GoDaddy that you will not be renewing?

Why let HugeDomains and the likes suck them up (n)

Why let GoDaddy profit on your domains (n)

GoDaddy makes money on the domains when they go to expiring auctions and we as the domainers bid against each other to get them back. Companies like Huge Domains suck them up and the whole domaining industry suffers.

If you have no use for the domain, why not eliminate the middle man and give the domain to your fellow domainer.

Maybe we can use a central topic like this where anyone can post their expiring godaddy domains and allow other members to claim them for free.

I understand we can each make a topic for this but it would be nice to have a centralized area where we could keep track of all of them.

Additionally it would be nice if a mod could put this topic into a section where everyone can update their post at any time when the domains get claimed.

Thoughts about this by anyone?
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I'm at fault here too, I just let a .com expire and godaddy values the domain at $1028.

Now that may or may not be a realistic value but I can almost guarantee the domain will be picked up by HugeDomains and GoDaddy will profit from it.

I should have given it to a fellow domainer who would have had a use for it.

A lot of times my portfolio gets too big and I let some pretty decent names drop.

From here on forward I will offer them to my friends here first. (y)
Yes, I though of suggesting the same last year :)

A few issues: should be first come - first served obviously, but without side effects (such as not giving the domains to those who are posting threads like "I will buy your expireds for $1" and will use them for spam). How can this be done is a big question. Moreover, in case of my portfolio for example, I set "liquidation" prices such a min. price allowed on a marketplace like ~$100 or so (Sedo), and if it is not sold even with this price - giving it away may be a disservice for a fellow domainer as he'll pay at least for the renewal, let HD spend $$$ instead. The last but not the least, some non-HD auction bots _may_ be run by members here who might never identify themselves as such. Finally, not all members may be willing to publicly link their whois and forum handles due to privacy and related issues (which by itself would prevent these members from publishing their expireds lists).

All the above of course can be formalized in one way or another. An outcome might be even better should one account be set to temporary receive all domains, managed by a trusted member who has time to do so, possibly with mods involved. It might be more practical just to push domains to such an account and let the (semi)automation run for further distribution. Something extra may be added - such as "play $$$", membership upgrades or anything similar for giving the domains away (which _is_ community support), so cc @Eric Lyon - maybe he can comment
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You make some valid points tony but remember I am talking about the domains where you have exhausted all possibilities. You did not sell them and you have already made the decision to let them expire.

If they sit at GoDaddy you add to their monopolistic horde of domain names. They automatically get all the auction profits and in more cases than ever they sell the domains to the one company (Huge Domains) who is the biggest competition to legitimate domainers.

In other words.... godaddy profits numerous times and we are feeding the dragon until one day we are all gobbled up and have no way of selling our domains.

Godaddy gobbled up afternic, they are also a registrar, and they run the auction.

Is it just me or is there something wrong with a registrar running the auction. It is in godaddy's best interest if we let as many domains as possible expire because they profit on them.

Then lets talk about the massive 20% commission we all give them on every sale through the auction. It is like a massive monoploy and we THE DOMAINERS keep feeding it so that eventually we can have the honor of putting ourselves out of business.

So @tonyk2000 when you have exhausted all use for your domain and you truly intend to let it drop you will be helping all the independents by just giving it away and keeping it out of godaddy hands.
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Correct, but... if I simply post a list of domains. With no pre-established rules. And the next post would be from a member who registered today and replied "I will take them all". Should the push happen? Probably no, as it is not what the whole scheme is intended for. So we need more community input to develop better "rules".
We could say one domain per member, chances are the ones of value will go.


We could also say the person has to have been a member for 1 year or a feedback score of 5.

It would be easy enough to set some boundaries and we all have a good feeling on who is legit and not. Remember you would be under no obligation to release the names. Simply say if I like your profile you get it, if I don't recognize you you don't.

There would be no preset rule that says you have to give them away. You can say, I have the 10 who wants them? Five people respond and you could decide to give all 10 to the person you feel the most comfortable with. Nobody has a right to these domain names and as a gift the owner decides who to give them to.

I see the topics where people say post "claim to claim the domain"

I would post "Free to qualifying member"

In other words, a member I know, trust and has contributed to the community.
No different from handing out free $10 dollar bills. You give them to the people you feel could benefit from them the most. :xf.smile:
Why not just sell for 1-5 dollars? If someone like the domain, 1-5 dollars won’t be an issue, comparing to what Godaddy charges.
Why not just sell for 1-5 dollars? If someone like the domain, 1-5 dollars won’t be an issue, comparing to what Godaddy charges.

You're missing my point a bit @bluemeteor

Remember I am talking about domains you have already decided to drop which means all this has been tried and you have made the decision to drop the domain.

All I am saying is please don't drop them because it hands profits to godaddy and hugedomains. Give the domains back to the community and let another domainer make an attempt to profit on those domains instead of surrendering them to godaddy.

If only one member hits a homerun and sells one of those domains for 10k then we kept those funds out of the godaddy/afternic monopoly and allowed a fellow domainer to have a good year.
Why not just sell for 1-5 dollars
Must be paypal then... extra time to manage, not all members do use or have paypal (country restrictions), and paypal should be used carefully if one really trades with it (if the account is not used to receive affiliate or marketplace mass payments exclusively), and if somebody was paid with stolen $$$ for something - and receiving account then spent $1 to buy a domain - paypal may lock all the accounts "chain" someday, so having $1-$5 transactions is somewhat risky - no real profit but extra chances to have an account locked. And, in any case, it is a different method to unload expiring domains which may be used regardless of what is discussed in this thread
You're missing my point a bit @bluemeteor

Remember I am talking about domains you have already decided to drop which means all this has been tried and you have made the decision to drop the domain.

All I am saying is please don't drop them because it hands profits to godaddy and hugedomains. Give the domains back to the community and let another domainer make an attempt to profit on those domains instead of surrendering them to godaddy.

If only one member hits a homerun and sells one of those domains for 10k then we kept those funds out of the godaddy/afternic monopoly and allowed a fellow domainer to have a good year.
Maybe someone would like to have them all cos they he see value in them, while some people might just collect them cos they ar free for even a shot time, while most people would not want them. It would probably end up like one out of 100 names get transsferred, other 99 still go to godaddy, if one domain for one member.
Besides, pasting the names, following the threads, logining to push, all these actions take time. Think about how much you could earn per hour. Why border?
Besides, pasting the names, following the threads, logining to push, all these actions take time. Think about how much you could earn per hour. Why border?

Why bother?

If we all think like that eventually godaddy will own everything, they will end up buying out huge domains and all we will be left with are the scraps. Together we are still bigger than godaddy, and together we can take part of the business back.
Besides, pasting the names, following the threads, logining to push, all these actions take time.
Exactly, which is why I'd personally prefer to push them all and once to some temporary account from which namepros members could request what they need, and with some reasonable automation this may work... And not bothering about collecting $1
Exactly, which is why I'd prefer to push them all and once to some temporary account from which namepros members could request what they need, and with some reasonable automation this may work... And not bothering about collecting $1

What a great suggestion (y) (y) (y)
What a great suggestion
:) :)
... and some specific setup will be requred from namepros anyway, in aspects of related posts. Domain should probably disappear from public list as soon it is gone (or dropped)
As much as I like that idea it would probably be doomed to failure because domains could be 1-2 days away from the drop. We give them to another domainer and he has to renew pretty fast. Typically we tend to delay to the bitter end on drops and if we complicate things godaddy gets them anyways.

We should just try a few different ways and see what happens.

Post the domain, expiry, and registrar

Ask who wants them, make your decision and be done.

The more we keep out of the hands of godaddy and the likes the better of for it we will be as a community.
domains could be 1-2 days away from the drop
Not all, hopefully. I know what I would not renew up to 3-4 month in advance, and domains 1-2 days should better not be included at all into the lists...
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Not all, hopefully. I know what I would not renew up to 3-4 month in advance, and domains 1-2 days should better not be included at all into the lists...

HeHe.... you, me and some of the other organized folks here plan well in advance.

That leaves hundreds of noobs who have no idea what domaining is about and they give it no thought until a few days to renewal time. If we can get them to participate it will keep thousands of domains out of godaddy hands. We keep it plain and simple, if they claim a domain it automatically gets renewed for a year and we succeed in keeping the domain away from godaddy for another year. Multiply this by thousands of domains over many years and we single handily take back a large chunk of our own market.
Good idea, But why only GD? Could be as well any registrar.
Because godaddy is the biggest, godaddy now not only controls the godaddy auction but also afternic.

I have my suspicion it's only a matter of time before they buy out huge domains or something else really big.

They are a runaway train and we have to be careful to hand them too much power.
Actually i'm already doing that, i list my soon-drops here on $1 auctions. No GD though, so far.
This thread turned into a discussion about the idea, so we've moved it to the feedback forum. Please feel free to create a new thread for this idea once you work out the details.

Additionally it would be nice if a mod could put this topic into a section where everyone can update their post at any time when the domains get claimed.
As long as the thread is created with the rules in mind, the best place for it to appear would be under Free Domain Names, which does not have a time limit on edits.

Another option would be in the Advertising Board, which also does not have a time limit on edits.

However, Free Domain Names would receive more visibility.

Learn more about edit times.

We hope that helps.
We hope that helps

Due to nature of the idea in question (_expiring_ domains), in any case the result would be incompatible with the following rule from "Free Domans" section:
"Include at least one domain name (from the domain list) in the title of the thread"

I am also wondering what (if any) extra possibilites (such as integrated shop with $0 pricing for example) can the forum software or its addons provide for better setup and management of these specific domain lists. For example it might be more practical to have just one thread and one list inside, which would show accumulated "portfolio" of free expiring domains from all members who wished to include their expireds... and updated from time to time. Or, maybe, various threads - one per registrar.

It would also be interesting to understand would NamePros itself (on ownership / mods / etc. level ) be willing to participate in any aspect, for example by rewarding members who are giving the domains for free to other members - with stars/points, membership upgrades or anything similar, etc., etc.

The idea imho is very good if we think about it - forum members giving something for free to other members. I'd personally consider it like this "as is", not against GoDaddy/Enom/Netsol/Tucows or any other registrar that is selling expireds as pre-release.

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