
discuss I don't sell them to fish.

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
As I read postings here where proud buyers show off their new finds and say things like "If you say these random letter/numbers this way it almost sounds like..." I keep thinking of the old joke. The would-be fisherman goes into the hardware store looking for lures. After looking over all the choices for a while he finally says to the clerk "Do fish really bite on these things?" The clerk replies "I don't know, I don't sell them to fish."

I think there are a lot of lures being sold that will never do anything for the buyer but take up space in the tackle box. Which isn't to say you can't make a nice business out of selling lures to fishermen. :)
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Sure but just like fishing domains are a great way to pass time, and if it cost you a little so what. I treat domaining as a hobby that pays for itself, as long as the good ones pay for the bad ones its all good.
haha funny joke, never heard it before :D

good point too, think about the end user, what would he use it for
That is so true, I'm guilty of doing that sometimes. :guilty: But what really cracks me up is how they explain something like uqtx.com (for example, taken by the way) is pronounceable. :hehe:
lzy said:
That is so true, I'm guilty of doing that sometimes. :guilty: But what really cracks me up is how they explain something like uqtx.com (for example, taken by the way) is pronounceable. :hehe:
it is very difficult for us (english speakers) understand how "uqtx" is pronounceable -> i agree w that, no doubts...
but here in NP we have people from many countries... i cant even imagine where people come from what is a great thing cuz we can improve our knownledge... im from brazil, portuguese native speaker and TBH "uqtx" isnt pronounceable to me but as people say here for example the letter "q" is very popular in the chinese language, who knows if it is pronounceable in chinese or in any other language?
calling uqtx pronounceable is ridiculous .. lets look for better example ;)
Exactly my point. I don't remember specifically but it's somewhere along that line.

And definitely not pronounceable in Chinese. :hehe:
"Lures are designed to catch fisherman, not fish"

calling uqtx pronounceable is ridiculous .. lets look for better example ;)

Pronounceable is the lure to catch a fisherman, not the lure to catch a fish.

Teaching someone to fish is more than just trying to sell somebody a lure. But fishing without a lure may be difficult unless you have a large or efficient casting net.
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These lures also attract a school too.. but not of fish unfortunately
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