
HTML enabled text in NamePros Parking

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There are several description fields within the NamePros Parking dashboard that are labeled as "HTML enabled." Understanding how to effectively use these fields will greatly increase the customization options you have available for your landers.

What does "HTML enabled" mean?​

This label simply means that you can use HTML syntax within the field. This allows you to format the content of that field to your liking, such as making it bold, underlining it, or even adding lists, headers, and more!

A course on what HTML is goes beyond the scope of this guide, but we will provide a brief introduction:

HTML is primarily compromised of "tags", similar to the BBCodes that you may be familiar with from the text editor you use to create and edit posts here on NamePros. Each tag results in a different display on your lander. For example, the <b> tag will cause bold text. Generally, each tag begins with an opening tag (<b>) and ends with a closing tag (</b>). Any content of the tag (<b>Tag content!</b>) will receive the effects of the tag. In this case, that results in the display "Tag content!", as we used the <b> tag.

For security and to ensure proper lander appearance, we only allow a small subset of HTML tags within the description fields, check below for a breakdown of what tags are allowed where. Attributes are currently not allowed for any tag. Disallowed tags and attributes are stripped from the HTML that will appear on your landers.

Where can I use HTML?​

There are currently three HTML enabled fields, within the Short description, Expanded description, and Seller description options under the "Extras" section of your parking profile and the edit pages for domains. Each field has it's own requirements, which we will address below.

The following tags can be used in any HTML enabled field:

<b>Example Text</b>or <strong>Example Text</strong>Example Text
<i>Example Text</i>or <em>Example Text</em>Example Text
<u>Example Text</u>Example Text
<s>Example Text</s>Example Text
<mark>Example Text</mark>
<code>Example Text</code>
* appearance may vary.

Short description and Seller description​

The short description option allows a small amount of text below the domain name heading, within the main domain name display. This field cannot use any additional HTML tags, has a max length of 150 characters (HTML tags do not count towards this limit), and does not support template variables since those could make the description too long.

The seller description option works the same as the short description but appears under your user card on landing pages.

Example of short description on lander.

The above display is accomplished with the following HTML:

Example short description with <i>simple</i> <b>formatting</b> <u>options</u>!

Expanded description (long description)​

The expanded description option allows for a large amount of text to appear in a separate description area, appearing below the main domain display.

This field allows the usage of the following additional HTML tags:
  • <h1>Large heading</h1>
  • <h2>Smaller heading</h2>
  • <h3>Smallest heading</h3>
  • <p>Paragraph</p>
  • <hr /> - Horizontal line
  • <br /> - Line break
  • <ol><li>Ordered list</li></ol>
  • <ul><li>Unordered list</li></ul>
  • <li>List item</li> - Can only be used inside an ordered or unordered list.
  • <img src="https://link-to-your-image" /> - See additional notes below.
In addition the expanded description supports template variables. Variables are in the format of {variable}. There is currently only one supported variable:
  • {domain} - Inserts the current capitalized domain name.
This can be useful if you are setting a global description in your parking profile, but want to personalize descriptions for each domain. More variables will be supported in the future.

Checkbox used to automatically insert structural HTML.

The expanded description contains an additional "Display each line separately and keep text spacing" option, which can be helpful if you don't want to structure your text using the tags above.
With it enabled then we will insert HTML tags to match the plain text structure you provide. This option is enabled by default, but it is highly recommended to disable it if you are familiar with HTML as it may result in an unexpected display.

Add images to your landers​

The first step is to upload each image to a website that will provide you with a URL to that image, such as:
  • NamePros: Upload an image to a thread, post, or direct message on NamePros.
  • Other image hosting providers include:
    • Postimage (copy "Direct link") [Recommended]
    • ImgBB (select "HTML full linked" then remove the <a ...> tags)
    • Freeimage.host (select "HTML full linked" then remove the <a ...> tags)
    • Imgur (right-click image then "Copy Image Address")
The final step is to paste the URL of each image into their own <img src="url-of-image-here" /> tag. Therefore, if you want two images to appear one after the other, you could do this:
<img src="url-of-image-1" />
<img src="url-of-image-2" />

<img /> tags are used to display images on your landers, and there are several things to keep in mind when using them:
  • You should provide text describing the image in the alt attribute: <img src="..." alt="Photograph of puppy" />
  • Images have a default styling that rounds the corners and adds a slight shadow. This styling can be disabled by adding the custom unstyle attribute: <img src="..." unstyle />
  • Images have a maximum displayed height of 600px. Images can take up the full width of the description area, any images that are narrower than the area will be centered.
  • The source of the image (in the src attribute) must be loaded over https. Any urls that do not use https will be automatically converted to it, which may prevent your image from loading.

Example of expanded description display on a lander.

The above display is accomplished with the following HTML ("Display each line separately and keep text spacing" is not enabled):

<h1>Ait enim se, si uratur, Quam hoc suave! dicturum.</h1>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <i>Quo igitur, inquit, modo?</i> Ille enim occurrentia nescio quae comminiscebatur; Summae mihi videtur inscitiae. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. </p>

    <li>Non quam nostram quidem, inquit Pomponius iocans;</li>
    <li>Si longus, levis dictata sunt.</li>
    <li>Utrum igitur tibi litteram videor an totas paginas commovere?</li>
    <li>Nec enim, omnes avaritias si aeque avaritias esse dixerimus, sequetur ut etiam aequas esse dicamus.</li>

<h2>Si longus, levis dictata sunt.</h2>

    <li>Ego quoque, inquit, didicerim libentius si quid attuleris, quam te reprehenderim.</li>
    <li>Iam enim adesse poterit.</li>
    <li>Qua ex cognitione facilior facta est investigatio rerum occultissimarum.</li>
    <li>Qui autem de summo bono dissentit de tota philosophiae ratione dissentit.</li>

<p>Inquit, dasne adolescenti veniam? A mene tu? <b>Quae cum magnifice primo dici viderentur, considerata minus probabantur.</b> Quid autem habent admirationis, cum prope accesseris? Hic nihil fuit, quod quaereremus. Inde igitur, inquit, ordiendum est. </p>


The descriptions are optional: you can set any combination of them, such as all of them or none of them.

Here's an example of using only the expanded description:

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