
How many of your registered domains are not connected to a website?

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
This is just something I'm always curious about.
How many of your registered domains have no website connected to them?

And let's not count the "This domain is for sale..."-generic websites. I count those as not having a website.

Looking at my own portfolio I would say it's about 50-75%. Mostly non-english variations.

What's yours?
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That's an interesting question! In my case, a significant portion of my domains don't have active websites connected to them, probably around 60-70%. Many of them are just parked for future projects or niche-specific ideas that I haven't fully explored yet. It's always fun to think about how many domains could potentially become something big down the road!
None of them, else looking for limbo stasis. Which means one of two things: you're a collector, or are using the domain for underlaying tech, eg email, forwarding. Or, are just a dick sitting on something in perpetuity.
This is just something I'm always curious about.
How many of your registered domains have no website connected to them?

And let's not count the "This domain is for sale..."-generic websites. I count those as not having a website.

Looking at my own portfolio I would say it's about 50-75%. Mostly non-english variations.

What's yours?
I don't put up a site, I just point to one of afternic, brandpa, atom, or brandbucket.

I suppose there is some case where someone sees nice pictures and some text and they decide to buy.

But...when my domains sell, it is usually someone who was looking for something pretty specific or found it as a suggestion on the marketplace where the servers point. I think that unless it is a name with only one use, the photos could steer someone away if they think that the use that you pointed out doesn't match what they were thinking and that plants some extra doubt.

The marketplace landers give exactly the information that I want. I generally think the same thing about logos, but I use them anyway. I don't think a logo every sold a name for me.
If you want to resell your domain name you need to make it knowing... spread the verb. To spread the verb on intenet means e-marketing. Then, a simple website, one page that has your www. (domainname). (somewhat) is the first step for e-marketing. On that page you can give different types of information about the domain name, its possible use, your direct contact or the link to an aftermarket where you sell the DN.
Have care to rank well on Google, use keywords, get backlinks from social, use ads, etc.
Those are the basic criteria for selling online.

On the contrary, if you consider domaining like trading, you only have to buy and resell, list, and agin buy and resell, search the worst names at the lowest price to resell them at the highest possible price. You don't care about end users, you don't care about websites, social, etc. Only buy the worst name, price it high, list it on aftermarkets and forget it. it will live a life of its own if it deserves it. And if you have been good at choosing, you will gain, otherwise you will fall disastrously.
why would you buy the worst names at the lowest price?
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I understand what you mean. Perhaps you intend to establish a website to showcase the active use or value of the domain, thereby enhancing your bargaining power.
I understand what you mean. Perhaps you intend to establish a website to showcase the active use or value of the domain, thereby enhancing your bargaining power.
It depends if you want to sell to an end user or if you have a super-premium-domain to sell to other investors.
Have care to rank well on Google, use keywords, get backlinks from social, use ads, etc.

Organic SEO, quality backlinks, and domain authority are separate entities suited for a webmaster versus a domainer with x amount of domains.

Last I checked 2 of my domains have a (decent) MOZ ranking.
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