
Hexonet back order system is terrible

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I placed a back order at Hexonet for Transport.us. On July 12 they caught the domain. My control panel said “pending auction” which means that there were multiple orders. No problem there.

On the 18th I emailed support to ask when the auction would start. Support responded on the 20th and said there would indeed be an auction and I would be informed of the start via email. Apparently the auction started at some point on the 20th and ended on the 23rd. I was never informed that the auction started. Not cool!

@Team Hexonet please respond. This type of mistake just cannot happen.
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Did you check your spam? I remember missing an auction the first time I backordered something at Hexonet, but eventually found the email in spam. They send auction invitation emails from PremiumSale.com.
Did you check your spam? I remember missing an auction the first time I backordered something at Hexonet, but eventually found the email in spam. They send auction invitation emails from PremiumSale.com.
Yes I checked spam and nothing there. Premiumsale does not show that I lost the auction which means I wasn’t a participant.
Support said they sent me an auction link the day they caught the domain. This is true, however, it doesn’t take you to a running auction. That was on the 12th.

On the 20th, support emailed and said I would receive an email when the auction started. Never happened.

Beware of this service!!!
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