
question-answered Hello, I need help about aged domain

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
hello everyone , im beginner here. i want asking about aged domain.
i just brough 3 aged domain from dropcatch with spam score 1% and not yet using and only use ns from namebright
the problem is. the domain i brough going up the spam score what happen ? and why spam score going up from 1% to 40% and 50%
not using 1 month
but other domain not using 2 month still staying 11%
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Who knows, no https? There should be a scam score for Moz and other SEO mumbo jumbo.
Who knows, no https? There should be a scam score for Moz and other SEO mumbo jumbo.
so the aged domain should have https ?
mumbo jumbo.

yeah, a lot of that going on
and for a newbie, if you don't know, then best not to go there

age, don't mean a thang, if it ain't got that swang.

I don't give any weight to such seotool-specific scores, but you certainly shouldn't put any trust in them if you don't know how they are calculated. Learn the game. (Most of us here don't play that game.)
hello everyone , im beginner here. i want asking about aged domain.
i just brough 3 aged domain from dropcatch with spam score 1% and not yet using and only use ns from namebright
the problem is. the domain i brough going up the spam score what happen ? and why spam score going up from 1% to 40% and 50%
not using 1 month
but other domain not using 2 month still staying 11%
You need to learn how to use English much better and learn how to type too. Slovenly English and sloppy typing will not get you far.
why you care about the useless metrics at all.
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