
trade Getting a Loan on Your Domain Names? - Help

Spaceship Spaceship
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Established Member
Hello, I wanted to know if anyone had advice or input on getting a loan on my domain names. I submitted an application where I feel like I just signed away 15 of my best names for $4200 USD that I need as working capital for a business I have, but I am waiting to get approved, waiting to find out what the interest rate is, and I specified I wanted to pay it back in 3 months.

Has anyone had success going through with this type of digital asset financing, and what should I know?
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Would appreciate some answers thanks!
I've never done this, and never read about it, but I'd be very surprised to learn that a financial institution would be willing to loan money out with domain names as collateral. The names would need to have easily verifiable liquid value for the bank/loaner to guarantee that they could recoup their money.

Let us know how it goes.
Banks don't do it. It's more like pawn shop business. In fact, the earliest person I knew of lending money for domains you already own was a pawnshop owner in Florida.
Yep, check out epik...they are the only 'lenders' I would do a loan with.
I've never done this, and never read about it, but I'd be very surprised to learn that a financial institution would be willing to loan money out with domain names as collateral. The names would need to have easily verifiable liquid value for the bank/loaner to guarantee that they could recoup their money.

Let us know how it goes.

Right. No established financial institution is going to make a loan on a domain.

You might be able to get a loan or line of credit based on the finances of your business that deals in domains, but not on the domains themselves.

Yeah I am looking for someone here to give me a $2k-$4k loan at 20% interest for only 3 months via PayPal so they can simply reverse the payment worst comes to worst. I would pay $5k back in three months for $4k, and an Escrow Broker would hold onto my names as collateral.
I really want to know about this business, but I don't know if the financial institution recognizes the domain name mortgage. Moreover, I think the 20% interest rate is no different from the monster.
In the true sense of "mortgage" loans, the interest rate will not exceed 10%
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