- Impact
- 169
The top domain name sale of the day was CV.co selling for $130,000.00 at Sedo. NameBio tracked 392 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $529,370.00 with an average price of $1,350.43 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was a decrease of 10% in the number of sales but the total dollar volume increased by 37%. NameBio also recorded an additional 1,170 sales below $100 for a total of $24,675.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for September 4th, 2024
Market Stats for September 4th, 2024
Domain | Price | Venue |
cv.co | $130,000 | Sedo |
visionary.vc | $64,000 | WeBroker.VC |
actionexteriors.com | $23,910 | DomainMarket.com |
drhair.com | $15,250 | GoDaddy |
dogshoes.com | $15,000 | GoDaddy |
hotel.io | $6,950 | Sav.com |
kidsland.com | $6,501 | DropCatch |
piperade.com | $6,300 | GoDaddy |
arcland.com | $6,067 | BuyDomains |
halalpickleball.com | $6,000 | Afternic |
keepsearching.com | $5,688 | BuyDomains |
tinz.com | $5,100 | GoDaddy |
jgo.co | $4,980 | Afternic |
exploreyellowstone.com | $4,688 | BuyDomains |
afcinternational.com | $4,288 | BuyDomains |
umbrellaclinic.com | $3,850 | GoDaddy |
expresswire.com | $3,751 | GoDaddy |
arevo.com | $3,700 | DropCatch |
ipupster.com | $3,550 | Namecheap |
television.net | $3,500 | Sedo |
theplaygrounds.com | $3,475 | BuyDomains |
donatedaily.com | $3,388 | BuyDomains |
canyonlakevet.com | $3,250 | GoDaddy |
averagejoes.com | $3,218 | GoDaddy |
crackedlink.com | $3,183 | Namecheap |
sunsetonthewater.com | $3,100 | GoDaddy |
newsouthjournal.com | $3,100 | DropCatch |
sunnyislands.com | $2,988 | BuyDomains |
easylink.net | $2,888 | BuyDomains |
dospinas.com | $2,850 | GoDaddy |
driversdepot.com | $2,688 | BuyDomains |
thebridelink.com | $2,625 | GoDaddy |
crashguys.com | $2,488 | Afternic |
ridesharerental.com | $2,426 | GoDaddy |
urs.ai | $2,399 | Afternic |
ethereum.to | $2,247 | Park.io |
stevejansen.com | $2,211 | DropCatch |
alsafwa.com | $2,208 | GoDaddy |
eatphillysfinestcheesesteaks.com | $2,201 | GoDaddy |
desalembor.id | $2,200 | Catched.com |
warrantyplan.com | $2,188 | BuyDomains |
mrarchitecture.com | $2,144 | BuyDomains |
nopy.to | $2,113 | Park.io |
kbsquared.com | $2,088 | BuyDomains |
millionledchallenge.com | $2,049 | GoDaddy |
elsafamilymedicalclinic.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
shptron.com | $2,000 | GoDaddy |
dinaspendidikantanjungbalai.id | $1,999 | Catched.com |
desatirtalaga.id | $1,988 | Catched.com |
caffeinefix.com | $1,913 | GoDaddy |
engagementgamelab.org | $1,825 | Namecheap |
optionvue.com | $1,800 | DropCatch |
marladesign.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
commonfence.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
toolinstall.com | $1,688 | BuyDomains |
aroundwoodstockmagazine.com | $1,680 | GoDaddy |
dexpay.com | $1,622 | DropCatch |
pastel-chateau-musee.com | $1,600 | DropCatch |
klannlabnyu.org | $1,555 | DropCatch |
sushiyoshiboulder.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
stylishsmile.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
getorro.com | $1,427 | DropCatch |
hiltonvalentine.com | $1,400 | GoDaddy |
nla-group.org | $1,380 | GoDaddy |
dzonesoftware.com | $1,375 | GoDaddy |
mygateway.news | $1,350 | Catched.com |
breezeonbroadway.com | $1,325 | GoDaddy |
015.tv | $1,276 | GoDaddy |
womenspublicpolicynetwork.org | $1,210 | DropCatch |
yogaismagic.com | $1,188 | BuyDomains |
blackrockscotland.com | $1,163 | GoDaddy |
lowcarb-runner.com | $1,150 | GoDaddy |
trypyjion.com | $1,100 | DropCatch |
righteousfew.com | $1,088 | BuyDomains |
mashrou7.com | $1,033 | GoDaddy |
revivalmarket.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
toptrendoffers.com | $1,000 | GoDaddy |
Market Stats for September 4th, 2024
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 360 | $302,146 | $839 | $280 |
New gTLDs | 5 | $3,910 | $782 | $719 |
ccTLDs | 27 | $223,314 | $8,271 | $255 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 310 | $274,056 | $884 | $274 |
ORG | 38 | $19,130 | $503 | $375 |
NET | 10 | $8,544 | $854 | $251 |
IO | 9 | $8,462 | $940 | $155 |
CO | 3 | $135,081 | $45,027 | $4,980 |
ID | 3 | $6,187 | $2,062 | $1,999 |
ME | 2 | $460 | $230 | $230 |
TV | 2 | $1,401 | $701 | $701 |
GROUP | 2 | $1,423 | $712 | $712 |
CN | 2 | $222 | $111 | $111 |
VC | 2 | $64,631 | $32,316 | $32,316 |
INFO | 2 | $416 | $208 | $208 |
TO | 2 | $4,360 | $2,180 | $2,180 |
NEWS | 2 | $2,327 | $1,164 | $1,164 |
SHOP | 1 | $160 | $160 | $160 |
DE | 1 | $111 | $111 | $111 |
AI | 1 | $2,399 | $2,399 | $2,399 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 250 | $162,914 | $652 | $261 |
DropCatch | 42 | $36,703 | $874 | $435 |
Namecheap | 42 | $16,465 | $392 | $205 |
BuyDomains | 17 | $50,118 | $2,948 | $2,688 |
Dynadot | 13 | $3,714 | $286 | $139 |
Catched.com | 7 | $9,120 | $1,303 | $1,350 |
Sav.com | 6 | $7,936 | $1,323 | $101 |
Afternic | 4 | $15,867 | $3,967 | $3,734 |
Sedo | 3 | $133,611 | $44,537 | $3,500 |
Park.io | 3 | $4,462 | $1,487 | $2,113 |
DAN.com | 3 | $550 | $183 | $150 |
WeBroker.VC | 1 | $64,000 | $64,000 | $64,000 |
DomainMarket.com | 1 | $23,910 | $23,910 | $23,910 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 9 | $76,961 | $8,551 | $704 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 3 | $10,555 | $3,518 | $3,500 |
Keyword (x2) | 181 | $200,766 | $1,109 | $293 |
Keyword (x3) | 80 | $41,986 | $525 | $217 |
Keyword (x4) | 21 | $15,517 | $739 | $351 |
Geo Domains | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Geo + Keyword | 12 | $3,492 | $291 | $190 |
Surnames | 5 | $2,364 | $473 | $631 |
Given Names | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Domain Hacks | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crypto Domains | 3 | $2,507 | $836 | $160 |
Cannabis Domains | 6 | $1,930 | $322 | $235 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: