
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Covid deaths rare among fully vaccinated - ONS


"Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses.

They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19.

The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said.

Some deaths after vaccination were always expected because vaccines are not 100% effective, and it takes a couple of weeks after your second dose to build the fullest protection.

Among those who died after two doses, 13% were immunocompromised, 61% were male and more than 75% were clinically extremely vulnerable."
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It's called tyranny. That so many are willing to accept it is surprising to me.

I've seen videos of teenagers being sprayed with mace. People in quarantine scolded for removing their mask to drink.

AU vaccine distribution must have serious problems if you have to lock people down at this time. 99.7% survival rate.

AU vaccine distribution does have serious issues because we were at the back of the line for vaccine deliveries due to the fact that we had things under control earlier in the year, and our consignments were diverted to Europe, India and wherever else they were urgently needed.
Here you stated: "...Australia government officials proclaiming "New World Order"."

No they didn't proclaim anything.

THAT is taking something out of context.

"...your police are beating the shit out people who dare to protest the tyranny that is taking place..."

Police here don't go around beating people up. What often happens is that they meet resistance when lawfully arresting someone who is protesting illegally. I suppose there may have been a few isolated cases of people getting thumped during an arrest, but if you want to take on the boys in blue, good luck to you.

"... aren’t even supposed to be outside their homes unless they proof on them that they have gotten the covid - 19 vaccine"

That's rubbish.

People can put a mask on and go outside for exercise, shopping, and other essential services within a certain distance from home as long as they log in with a QR code app so they can be traced later if they have come into contact with infected people.

There will likely be an arrangement shortly where people who can prove that they are fully vaccinated will be able to travel across state borders, go to pubs and clubs when they eventually reopen, etc.

" ... and according to your Gov .. anyone who isn’t vaccinated when the country hits the 70% mark .. loses their freedoms completely.. so your government is currently under a Marshall law status IMO .."

No they will not lose their freedoms completely. They will not be allowed to do things like visit pubs, clubs and certain other places.

You obviously have no concept of what martial law is, and no, we are not under martial law or anything like it.

"...you need to read how communist government are started …"

No I don't. I already know.

Generally a few communists are required, and there aren't too many of them around.

"...it’s disappointing that the Australian Gov has taken the path they are taking .. it’s very sad for the people of the country IMO..."

What path exactly?

Protecting citizens until we get our vaccines?

Distancing themselves from Trump?

they did proclaim new world order in the video IMO .. most everyone is aware of new world order .. all kinds of things have gone around about new world order for years ..so are you saying it was just mere coincidence that your gov officials said new world order ???

yes .. your police are beating the living shit out of citizens … your country appears to be under a sort of medical Marshall law .. Tyranny is going on wholesale in your country IMO
It's called tyranny. That so many are willing to accept it is surprising to me.

I've seen videos of teenagers being sprayed with mace. People in quarantine scolded for removing their mask to drink.

AU vaccine distribution must have serious problems if you have to lock people down at this time. 99.7% survival rate.

people can clearly see it on videos … Australia is the first country to say “New World Order” that I have heard or seen so far .. who would have thought it would be Australia 1st .. it is .. what it is
they did proclaim new world order in the video IMO .. most everyone is aware of new world order .. all kinds of things have gone around about new world order for years ..so are you saying it was just mere coincidence that your gov officials said new world order ???

yes .. your police are beating the living shit out of citizens … your country appears to be under a sort of medical Marshall law .. Tyranny is going on wholesale in your country IMO

Seriously mate, do yourself a favour and think before you post all these wildly inaccurate accusations!

You could end up on all sorts of watch-lists carrying on like this.
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Seriously mate, do yourself a favour and think before you post all these wildly inaccurate accusations!

You are going to end up on all sorts of watch-lists.

lol .. all I did was post two videos of two Australian Gov officials both saying New World Order … I didn’t say New World Order … the Australian gov officials said New World Order .. then I simply posted the videos .. the damn truth is the damn truth .. as you saw in the two videos … if that puts me on any watchlist .. then perhaps there may be a problem ??? Because all I did was post the videos
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My cousin's friend eh, with no further information.

That totally checks out.

Empirical -------> anecdotal.

Listen to the qualified doctors, not some terrible rapper when it comes to medical advice.

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there ya go Brad .. there is your answer as to how onboard the US military is with covid - 19 vaccines mandate

I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of time wasting today, but the article is complete nonsense from a nonsense website.

As of August 25th, 78% of the the military had received at least a dose. There are only 480,000 active duty military. So as of 3 weeks ago their numbers aren't even close to true.

Also, it assumes that everyone who is not vaccinated is some anti-vaxxer. The vast majority of the military is going to follow LEGAL orders. The order is legal both under Constitutional authority and contract law. If not they have to face the consequences. That is how it works.


Have a good day.

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I am not going to go down the rabbit hole of time wasting today, but the article is complete nonsense from a nonsense website.

As of August 25th, 78% of the the military had received at least a dose. There are only 480,000 active duty military. So as of 3 weeks ago their numbers aren't even close to true.

Also, it assumes that everyone who is not vaccinated is some anti-vaxxer. The vast majority of the military is going to follow LEGAL orders. The order is legal both under Constitutional authority and contract law. If not they have to face the consequences. That is how it works.


Have a good day.

All I can do is post proof .. rather you except or not is completely up to you
No, there has been no requirement for children under the age of 12 to wear masks anywhere throughout the pandemic

I actually saw two masked toddlers out with their mother today.

They were both scooting around on tricycles without a care in the world.

It was cute, though vaguely unsettling.

We don't have a mask wearing requirement for children either.
I always tell people a wear mask correctly for the best protection.

You have the right to protest... just don't say anything negative about the Gov.

Seriously mate, do yourself a favour and think before you post all these wildly inaccurate accusations!

You could end up on all sorts of watch-lists carrying on like this.
Via Yahoo : Federal Judge Blocks New York Covid -19 mandate for healthcare workers

I would say so … they all walked off the job yesterday because of the Joe Biden’s covid -19 vaccine mandate … people in numbers can make things happen …the tyranny will stop ..not to mention .. New York is a VERY Blue State

I can’t forget the command from @bmugford

“ Get The Vaccine … Or get tested weekly … The choice is yours ! 😂😂😂
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Do you people who have taken the covid - 19 vaccine ever wonder why Healthcare professionals will not take the vaccine ??

it’s like going to an eye doctor who wears glasses … ask .. hey doc .. have you thought about getting a certain eye surgery .. the Doctor says .. no I haven’t … but the Doctor is fixing to perform the eye surgery procedure on you ..

Yesterday .. Some New York doctors walked off their job rather than take the covid vaccine .. I don’t think it had to do with the vaccine as much as it had to with Joe Biden mandatory vaccine mandate… Today ? A judge struck the Biden mandatory vaccine order so they wouldn’t lose their jobs and careers

I personally have no problem with the vaccines .. to each their own .. I have a problem with Joe Biden vaccine mandate .. and now that I know you people in this forum agree with the Joe Biden vaccine mandate .. I have made it my business to join in this forum .. If I had gotten the same respect I have given .. I wouldn’t be in here .. I am going no where now .. here once again .. you people started it … I go no where unless my 1st Amendment American right is taken away from me in here .. now let’s get to talking

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Army’s plan for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines is here

The Army rolled out its mandatory COVID-19 vaccine deadlines and refusal procedures in a Tuesday afternoon press release, becoming the final branch of the military to announce its approach to fulfilling Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Aug. 24 order that all uniformed personnel receive the shot.

Army Times also obtained a copy of the Army’s execution order posted to social media that provides more details on the immunization campaign — including involuntary discharges at an unannounced future date for soldiers who refuse the vaccine.

“This is quite literally a matter of life and death for our Soldiers, their families and the communities in which we live,” said Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle, the Army Surgeon General. “Case counts and deaths continue to be concerning as the Delta variant spreads, which makes protecting the force through mandatory vaccination a health and readiness priority for the total Army.”

Since Aug. 1, at least 13 troops have died of COVID-19, including at least four servicemembers under the age of 30.

But despite Dingle calling the vaccine “a matter of life and death,” the Army set the least ambitious timeline for vaccination of any of the military services.

Active duty troops have until Dec. 15 to receive one of the vaccines authorized by either the Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization. The Air Force, by comparison, has set its deadline for Nov. 2 for airmen and guardians; sailors and marines have until Nov. 28, the Navy says.

“As of today, more than 80% of active duty Soldiers have received at least their first dose,” said Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Terence Kelley. “These dates are readiness goals, and as with any other readiness requirement, Soldiers are required to receive the vaccine when it is available and directed by their commander.”

Soldiers in the National Guard have until June 30, 2022, to receive their vaccines — six months longer than reservists of any other military branch, who have December deadlines.

Asked about the longer deadline for reserve component troops, Kelley said that it’s because “many reserve component units [are] conducting virtual assemblies due to the pandemic, this timeline allows commanders the time they need to vaccinate their force.”

What happens if a soldier refuses?

According to the release, soldiers who refuse to receive the vaccine will face “administrative or non-judicial punishment [under UCMJ] – to include relief of duties or discharge.” The EXORD states that there will be no forcible immunizations.

No soldier will receive any adverse action while an exemption request is pending, though, nor will they face punishment before their commanders and medical providers have spoken with them about the vaccine and potential disciplinary proceedings if they continue to refuse. Kelley told Army Times that continued refusal could result in “judicial punishment” — courts-martial — as well.

Soldiers will be able to request “legitimate” medical, religious or administrative exemptions in accordance with existing Army regulations and policies, the release said. The Army has also released a new directive that will provide additional guidance on exemption requests, but Army officials were unable to provide a copy ahead of the document’s official release.

Army’s plan for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines is here

The Army rolled out its mandatory COVID-19 vaccine deadlines and refusal procedures in a Tuesday afternoon press release, becoming the final branch of the military to announce its approach to fulfilling Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Aug. 24 order that all uniformed personnel receive the shot.

Army Times also obtained a copy of the Army’s execution order posted to social media that provides more details on the immunization campaign — including involuntary discharges at an unannounced future date for soldiers who refuse the vaccine.

“This is quite literally a matter of life and death for our Soldiers, their families and the communities in which we live,” said Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle, the Army Surgeon General. “Case counts and deaths continue to be concerning as the Delta variant spreads, which makes protecting the force through mandatory vaccination a health and readiness priority for the total Army.”

Since Aug. 1, at least 13 troops have died of COVID-19, including at least four servicemembers under the age of 30.

But despite Dingle calling the vaccine “a matter of life and death,” the Army set the least ambitious timeline for vaccination of any of the military services.

Active duty troops have until Dec. 15 to receive one of the vaccines authorized by either the Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organization. The Air Force, by comparison, has set its deadline for Nov. 2 for airmen and guardians; sailors and marines have until Nov. 28, the Navy says.

“As of today, more than 80% of active duty Soldiers have received at least their first dose,” said Army spokesperson Lt. Col. Terence Kelley. “These dates are readiness goals, and as with any other readiness requirement, Soldiers are required to receive the vaccine when it is available and directed by their commander.”

Soldiers in the National Guard have until June 30, 2022, to receive their vaccines — six months longer than reservists of any other military branch, who have December deadlines.

Asked about the longer deadline for reserve component troops, Kelley said that it’s because “many reserve component units [are] conducting virtual assemblies due to the pandemic, this timeline allows commanders the time they need to vaccinate their force.”

What happens if a soldier refuses?

According to the release, soldiers who refuse to receive the vaccine will face “administrative or non-judicial punishment [under UCMJ] – to include relief of duties or discharge.” The EXORD states that there will be no forcible immunizations.

No soldier will receive any adverse action while an exemption request is pending, though, nor will they face punishment before their commanders and medical providers have spoken with them about the vaccine and potential disciplinary proceedings if they continue to refuse. Kelley told Army Times that continued refusal could result in “judicial punishment” — courts-martial — as well.

Soldiers will be able to request “legitimate” medical, religious or administrative exemptions in accordance with existing Army regulations and policies, the release said. The Army has also released a new directive that will provide additional guidance on exemption requests, but Army officials were unable to provide a copy ahead of the document’s official release.


80% have already received at least one dose.

The requirement is Constitutional, and is clearly layed out in Army Command Policy 600-20, Section 5-4, Subsection 2 which covers immunizations.

Those terms were there when people in the military voluntarily signed up and accepted them.

At the end of the day the vast majority will be vaccinated, as required under their voluntary service terms.

A small amount of the loud minority will be left that will pay the price for violating the terms that they voluntarily agreed to.

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In my area today:

Talked with a hospital pharmacist, and a nurse from another hospital. No beds left at the one hospital, pretty much the same at the other, and not enough staff at both. Nurse doesn't know how they're going to deal, as the covid hospitalization #s keep climbing - rationed care?

Pharmacist said a lot in her hospital now are younger ones, some at a 'level 2' - not a good level to be at, from what I understand. Pretty much all are unvaccinated.
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