
discuss Clickbait Titles/Domains

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
The title for this thread was inspired by NP member @Chris Hydrick;

"You could always try @ThatNameGuy's method of creating a new thread, with a catchy title, say a bunch of random stuff, then plug your domain as the reason why the random stuff you just said makes sense.

Because of his click bait like titles, and spicy opening posts, his threads tend to draw the reaction of the crowd. Even though the crowd is not usually in his favor, that doesn't stop him from keep trying."

While is already registered, i can't say the same for (at least it's not registered now).

My question? Wouldn't a domain that attracts attention be considered "Clickbait"?
While names like and are already taken, might they be considered click bait?

Anyway, if you clicked on this thread due to the "Title", then you have @Chris Hydrick to either blame or thank.
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Because of his click bait like titles, and spicy opening posts, his threads tend to draw the reaction of the crowd.

Are you trying to turn yourself into PICKLE RICH?

I guess that's not entirely a bad thing. Just don't go getting all SPICY on us!

My question? Wouldn't a domain that attracts attention be considered "Clickbait"?

Yes, attention may be great for specific marketing purposes but for investment purposes, there's so many click bait options.

Do you remember what domain DoorDash used in their last SuperBowl ad?

Do you see how that domain would be a terrible domain investment, but a fantastic domain given the context of how it was marketed?

While names like and are already taken, might they be considered click bait?

Some may argue SharkAttack.Horse is more click baity than But if you come to a domain investing forum and try to sell SharkAttack.Horse, well you'd have a completely different experience than trying to sell You've registered and dropped more new Tlds than most domain investors, so you know that not all horses are stallions...

If I had to think of the most click-baity domain, my guess would be But whatever you do, DO NOT click that link!!

P.S. DoNotClick.Horse is available for reg fee. 🐴
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On the literal front, "ClickBait" is regged in 91 Tlds (according to dotDb) and namebio has two recorded sales:

Show attachment 257306
On the not so literal front, Clickbait Domains according to Namebio shows 1,185 sales with domains starting with "click" and 435 sales for domains ending with "domains".

For the record, I'll be defining for end users what Clickbait Domains are....NotYou:xf.rolleyes:com
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Is there a word even invented for this where it's an ironic pletoplasm of an OP click-bait proven through scumpled response on own thread?
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